

第十一条本法对专用公路有规定的,适用于专用公路。    Article 11 Provisions concerning special roads in this law apply to apecial roads.
第十一条机场控制区应当根据安全保卫的需要,划定为候机隔离区、行李分检装卸区、航空器活动区和维修区、货物存放区等,并分别设置安全防护设施和明显标志。    Article 11 The airpot controlled zone shall be divided, in accordance with security requirements, into departure sterile area, baggage sorting loading and unloading area, aircraft movement area, maintenance area and cargo storage area, etc. Security protection facilities and distinct signs shall be set up respectively.
第十一条 仲裁委员会设在北京,在上海设有分会。仲裁委员会分会可以受理并处理案件。    Article 11 The Arbitration Commission is based in Beijing. The Arbitration Commission has a Sub-Commission in Shanghai. The Sub-Commission can take cognizance of and handle cases.
第十一条民用航空器权利人应当就下列权利分别向国务院民用航空主管部门办理权利登记:    Article 11 The person entitled to the rights of a civil aircraft shall register the following rights respectively with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council:
第十一条船舶抵押权,是指抵押权人对于抵押人提供的作为债务担保的船舶,在抵押人不履行债务时,可以依法拍卖,从卖得的价款中优先受偿的权利    Article 11 The right of mortgage with respect to a ship is the right of preferred compensation enjoyed by the mortgagee of that ship from the proceeds of the auction sale made in accordance with law where and when the mortgagor fails to pay his debt to the mortgagee secured by the mortgage of that ship.
第十一条当事人申请执行海事仲裁裁决,申请承认和执行外国法院判决、裁定以及国外海事仲裁裁决的,向被执行的财产所在地或者被执行人住所地海事法院提出。    Article 11 When the parties apply for enforcement of maritime arbitral award, apply for recognition and enforcement of a judgement or written order of a foreign court and foreign maritime arbitral award, an application shall be filed with the maritime court of the place where the property subjected to execution or of the place where the person subjected to execution has its domicile.
第十一条 中华人民共和国交通部有权对外国运输企业常驻代表机构的工作进行监督和管理。并可要求外国运输企业常驻代表机构报告年度业务活动情况。    Article 11. MCT has the authority to supervise and control the work of the permanent representative offices of foreign transport enterprises and may ask them to report their annual business activities.
第十一条 外国籍非军用船舶,未经主管机关批准,不得进入中华人民共和国的内水和港口。但是,因人员病急、机件故障、遇难、避风等意外情况,未及获得批准,可以在进入的同时向主管机关紧急报告,并听从指挥。    Article 11. Non-military vessels of foreign nationality may not enter the internal waters and harbours of the People's Republic of China without the approval of its competent authorities. However, under unexpected circumstances such as critical illness of personnel, engine breakdown or the vessels being in distress or seeking shelter from weather when they do not have the time to obtain approval, they may, while entering China's internal waters or harbours, make an emergency report to the competent authority and shall obey its directions.
第十一条 邮政企业应当在方便群众的地方设置分支机构、邮亭、报刊亭、邮筒等设施,或者进行流动服务。    Article 11. Postal enterprises shall establish branch offices, postal kiosks, newspaper and periodical stands, mail boxes, etc., in places convenient to the masses, or provide mobile services.
第十一条共同打捞合同和中外合作打捞企业合同报送审查批准机关审批时,必须提交中华人民共和国港务监督机构(以下简称港务监督)对打捞作业实施方案核准的有关文件;    Article 11. The submission of contracts for joint salvaging or cooperative salvage enterprises to departments in charge for approval must be accompanied by the submission of documents issued by port supervisory agencies of PRC (hereinafter referred to as port authority) on their approval of the salvage operational projects.
第十一条 港务监督在接到事故报告后,应及时进行调查。调查应客观、全面,不受事故当事人提供材料的限制。根据调查工作的需要,港务监督有权:    Article 11. Upon receiving accident reports, the harbour superintendency administration shall promptly carry out investigation. Investigation shall be carried out in an objective and all-round manner and must not be restricted by the information provided by the parties involved in the accidents. If the investigation warrants it, the harbour superintendency administration has the right to:
第一百一十条客票应当包括的内容由国务院民用航空主管部门规定,至少应当包括以下内容:    Article 110 The contents of a passenger ticket shall be prescribed by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council. A passenger ticket shall at least contain the following particulars:
第一百一十条旅客客票是海上旅客运输合同成立的凭证。    Article 110 The passage ticket serves as an evidence that a contract of carriage of passengers by sea has been entered into.
第一百一十条申请人申请设立海事赔偿责任限制基金错误的,应当赔偿利害关系人因此所遭受的损失。    Article 110 Where the application for constituting a limitation fund for maritime claims is wrong, the applicant shall indemnify the losses therefrom suffered by the interested parties.
第一百一十一条海事法院裁定强制拍卖船舶的公告发布后,债权人应当在公告期间,就与被拍卖船舶有关的债权申请登记。    Article 111 After the publishing of a public announcement of the maritime court concerning the order relating to the compulsory auction of a ship, the creditors shall apply to register the creditors' rights relating to the ship that is to be auctioned within the period of the public announcement.
第一百一十一条客票是航空旅客运输合同订立和运输合同条件的初步证据。    Article 111 The passenger ticket shall constitute prima facie evidence of the conclusion and conditions of the contract of transport of passenger by air.
第一百一十一条海上旅客运输的运送期间,自旅客登船时起至旅客离船时止。客票票价含接送费用的,运送期间并包括承运人经水路将旅客从岸上接到上和从船上送到岸上的时间,但是不包括旅客在港站内、码头上或者在港口其他设施内的时间。    Article 111 The period of carriage for the carriage of passengers by sea commences from the time of embarkation of the passengers and terminates at the time of their disembarkation, including the period during which the passengers are transported by water from land to the ship or vice versa, if such cost of transport is included in the fare. However, the period of carriage does not include the time when the passengers are at a marine terminal or station or on a quay or in or on any other port installations.
第一百一十二条旅客无票乘船、越级乘船或者超程乘船,应当按照规定补足票款,承运人可以按照规定加收票款;拒不交付的,船长有权在适当地点令离船,承运人有权向其追偿。    Article 112 A passenger travelling without a ticket or taking a higher class berth than booked or going beyond the distance paid for shall pay for the fare or the excess fare as required by relevant regulations, and the carrier may, according to the relevant regulations, charge additional fare. Should any passenger refuse to pay, the Master is entitled to order him to disembark at a suitable place and the carrier has the right of recourse against him.
第一百一十二条海事法院受理设立海事赔偿责任限制基金的公告发布后,债权人应当在公告期间就与特定场合发生的海事事故有关的债权申请登记。    Article 112 After the publishing of a public announcement concerning the entertaining of an application by the maritime court for constituting a limitation fund for maritime claims, the creditors shall, within the period of the public announcement, apply to register the creditors' rights relating to the maritime accident occurred in specific circumstances.
第一百一十二条承运人载运托运行李时,行李票可以包含在客票之内或者与客票相结合。除本法第一百一十条的规定外,行李票还应当包括下列内容:    Article 112 In respect of the transport of checked baggage by a carrier, a baggage check may be combined with or incorporated in a passenger ticket. In addition to the provisions of Article 110 of this Law, a baggage check shall also include the following particulars:
第一百一十三条旅客不得随身携带或者在行李中夹带违禁品或者易燃、易爆、有毒、有腐蚀性、有放射性以及有可能危及船上人身和财产安全的其他危品。    Article 113 No passenger may take on board or pack in their luggage contraband goods or any article of an inflammable, explosive, poisonous, corrosive or radioactive nature or other dangerous goods that would endanger the safety of life and property on board.
第一百一十三条承运人有权要求托运人填写航空货运单,托运人有权要求承运人接受该航空货运单。    Article 113 The carrier has the right to require the shipper to make out an air waybill; a shipper has the right to require the carrier to accept the air waybill.
第一百一十三条债权人向海事法院申请登记债权的,应当提交书面申请,并提供有关债权证据。    Article 113 When applying to register the creditors' rights with a maritime court, the creditors shall submit written applications, and shall provide evidence of creditors' rights.
第一百一十四条在本法第一百一十一条规定的旅客及其行李的运送期间,因承运人或者承运人的受雇人、代理人在受雇或者受委托的范围内的过失引起故,造成旅客人身伤亡或者行李灭失、损坏的,承运人应当负赔偿责任。    Article 114 During the period of carriage of the passengers and their luggage as provided for in Article 111 of this Code, the carrier shall be liable for the death of or personal injury to passengers or the loss of or damage to their luggage resulting from accidents caused by the fault of the carrier or his servant or agent committed within the scope of his employment or agency.
第一百一十四条托运人应当填写航空货运单正本一式三份,连同货物交给承运人。    Article 114 The air waybill shall be made out by the shipper in three original parts and be handed over to the carrier with the cargo.
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