(三)因海船租用合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由交船港、还船港、船籍港所在地、被告住所地海事法院管辖; (3) A lawsuit brought on maritime charter parties may be under jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place of its port of ship delivery, port of ship return, port of ship registry, port where the defendant has its domicile;(三)违反本条例第三十条第二款、第三十二条的规定,尚未构成犯罪的,可以处以5000元以下罚款、没收或者扣留非法携带的物品。 (3) A person who violates item 2 of Article 30 and Article 32 but not serious enough to constitute a crime, may be punished by imposing a fine of less than 5,000 RMB, and confiscating or withholding the articles unlawfully carried.(三)事故报告或《海上交通事故报告书》的内容不符合规定要求或不真实,影响调查工作进行或给有关部门造成损失的; (3) Affecting the progress of the investigations or causing losses to the departments concerned because the content of the accident report or the Report Concerning Maritime Traffic Accident does not meet the stipulated requirement or it is not truthful;(三)所担保的债权数额、利息率、受偿期限。 (3) Amount of debt secured, the interest rate and the period for the repayment of the debt.(三)战争或者武装冲突; (3) An act of war or an armed conflict; or(三)对本章规定的举证责任作出相反的约定; (3) Any clause that contains provisions contrary to those of this Chapter concerning burden of proof;(三)机组人员相应的执照; (3) Appropriate licences for crew members;(四)因海上保赔合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由保赔标的物所在地、事故发生地、被告住所地海事法院管辖; (4) A lawsuit brought on a maritime protection and indemnity contract may be under jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place where the object of the action is located, the place where the accident occurred or the place where the defendant has its domicile;(四)铺设海底管道工程对海洋资源和环境影响报告书; (4) a report on the repercussions of the cable-and pipeline-laying engineering project on marine resources and environment;(四)当被救助方合理地要求其他救助方参与救助作业时,接受此种要求,但是要求不合理的,原救助方的救助报酬金额不受影响。 (4) Accept the reasonable request of the salved party to seek the participation in the salvage operation of other salvors. However, if the request is not wellfounded, the amount of payment due to the original salvor shall not be affected.(四)违反第九条规定,影响事故调查的; (4) Affecting the investigation of the accident by violating the provisions of Article 9;(四)政府有关部门实施的与货物入境、出境或者过境有关的行为。 (4) An act of public authority carried out in connection with the entry, exit or transit of the cargo.(四)限制旅客提出赔偿请求的权利。 (4) Any clause that restricts the right of claim of the passenger.(五)事故发生的详细经过(碰撞事故应附相对运动示意图); (5) A detailed description of the course of the accident (for a collision, a sketch map illustration the face-to-face movements shall be attached);(五)因海船的船员劳务合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由原告住所地、合同签订地、船员登船港或者离船港所在地、被告住所地海事法院管辖; (5) A lawsuit brought on a maritime contract of employment of crew may be under jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place where the plaintiff has its domicile, the place where the contract is signed, the place of the port where the crew is abroad or the port where the crew leaves the ship or the place where the defendant has its domicile;(五)政府或者主管部门的行为、检疫限制或者司法扣押; (5) Act of the government or competent authorities, quarantine restrictions or seizure under legal process;(六)因海事担保纠纷提起的诉讼,由担保物所在地、被告住所地海事法院管辖;因船舶抵押纠纷提起的诉讼,还可以由船籍港所在地海事法院管辖; (6) A lawsuit brought on a maritime guaranty may be under jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place where the property mortgaged is located or the place where the defendant has its domicile; a lawsuit brought on a ship mortgage may also be under jurisdiction of the maritime court in the place of registry port;(七)因海船的船舶所有权、占有权、使用权、优先权纠纷提起的诉讼,由船舶所在地、船籍港所在地、被告住所地海事法院管辖。 (7) a lawsuit brought on ownership, procession, and use, maritime liens of a ship, may be under jurisdiction of the maritime court of the place where the ship is located, the place of ship registry or the place where the defendant has its domicile.(七)货物运输或者旅客运输的协议; (7) an agreement for carriage of goods or passengers;(七)扰乱机场秩序的其他行为。 (7) Any other acts disturbing the order in airport.(八)托运人、货物所有人或者他们的代理人的行为; (8) Act of the shipper, owner of the goods or their agents;(九)用于救助作业的船舶和其他设备的可用性和使用情况; (9) Availability and use of ships or other equipment intended for salvage operations;1.申请人和被申请人的名称和住所(如有邮政编码、电话、电传、传真、电报号码或其他电子通讯方式,也应写明); (a) The name and address of the Claimant and those of the Respondent, including the zip code, telephone number, telex number, fax number and cable number or other electronic communication address, if any;一九九0年九月八日国务院批准 (Approved by the State Council on September 8, 1990 and promulgated by Decree No. 13 of the General Customs Administration on September 9, 1990)外航按要求补齐全部材料后,民航局受理申请,申请材料经补正后仍不符合要求的,民航局不予受理,并出具不予受理的书面凭证。 ??? After foreign airlines complete all materials, Civil Aviation Administration shall handle the applications. But if the complete materials still fail to meet the requirements, Civil Aviation Administration shall not handle the applications and shall issue written certificates explaining the reasons thereof.??