

但是,对每一车辆损失的免赔额不得超过117计算单位,对每名旅客的车辆以外的其他行李损失的免赔额不得超过13计算单位。    However, the deductible with respect to the loss of or damage to the passengers' vehicles shall not exceed 117 Units of Account per vehicle, whereas the deductible for the loss of or damage to the luggage other than the vehicle shall not exceed 13 Units of Account per piece of luggage per passenger.
但是,对发生部分损失未经修复又发生全部损失的,保险人按照全部损失赔偿。    However, the insurer shall only be liable for the total loss where the total loss occurs after the partial loss which has not been repaired.
但是,请求人撤回起诉、撤回仲裁或者起诉被裁定驳回的,时效中断。    However, the limitation of time shall not be discontinued if the claimant withdraws his action or his submission for arbitration, or his action has been rejected by a decision of the court.
但是,本款规定不影响共同海损的分摊。    However, the provisions of this paragraph shall not prejudice the contribution in general average, if any.
但是,非过失方者过失方可以就此项过失提出赔偿请求或者进行抗辩。    However, this shall not prejudice any remedies or defences which may be open against or to that party in respect of such fault.
但是,航次租船合同应当书面订立。电报、电传和传真具有书面效力。    However, voyage charter shall be done in writing. Telegrams, telexes and telefaxes have the effect of written documents.
但是,第(四)项涉及责任人以合同约定支付的报酬,责任人的支付责任不得援用本条赔偿责任限制的规定。    However, with respect to the remuneration set out in sub-paragraph (4) for which the person liable pays as agreed upon in the contract, in relation to the obligation for payment, the person liable may not invoke the provisions on limitation of liability of this Article.
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