机场控制区通行证,由民航公安机关按照国务院民用航空主管部门的有关规定制发和管理。 Airport controlled area pass shall be made, issued and controlled by the civil aviation public security unit in accordance with the regulations concerned of the competent civil aviation authorities under the State Council.其他船员必须经过相应的专业技术训练。 All other crew members must undergo specialized technical training required for their work.前款所列赔偿请求,无论提出的方式有何不同,均可以限制赔偿责任。 All the claims set out in the preceding paragraph, whatever the way they are lodged, may be entitled to limitation of liability.承运人和旅客可以约定,承运人对旅客车辆和旅客车辆以外的其他行李损失的免赔额。 An agreement may be reached between the carrier and the passengers with respect to the deductibles applicable to the compensation for loss of or damage to the passengers' vehicles and luggage other than their vehicles.设立责任限制基金的申请可以在起诉前或者诉讼中提出,但最迟应当在一审判决作出前提出。 An application for constituting a limitation fund for liability may be submitted before bring an action or during the proceedings, but it shall be submitted at least before the making of the judgment of first instance.仲裁协议系指当事人在合同、提单、运单或援引的文件中订明的仲裁条款,或者以其他方式达成的提交仲裁的书面协议。 An arbitration agreement means an arbitration clause stipulated by the parties in their contract, bill of lading, waybill, documents invoked or a written agreement concluded by the parties in other forms to submit their dispute for arbitration.企业事业单位犯前款罪的,判处罚金,并对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依照前款规定追究刑事责任。 An enterprise or institution which commits the crime prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be subject to a fine, and criminal responsibilities shall be investigated against the person directly in charge and other personnel directly responsible for the crime in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.非经国家授权或者未取得专业资格的机构或者个人所作的检验或者估价结论,海事法院不予采纳。 An inspection or evaluation conclusion drawn by an institution or individual without authority granted by the State or without professional qualifications shall not be accepted by the maritime court.国际机场还应当具备国际通航条件,设立海关和其他口岸检查机关。 An international airport shall also have the conditions for operating international air transport and be provided with customs and other port inspection organs.前款公路附属设施,是指为保护、养护公路和保障公路安全畅通所设置的公路防护、排水、养护、管理、服务、交通安全、渡运、监控、通信、收费等设施、设备以及专用建筑物、构筑物等。 Ancillary facilities of roads mentioned in the preceding paragraph refer to facilities, equipment and special buildings or structures for road protection, water discharge, maintenance, management, services, traffic safety, ferrying, monitoring and control, telecommunications and fee collection for the purpose of protecting, maintaining and ensuring traffic safety of roads.参与恶意串通的竞买人应当承担拍卖船舶费用并赔偿有关损失。 Any bidder involved in malicious collusion shall pay expenses for auctioning the ship and compensate losses incurred.托运人因申报不实而少交的运费和其他费用应当补交,铁路运输企业按照国务院铁路主管部门的规定加收运费和其他费用。 Any deficiency in payment of transport charges and other fees as a result of untrue declaration of the goods shipped shall be made up by the shipper concerned, and the railway transport enterprise shall, according to the relevant regulations of the competent department in charge of railways under the State Council, collect from the shipper extra transport charges and other fees.船舶在海上为救助或者企图救助人命或者财产而发生的绕航或者其他合理绕航,不属于违反前款规定的行为。 Any deviation in saving or attempting to save life or property at sea or any reasonable deviation shall not be deemed to be an act deviating from the provisions of the preceding paragraph.有特殊情况需要延长的,由本院院长批准。 Any extension of the period necessitated by special circumstances shall be subject to the approval of the president of the court.有特殊情况需要延长的,由本院院长批准。 Any extension of the period necessitated by special circumstances shall be subject to the approval of the president of the court.专用铁路兼办公共旅客、货物运输营业的,应当报经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准。 Any industrial railway which will take up also public passenger or goods (or both) transport services on commercial basis shall report such to and obtain approval from the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.任何一个保险人支付的赔偿金额超过其应当承担的赔偿责任的,有权向未按照其应当承担的赔偿责任支付赔偿金额的保险人追偿。 Any insurer who has paid an indemnification in an amount greater than that for which he is liable, shall have the right of recourse against those who have not paid their indemnification in the amounts for which they are liable.自铁路运输企业发出领取通知之日起满九十日仍无人领取的包裹或者到站后满九十日仍无人领取的行李,铁路运输企业应当公告,公告满九十日仍无人领取的,可以变卖;所得价款在扣除保管等费用后尚有余款的,托运人、收货人或者旅客可以自变卖之日起一百八十日内领回,逾期不领回的,上缴国库。 Any parcel not claimed for ninety days as of the date of issuing the notice of claim for such goods by the railway transport enterprise concerned and any luggage not claimed for ninety days as of its arrival at destination may be disposed of by the said enterprise provided that the latter has issued a public announcement thereupon and received no claim for the said parcel or luggage ninety days after the issuance. The amount of money obtained from the selling, if there is any left after deduction of storage charges and other deductible fees, may be recovered by the shipper, consignee or passenger concerned within one hundred and eighty days as of the date of the selling, or shall be turned over to the state treasury if no claim for recovery is received within the same time limit.当事人可以凭和解或调解所达成的解协议或调解书以及其中所载仲裁协议,共同选定或请求仲裁委员会主任指定一名独任仲裁员,依法按照和解协议或调解书的内容作出裁决;具体程序和期限不受本仲裁规则其他条款限制。 Any party of an amicable settlement agreement resulting from consultation or mediation may nominate a mutually agreed sole arbitrator, or request the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission to appoint one sole arbitrator, to make an award in accordance with the contents of their amicable settlement agreement and the arbitration clause stipulated therein; and the actual procedure and time limits are not confined by other stipulations of these Arbitration Rules.携带炸药、雷管或者非法携带枪支子弹、管制刀具进站上车的,比照刑法第一百六十三条的规定追究刑事责任。 Any person who carries dynamite or detonator or who illegally carries firearms, bullets or controlled knives into a railway station or on board a train shall be investigated for criminal responsibility with reference to Article 163 of the Criminal Law.依照本章规定应当承担责任的人对民用航空器的使用权业经国家机关依法剥夺的,不承担责任。 Any person who would otherwise be liable under the provision of this Chapter shall not be liable if such person has been deprived of the right to use the civil aircraft by the public authority according to law.在列车内,寻衅滋事,侮辱妇女,情节恶劣的,依照刑法第一百六十条的规定追究刑事责任;敲诈勒索旅客财物的,依照刑法第一百五十四条的规定追究刑事责任。 Any person who, on board a railway train, picks quarrels, stirs up troubles or insults any woman to a flagrant extent shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 160 of the Criminal Law; any person who extorts money or other property from any other passenger by blackmail shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 154 of the Criminal Law.铁路职工与其他人员勾结犯前款罪的,从重处罚。 Any railway worker who collaborates with other person or persons in committing the crime as specified in the preceding paragraph shall be subject to a heavier punishment.托运人或者旅客根据自愿可以向保险公司办理货物运输保险,保险公司按照保险合同的约定承担赔偿责任。 Any shipper or passenger may, on voluntary basis, buy insurance policy for transport of goods at an insurance agency and the insurance agency shall be liable for indemnity in conformity with the agreement as stated in the insurance contract.托运人或者旅客根据自愿,可以办理保价运输,也可以办理货物运输保险;还可以既不办理保价运输,也不办理货物运输保险。不得以任何方式强迫办理保价运输或者货物运输保险。 Any shipper or passenger may, on voluntary basis, enter into insured transport of valued goods or buy insurance policy for transport of goods, or may do without. No shipper or passenger shall be compelled in any manner to enter into insured transport or buy transport insurance policy.