

第十四条在航空器活动区和维修区内的人员、车辆必须按照规定路线行进,车辆、设备必须在指定位置停放,一切人员、车辆必须避让航空器。    Article 14 In the aircraft movement area and the maintenance area, personnel and vehicles must follow the stipulated way. Vehicles and equipments must be parked in designated positions. All personnel and vehicles must make way for aircraft.
第十四条海事请求保全不受当事人之间关于该海事请求的诉讼管辖协议或者仲裁协议的约束。    Article 14 Maritime claims shall not be bound by procedure jurisdiction agreements or arbitration agreements relating to the said maritime claims between the parties.
第十四条建造中的船舶可以设定船舶抵押权。    Article 14 Mortgage may be established on a ship under construction.
第十四条国道规划由国务院交通主管部门会同国务院有关部门并商国道沿线省自治区、直辖市人民政府编制,报国务院批准。    Article 14 Plans in respect to State roads shall be formulated by the transportation department of the State Council together with other related departments of the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities along the lines and submitted to the State Council for approval.
第十四条民用航空器所有权的取得、转让和消灭,应当向国务院民用航空主管部门登记;未经登记的,不得对抗第三人。    Article 14 The acquisition, transference and extinction of the ownership of a civil aircraft shall be registered with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council; no acquisition, transference or extinction of the ownership of the civil aircraft shall act against a third party unless registered.
第十四条 申请人提出仲裁申请时应:    Article 14 The Claimant, when submitting his Application for Arbitration, shall
第十四条 主管机关有权对海底电缆、管道的铺设、维修、改造、拆除、废弃以及为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测活动进行监督和检查。    Article 14 The competent authorities shall have the power to supervise and inspect the laying, maintenance, alteration, dismantling and abandonment of submarine cables and pipelines as well as the relevant investigations and surveying activities conducted for the laying of submarine cables and pipelines.
第十四条 邮政企业应当加强报刊发行工作。出版单位委托邮政企业发行报刊,应当与邮政企业订立发行合同。    Article 14. Postal enterprises shall strengthen distribution work of newspapers and periodicals. If publishing units entrust postal enterprises with distribution of newspapers and periodicals, they must make distribution contracts with postal enterprises.
第十四条 港务监督的海上交通事故调查材料,公安机关、国家安全机关、监察机关、检察机关、审判机关和海事仲裁委员会及法律规定的其他机关和人员因办案需要可以查阅、摘录或复制,审判机关确因开庭需要可以借用。    Article 14. The organs respectively in charge of public security, state security, supervision, procuratorial work, and judicial work, as well as maritime arbitration committees and other organs and personnel designated under the law may consult, make extracts of or duplicate the findings concerning maritime traffic accidents prepared by the harbour superintendency administrations for the purpose of handling cases. judicial organs may borrow these findings if they are really needed in the trials.
第十四条 船舶进出港口或者通过交通管制区、通航密集区和航行条件受到限制的区域时,必须遵守中华人民共和国政府或主管机关公布的特别规定。    Article 14. When entering or leaving harbours or passing through controlled traffic areas, crowded navigable areas or areas where navigational conditions are restricted, vessels must observe the special regulations promulgated by the Government of the People's Republic of China or by the competent authority.
第十四条 华侨、港、澳同胞以及我国在境外与它国共同投资的合资交通运输企业,申请在国内设立常驻代表机构,参照本办法办理。    Article 14. When transport enterprises invested by overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macao compatriots or Sino-foreign transport joint ventures set up outside the Chinese boundary apply to establish permanent representative offices in China, the cases is handled in the light of the rules hereof.
第十四条外商为履行共同打捞合同所需船舶、设备及劳务,在同等条件下应当优先向中方打捞人租用和雇佣。    Article 14. With conditions being equal, foreign businesses should give preference to Chinese salvage operators from whom to rent ships and equipment and hire labor services needed in the implementation of the joint salvage contract.
第一百四十条依照本章规定提出的索赔或者发出的指示,无论是向缔约承运人还是向实际承运人提出或者发出的,具有同等效力;    Article 140 Any claim to be made or order to be given under the provisions of this Chapter shall have equal effect whether addressed to the contracting carrier or to the actual carrier.
第一百四十条承租人应当按照合同约定支付租金。承租人未按照合同约定支付租金的,出租人有权解除合同,并有权要求赔偿因此遭受的损失。    Article 140 The charterer shall pay the hire as agreed upon in the charter. Where the charterer fails to pay the hire as agreed upon, the shipowner shall be entitled to cancel the charter party and claim any losses resulting therefrom.
第一百四十一条承租人未向出租人支付租金或者合同约定的其他款项的,出租人对船上属于承租人的货物和财产以及转租船舶的收入有留置权。    Article 141 In case the charterer fails to pay the hire or other sums of money as agreed upon in the charter, the shipowner shall have a lien on the charterer's goods, other property on board and earnings from the sub-charter.
第一百四十一条实际承运人的受雇人、代理人或者缔约承运人的受雇人、代理人,证明他是在受雇、代理范围内行事的,就实际承运人履行的运输而言,有权援用本法第一百二十八条、第一百二十九条有关赔偿责任限制的规定,但是依照本法规定不得援用赔偿责任限制规定的除外。    Article 141 In relation to the transport performed by the actual carrier, any servant or agent of that carrier or of the contracting carrier shall, if he proves that he acted within the scope of his employment, be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of Articles 128 and 129 of this Law concerning the limits of liability, unless he acted in a manner which, under the provisions of this Law, prevents the limits of liability from being invoked.
第一百四十二条对于实际承运人履行的运输,实际承运人、缔约承运人以及他们的在受雇、代理范围内行事的受雇人、代理人的赔偿总额不得超过依照本法得以从缔约承运人或者实际承运人获得赔偿的最高数额;但是,其中任何人都不承担超过对他适用的赔偿责任限额。    Article 142 In relation to the transport performed by the actual carrier, the aggregate of the amounts recoverable from that carrier and the contracting carrier, and from their servants and agents acting within the scope of their employment, shall not exceed the highest amount which could be awarded against either the contracting carrier or the actual carrier under this Law, but none of the persons mentioned shall be liable for a sum in excess of the limit of liability applicable to him.
第一百四十二条承租人向出租人交还船舶时,该船舶应当具有与出租人交船时相同的良好状态,但是船舶本身的自然磨损除外。    Article 142 When the charterer redelivers the ship to the shipowner, the ship shall be in the same good order and condition as it was at the time of delivery, fair wear and tear excepted.
第一百四十三条经合理计算,完成最后航次的日期约为合同约定的还船日期,但可能超过合同约定的还船日期的,承租人有权超期用船以完成该航次。    Article 143 If, on the basis of a reasonable calculation, a ship may be able to complete its last voyage at around the time of redelivery specified in the charter and probably thereafter, the charterer is entitled to continue to use the ship in order to complete that voyage even if its time of redelivery will be overdue.
第一百四十三条对实际承运人履行的运输提起的诉讼,可以分别对实际承运人或者缔约承运人提起,也可以同时对实际承运人和缔约承运人提起;    Article 143 In relation to the transport performed by the actual carrier, an action may be brought against that carrier or the contracting carrier separately, or against both together;
第一百四十四条光船租赁合同,是指船舶出租人向承租人提供不配备船员的船舶,在约定的期间内由承租人占有、使用和营运,并向出租人支付租金的同。    Article 144 A bareboat charter party is a charter party under which the shipowner provides the charterer with an unmanned ship which the charterer shall possess, employ and operate within an agreed period and for which the charterer shall pay the shipowner the hire.
第一百四十四条除本法第一百四十三条规定外,本节规定不影响实际承运人和缔约承运人之间的权利、义务。    Article 144 Except as provided in Article 143 of this Law, nothing in this Section shall affect the rights and obligations between the actual carrier and the contracting carrier.
第一百四十五条通用航空,是指使用民用航空器从事公共航空运输以外的民用航空活动,包括从事工业、农业、林业、渔业和建筑业的作业飞行以及医疗卫生、抢险救灾、气象探测、海洋监测、科学实验、教育训练、文化体育等方面的飞行活动。    Article 145 General aviation means civil aviation operations other than public air transport with civil aircraft, including aerial work in the fields of industry, agriculture, forestry, fishery and building industry, and flight operations in the fields of medical and health work, emergency and disaster relief, meteorological service, ocean monitoring, scientific experiment, education and training, culture and sports.
第一百四十五条光船租赁合同的内容,主要包括出租人和承租人的名称、船名、船籍、船级、吨位、容积、航区、用途、租船期间、交船和还船的时间地点以及条件、船舶检验、船舶的保养维修、租金及其支付、船舶保险、合同解除的时间和条件,以及其他有关事项。    Article 145 A bareboat charter party mainly contains the name of the shipowner and the name of the charterer; the name, nationality, class, tonnage and capacity of the ship; the trading area, the employment of the ship and the charter period; the time, place and condition of delivery and redelivery; the survey, maintenance and repair of the ship; the hire and its payment; the insurance of the ship; the time and condition for the termination of the charter and other relevant matters.
第一百四十六条从事通用航空活动,应当具备下列条件:    Article 146 The operation of general aviation shall satisfy the following conditions:
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