?第十条铁路运输企业应当保证旅客和货物运输的安全,做到列车正点到达。 Article 10 All railway transport enterprises shall guarantee safe transport of passengers and goods and punctual train arrivals.第十条公路主管部门对利用集资、贷款修建的高速公路、一级公路、二级公路和大型的公路桥梁、隧道、轮渡码头,可以向过往车辆收取通行费,用于偿还集资和贷款。 Article 10 Departments in charge of highways may levy tools on vehicles that use motorways, first and second-grade highways, and large highway bridges, tunnels and ferry piers, which are built with loans or funds raised by the departments, in order to repay the loans or funds.第十条 从境外进口运入保税区的供保税区内使用的机器、设备、基建物资、生产用车 辆、交通工具和办公用品,为加工出口产品进口的原材料、零部件、元器件、燃料、包装物 料,供储存的转口货物,以及在保税区加工运输出境的产品免领进出口许可证。 Article 10 Import or export licence shall be exempted in the following cases: the importation into the bonded area of machinery, equipment, goods and materials for capital construction, motor vehicles for production, means of transport, and articles for office use, which are to be used within the bonded area; the importation of raw and processed materials, spare and component parts, primary parts, fuels, and packaging supplies needed for processing export products; the transit goods for storage; and the products processed in the bonded areas and destined for export.第十条海事法院与地方人民法院之间因管辖权发生争议,由争议双方协商解决;协商解决不了的,报请他们的共同上级人民法院指定管辖。 Article 10 In the event of a jurisdictional dispute between a maritime court and a people's court, it shall be resolved by the disputing parties through consultation; if the dispute cannot be so resolved, it shall be reported to their common superior people's court for the designation of jurisdiction.第十条 仲裁委员会设立仲裁员名册,仲裁员由仲裁委员会从对海事、海商、物流以及法律等方面具有专门知识和实际经验的中外人士中聘任。仲裁委员会根据需要,可以设立特定的专业仲裁员名册。 Article 10 The Arbitration Commission shall maintain a Panel of Arbitrators. The arbitrators shall be selected and appointed by the Arbitration Commission from among Chinese and foreign personages with special knowledge and practical experience in the fields of admiralty, maritime, logistics, insurance, law and other fields. The Arbitration Commission may maintain a Panel of Arbitrators in special academy, if necessary.第十条本章规定的对民用航空器的权利,包括对民用航空器构架、发动机、螺旋桨、无线电设备和其他一切为了在民用航空器上使用的,无论安装于其上或者暂时拆离的物品的权利。 Article 10 The rights to a civil aircraft as referred to in this Chapter include the rights to the airframe, engines, propellers, radio apparatus of the civil aircraft and all other articles intended for use in such civil aircraft, no matter whether they are installed thereon or separated temporarily therefrom.第十条国家鼓励公路工作方面的科学技术研究,对在公路科学技术研究和应用方面作出显著成绩的单位和个人给予奖励。 Article 10 The State encourages scientific research in terms of highways and reward units and individuals that have made significant achievements on scientific and technical research and application in terms of highways.第十条船舶由两个以上的法人或者个人共有的,应当向船舶登记机关登记;未经登记的,不得对抗第三人。 Article 10 Where a ship is jointly owned by two or more legal persons or individuals, the joint ownership thereof shall be registered at the ship registration authorities. The joint ownership of the ship shall not act against a third party unless registered.第十条 海底电缆、管道的维修、改造、拆除和废弃,所有者应当提前向主管机关报告。 Article 10 With respect to such operations as maintenance, alteration, dismantling, or abandonment of the submarine cables and pipelines, the owners shall submit a report on the said operations to the competent authorities in advance.第十条 在港区水域内发生的海上交通事故,由港区地的港务监督进行调查 。 Article 10. Harbour superintendency administration shall be responsible for the investigation of the maritime traffic accidents which happen in the waters of their respective harhour areas.第十条外商与中方打捞人签订的共同打捞合同,应当符合《中华人民共和国涉外经济合同法》的有关规定,并报经中华人民共和国交通部批准。 Article 10. Joint salvage contracts signed by foreign businesses and Chinese salvage operators should be compatible with relevant stipulations of the Law of PRC on Foreign-Related Economic Contracts and submitted to the Ministry of Communications for approval.第十条 邮政企业及其分支机构的设置标准,由国务院邮政主管部门规定。 Article 10. Standards for establishment of postal enterprises and their branch offices shall be formulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council.第十条 外国运输企业常驻代表机构只能从事非直接经营活动。但是,两国政府有协议的,按协议办理。 Article 10. The permanent representative offices of foreign transport enterprises can only engage in indirect business activities. Should there be agreements between the Chinese and foreign governments in this regard, things should be done according to governmental agreements.第十条本规定自一九九二年六月一日起实施。 Article 10. The regulations shall come into force as of June 1, 1992第十条 船舶、设施航行、停泊和作业,必须遵守中华人民共和国的有关法律、行政法规和规章。 Article 10. While navigating, berthing or carrying out operations, vessels and installations must abide by the relevant laws, administrative statutes and rules and regulations of the People's Republic of China.第一百条提单等提货凭证持有人,因提货凭证失控或者灭失,可以向货物所在地海事法院申请公示催告。 Article 100 A holder of a voucher for taking delivery of goods such as a bill of loading may, if the voucher for taking delivery of goods is out of his control or destroyed, apply to the maritime court of the place where the goods are for publication of public notice for assertion of claims.第一百条公共航空运输企业不得运输法律、行政法规规定的禁运物品。 Article 100 No public air transport enterprise shall carry articles the transport of which is prohibited by the provisions of laws and administrative rules and regulations.第一百条承租人应当提供约定的货物;经出租人同意,可以更换货物。 Article 100 The charterer shall provide the intended goods, but he may replace the goods with the consent of the shipowner.第一百零一条公共航空运输企业运输危险品,应当遵守国家有关规定。 Article 101 A public air transport enterprise shall observe the relevant regulations of the State in the transport of dangerous articles.第一百零一条出租人应当在合同约定的卸货港卸货。 Article 101 The shipowner shall discharge the goods at the port of discharge specified in the charter party.第一百零一条船舶所有人、承租人、经营人、救助人、保险人在发生海事事故后,依法申请责任限制的,可以向海事法院申请设立海事赔偿责任限制基金。 Article 101 Where limitation of liability is applied according to law after the occurrence of a maritime accident, the shipowner, charter, operator, salvor and insurer may apply to the maritime court to constitute a limitation fund for maritime claims liability.第一百零二条本法所称多式联运合同,是指多式联运经营人以两种以上的不同运输方式,其中一种是海上运输方式,负责将货物从接收地运至目的地交收货人,并收取全程运费的合同。 Article 102 A multimodal transport contract as referred to in this Code means a contract under which the multimodal transport operator undertakes to transport the goods, against the payment of freight for the entire transport, from the place where the goods were received in his charge to the destination and to deliver them to the consignee by two or more different modes of transport, one of which being sea carriage.第一百零二条公共航空运输企业不得运输拒绝接受安全检查的旅客,不得违反国家规定运输未经安全检查的行李。 Article 102 No public air transport enterprise shall carry passengers who refused to accept security inspection, nor shall it carry baggage which have not gone through security inspection against State regulation.第一百零二条当事人在起诉前申请设立海事赔偿责任限制基金的,应当向事故发生地、合同履行地或者船舶扣押地海事法院提出。 Article 102 Where an application for constituting a limitation fund for maritime claims liability is to be submitted before bring an action, the parties shall submit it to the maritime court of the place where the accident is occurred, the place where the contract is performed or the place where the ship is arrested.第一百零三条公共航空运输企业从事国际航空运输的民用航空器及其所载人员、行李、货物应当接受边防、海关、检疫等主管部门的检查;但是,检查时应当避免不必要的延误。 Article 103 The civil aircraft of a public air transport enterprise engaged in international air transport and the persons, baggage and cargo carried therein shall accept the inspection of such competent authorities as frontier inspection, customs and quarantine; provided that unnecessary delay shall be prevented at the time of inspection.