

第十二条 铺设海底电缆、管道及其他海上作业,需要移动已铺设的海底电缆、管道时,应当先与所有者协商,并经主管机关批准后方可施工。    Article 12 When the laying of submarine cables and pipelines and other marine engineering operations require that those submarine cables and pipelines already laid be moved, prior consultations must be conducted with the owners of the aforesaid installations and an approval must be obtained from the competent authorities before the said engineering project starts.
第十二条 从非保税区运入保税区供区内行政管理机构、企业及其工作人员使用的国内 生产的机器、设备和日常生活用品,使用单位应向海关申报,由海关查验后放行。    Article 12 With respect to the domestically manufactured machinery, equipment and articles for daily use, which are transported into the bonded area from the non-bonded areas and are for the use by administrative departments, enterprises and their personnel in the area, the interested units shall declare at the Customs, which shall give clearance after inspection.
第十二条共同打捞合同批准后,外商应当自接到批准证书之日起30日内向中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局申请营业登记,领取营业证;并应当在领取营业证之日起30日内向当地税务机关办理税务登记手续。    Article 12. After a joint salvage contract is approved, the foreign business should apply to PRC State Administration for Industry and Commerce for business registration and acquire a business license within 30 days of receiving the document of approval, and make tax registration at the local taxation office within 30 days of receiving the business license.
第十二条 邮政企业经营下列业务:    Article 12. Postal enterprises operate the following businesses:
第十二条 被调查人必须接受调查,如实陈述事故的有关情节,并提供真实的文书资料。    Article 12. The persons being investigated must subject themselves to the investigation, honestly state the relevant circumstances of the accident and provide authentic papers and materials.
第十二条 国际航行船舶进出中华人民共和国港口,必须接受主管机关的检查。本国籍国内航行船舶进出港口,必须办理进出港签证。    Article 12. Vessels sailing on international routes that enter and leave the harbours of the People's Republic of China must accept inspection by the competent authorities. Vessels of Chinese nationality sailing on domestic routes that enter and leave such harbours must obtain port entry and departure visas.
第十二条 外国运输企业常驻代表机构驻在期满或者提前终止业务活动,应当在终止业务活动的三十天前,以书面形式向中华人民共和国交通部报告。    Article 12. When permanent representative offices of foreign transport enterprises intend to terminate their business upon or before the expiry of their resident period, they should report to MCT in written form within 30 days before such a termination.
第一百二十条除本法第一百一十九条所列情形外,收货人于货物到达目的地点,并在缴付应付款项和履行航空货运单上所列运输条件后,有权要求承运人移交航空货运单并交付货物。    Article 120 Except in the circumstances set out in Article 119, the consignee shall be entitled, on arrival of the cargo at the place of destination, to require the carrier to hand over to him the air waybill and to deliver the cargo to him, on payment of the charges due and on complying with the conditions of transport set out in the air waybill.
第一百二十条船舶转让时,受让人可以向海事法院申请船舶优先权催告,催促船舶优先权人及时主张权利,消灭该船舶附有的船舶优先权。    Article 120 When a ship is transferred, the transferee may apply to the maritime court for publicizing notice for assertion of maritime liens, so as to urge the persons enjoying maritime liens to promptly claim their rights and to extinguish the maritime liens attached to the ship.
第一百二十条向承运人的受雇人、代理人提出的赔偿请求,受雇人或者代理人证明其行为是在受雇或者受委托的范围内的,有权援用本法第一百一十五、第一百一十六条和第一百一十七条的抗辩理由和赔偿责任限制的规定。    Article 120 With regard to the claims made to the carrier's servant or agent, such servant or agent shall be entitled to invoke the provisions regarding defence and limitation of liability contained in Articles 115, 116 and 117 of this Code if such servant or agent proves that his act or omission was within the scope of his employment or agency.
第一百二十一条托运人和收货人在履行航空货物运输合同规定的义务的条件下,无论为本人或者他人的利益,可以以本人的名义分别行使本法第一百一十九条和第一百二十条所赋予的权利。    Article 121 The shipper and the consignee can respectively enforce all the rights given them by Articles 119 and 120 of this Law, each in his own name, whether he is acting in his own interest or in the interest of another, provided that he carries out the obligations imposed by the contract of transport of cargo by air.
第一百二十一条受让人申请船舶优先权催告的,应当向转让船舶交付地或者受让人住所地海事法院提出。    Article 121 Where applying for publicizing notice for assertion of maritime liens, the transferee shall submit its application to the maritime court of the place where the transferred ship is delivered or the place where the transferee has its domicile.
第一百二十一条承运人将旅客运送或者部分运送委托给实际承运人履行的,仍然应当依照本章规定,对全程运送负责。    Article 121 Where the performance of the carriage of passengers or part thereof has been entrusted by the carrier to an actual carrier, the carrier shall, as stipulated in this Chapter, remain liable for the entire carriage.
第一百二十二条承运人承担本章未规定的义务或者放弃本章赋予的权利的任何特别协议,经实际承运人书面明确同意的,对实际承运人发生效力;实际运人是否同意,不影响此项特别协议对承运人的效力。    Article 122 Any special agreement under which the carrier assumes obligations not provided for in this Chapter or waives the rights conferred by this Chapter shall be binding upon the actual carrier where the actual carrier has expressly agreed in writing to the contents thereof. Such a special agreement shall be binding upon the carrier whether the actual carrier has agreed to its contents or not.
第一百二十二条本法第一百一十九条、第一百二十条和第一百二十一条的规定,不影响托运人同收货人之间的相互关系,也不影响从托运人或者收货人获得权利的第三人之间的关系。    Article 122 The provisions of Articles 119, 120 and 121 of this Law shall not affect the relations of the shipper and the consignee with each other or the mutual relations of third parties whose right are derived either from the shipper or from the consignee.
第一百二十二条申请船舶优先权催告,应当向海事法院提交申请书、船舶转让合同、船舶技术资料等文件。    Article 122 When applying for publicizing notice for assertion of maritime liens, an application, the ship transfer contract, the technical information of the ship and other documents shall be submitted to the maritime court.
第一百二十三条海事法院在收到申请书以及有关文件后,应当进行审查,在七日内作出准予或者不准予申请的裁定。    Article 123 After receiving the application and relevant documents, the maritime court shall examine them and make an order approving or disapproving the application within seven days.
第一百二十三条托运人应当提供必需的资料和文件,以便在货物交付收货人前完成法律、行政法规规定的有关手续;    Article 123 The shipper shall furnish such information and documents as are necessary to meet the formalities provided by laws and administrative rules and regulations before the cargo can be delivered to the consignee.
第一百二十三条承运人与实际承运人均负有赔偿责任的,应当在此项责任限度内负连带责任。    Article 123 Where both the carrier and the actual carrier are liable for compensation, they shall be liable jointly and severally within the scope of such liability.
第一百二十四条海事法院在准予申请的裁定生效后,应当通过报纸或者其他新闻媒体发布公告,催促船舶优先权人在催告期间主张船舶优先权。    Article 124 After the order approving the application takes effect, the maritime court shall publish a public announcement in newspapers or through other news media, so as to urge the persons enjoying maritime liens to promptly claim their rights within the period of publication of the notice.
第一百二十四条因发生在民用航空器上或者在旅客上、下民用航空器过程中的事件,造成旅客人身伤亡的,承运人应当承担责任;    Article 124 The carrier shall be liable for the death or personal injury of a passenger, if the accident took place on board the civil aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarking on or disembarking from the civil aircraft;
第一百二十四条就旅客的人身伤亡或者行李的灭失、损坏,分别向承运人、实际承运人以及他们的受雇人、代理人提出赔偿请求的,赔偿总额不得超过法第一百一十七条规定的限额。    Article 124 Where separate claims have been brought against the carrier, the actual carrier and their servants or agents with respect to the death of or personal injury to the passengers or the loss of or damage to their luggage, the aggregate amount of compensation shall not be in excess of the limitation prescribed in Article 117 of this Code.
第一百二十五条因发生在民用航空器上或者在旅客上、下民用航空器过程中的事件,造成旅客随身携带物品毁灭、遗失或者损坏的,承运人应当承担责任。    Article 125 The carrier shall be liable for the destruction or loss of, or damage to, any carry-on articles of the passenger, if the occurrence took place on board the civil aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarking on or disembarking from the civil aircraft of the passenger.
第一百二十五条本法第一百二十一条至第一百二十四条的规定,不影响承运人和实际承运人之间相互追偿。    Article 125 The provisions of Articles 121 through 124 of this Code shall not affect the right of recourse between the carrier and the actual carrier.
第一百二十五条船舶优先权催告期间,船舶优先权人主张权利的,应当在海事法院办理登记;不主张权利的,视为放弃船舶优先权。    Article 125 Where a person enjoying maritime liens claims his rights within the period of publication of a notice for maritime liens, he shall undergo registration procedures with the maritime court; where no rights are claimed, the maritime liens shall be deemed as having been waived.
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