第一百二十六条海上旅客运输合同中含有下列内容之一的条款无效: Article 126 Any of the following clauses contained in a contract of carriage of passengers by sea shall be null and void:第一百二十六条旅客、行李或者货物在航空运输中因延误造成的损失,承运人应当承担责任; Article 126 The carrier shall be liable for damage occasioned by delay in the transport by air of passengers, baggage or cargo;第一百二十六条船舶优先权催告期间届满,无人主张船舶优先权的,海事法院应当根据当事人的申请作出判决,宣告该转让船舶不附有船舶优先权。 Article 126 Where no one claims the maritime liens by the expiration of the period of publication of a notice for maritime liens, the maritime court shall, in accordance with the application of the parties, make a judgment to declare that no maritime liens are attached to the transferred ship.第一百二十七条在旅客、行李运输中,经承运人证明,损失是由索赔人的过错造成或者促成的,应当根据造成或者促成此种损失的过错的程度,相应免除或者减轻承运人的责任。 Article 127 In the transport of passengers and baggage, if the carrier proves that the damage was caused by or contributed to by the fault of the claimant, the carrier may be wholly or partly exonerated from his liability in accordance with the extent of the fault that caused or contributed to such damage.第一百二十七条本章关于出租人和承租人之间权利、义务的规定,仅在船舶租用合同没有约定或者没有不同约定时适用。 Article 127 The provisions concerning the rights and obligations of the shipowner and the charterer in this Chapter shall apply only when there are no stipulations or no different stipulations in this regard in the charter party.第一百二十七条本法自2000年7月1日起施行。 Article 127 This Law shall enter into force as of July 1, 2000.第一百二十八条船舶租用合同,包括定期租船合同和光船租赁合同,均应当书面订立。 Article 128 Charter parties including time charter parties and bareboat charter parties shall be concluded in writing.第一百二十八条国内航空运输承运人的赔偿责任限额由国务院民用航空主管部门制定,报国务院批准后公布执行。 Article 128 The limits of carrier's liability in domestic air transport shall be formulated by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council and put in force after being approved by the State Council.第一百二十九条定期租船合同,是指船舶出租人向承租人提供约定的由出租人配备船员的船舶,由承租人在约定的期间内按照约定的用途使用,并支付金的合同。 Article 129 A time charter party is a contract under which the shipowner provides a designated manned ship to the charterer, and the charterer employs the ship during the contractual period for the agreed service against payment of hire.第一百二十九条国际航空运输承运人的赔偿责任限额按照下列规定执行: Article 129 In international air transport, the liability of the carrier shall be as the following:第十二条 除双方航空运输协定或有关协议另有规定外,民航局自受理申请之日起二十个工作日内做出是否批准的决定。民航局在二十个工作日内不能做出决定的,经民航局局长批准,可以延长十个工作日,并将延长期限的理由告知外航。 Article 12 Civil Aviation Administration shall make decision for approval or not within 20 working days after handling the application except for otherwise being prescribed in air transport agreement between both parties or related agreement. If Civil Aviation Administration cannot make decisions within 20 working days, they can postpone 10 working days once director of Civil Aviation Administration approves, and inform the postponing reasons to the foreign airlines.第十三条铁路运输企业应当采取有效措施做到旅客运输服务工作,做到文明礼貌、热情周到,保持车站和车厢内的清洁卫生,提供饮用开水,做好列车上的饮食供应工作。 Article 13 A railway transport enterprise shall take effective measures to serve the passengers well in a courteous, attentive, warm and cultured manner, keep the station premises and passenger cars clean and sanitary, provide boiled drinking water and good catering services on the train.第十三条人员与车辆进入机场控制区,必须佩带机场控制区通行证并接受警卫人员的检查。 Article 13 All personnel and vehicles, while entering the airport controlled area, must bear the airport controlled area pass and be subject to the inspection of security personnel.第十三条当事人在起诉前申请海事请求保全,应当向被保全的财产所在地海事法院提出。 Article 13 An application for maritime claims by the parties shall, before bring a lawsuit, be filed with the maritime court of the place where the property subjected to preservation.第十三条 保税区的进出口货物,其关税和工商统一税(产品税或增值税),按以下规定办理: Article 13 Customs duty and consolidated industrial and commercial tax (tax on products, or tax on added value) on the import and export goods of the bonded area shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:第十三条修建公路影响铁路、管道、水利、电利、邮电等设施正常使用时,建设单位应当事先征得有关部门的同意。 Article 13 Highway construction units shall obtain prior approval from relevant departments when the construction affects the normal operations of railway, pipeline, water conservancy, electric power, and postal and telecommunications facilities.第十三条 从事海上各种活动的作业者,必须保护已铺设的海底电缆、管道。 Article 13 Operators who are engaged in various activities at sea must protect the submarine cables and pipelines that have already been laid.第十三条公路建设用地规划应当符合土地利用总体规划,当年建设用地应当纳入年度建设用地计划。 Article 13 Plans for requisition of lands for constructing roads shall conform to the master plan for land use and the land used for such purposes shall be incorporated into the general land use plan of the year.第十三条 仲裁程序自仲裁委员会或其分会发出仲裁通知之日起开始。 Article 13 The arbitration proceedings shall commence from the date on which the Notice of Arbitration is sent out by the Arbitration Commission or the Sub-Commission.第十三条设定船舶抵押权,由抵押权人和抵押人共同向船舶登记机关办理抵押权登记;未经登记的,不得对抗第三人。 Article 13 The mortgage of a ship shall be established by registering the mortgage of the ship with the ship registration authorities jointly by the mortgagee and the mortgagor. No mortgage may act against a third party unless registered.第十三条除民用航空器经依法强制拍卖外,在已经登记的民用航空器权利得到补偿或者民用航空器权利人同意之前,民用航空器的国籍登记或者权利登记不得转移至国外。 Article 13 Unless a civil aircraft was the subject of a forced auction sale in accordance with the law, the nationality registration of such civil aircraft or the registration of rights thereof shall not be transferred abroad before the registered rights of such aircraft are compensated or before the consent of the person entitled to the aforesaid rights is given.第十三条 港务监督因调查海上交通事故的需要,可以令当事船舶驶抵指定地点接受调查。当事船舶在不危及自身安全的情况下,未经港务监督同意,不得离开指定地点。 Article 13. If the investigation of a maritime traffic accident so requires, the harbour superintendency administration may order the vessel(s) involved to sail to the spot for investigation. Except when its (their) own safety is in danger, the vessel(s) involved must not leave the said spot without the permission of the harbour superintendency administration.第十三条外商参与在中华人民共和国内海或者领海内打捞沉船沉物,应当承担打捞作业期间的全部费用和经济风险。中方打捞人负责与有关部门的协调,办理必要的手续及打捞作业期间的监护。 Article 13. In the case of foreign businesses taking part in salvaging sunken ships and sunken articles in the inland sea or territorial sea of PRC, the foreign businesses should bear all the coasts and economic risks involving throughout the period of salvage operations. Chinese salvage operators are responsible for coordination work with the departments concerned, attend to the performance of necessary procedures and exercise supervision and protection of salvage operations.第十三条 邮政企业及其分支机构不得擅自停办国务院邮政主管部门和地区邮政管理机构规定的必须办理的邮政业务。 Article 13. Postal enterprises and their branch offices shall not arbitrarily close down those postal businesses that must be handled according to the stipulations made by the competent department of postal services under the State Council and the regional administrative organ of postal services.第十三条 外国籍船舶进出中华人民共和国港口或者在港内航行、移泊以及靠离港外系泊点、装卸站等,必须由主管机关指派引航员引航。 Article 13. Vessels of foreign nationality entering and leaving a harbour of the People's Republic of China, navigating or shifting berths in the harbour area, or approaching or leaving mooring points or loading spots outside the harbour must be navigated by a pilot designated by the competent authority.