第十六条 进口料、件应自进口之日起一年内加工成品销往中国境外,并在合同执行完毕后一个月内由生产企业持凭《登记手册》和经海关签印的出口货物报关单向海关办理核销 手续。 Article 16 The imported raw materials and spare and component parts shall, within the period of one year after their importation, be processed into finished products and sold outside the Chinese territory; and the enterprise concerned shall, within the period of one month after the completion of the execution of the contract, approach the Customs for verification and cancellation be presenting the ""registration handbook"" and the declaration form for export commodities endorsed by the Customs.第十六条设定民用航空器抵押权,由抵押权人和抵押人共同向国务院民用航空主管部门办理抵押权登记;未经登记的,不得对抗第三人。 Article 16 The mortgage of a civil aircraft shall be established by registering the mortgage of the civil aircraft with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council jointly by the mortgagee and the mortgagor; no mortgage may act against a third party unless registered.第十六条 被申请人应在收到仲裁通知之日起30天内,向秘书处提交答辩书,答辩书应写明答辩的事实、理由并附上相关的证据。逾期提交,仲裁庭有权决定是否接受。 Article 16 The Respondent shall, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the Notice of Arbitration, submit his written defense with clearly-stated facts, reasons and relevant documentary evidence to the Secretariat. Beyond the specified time limit, the arbitration tribunal is entitled to decide whether to accept the written defense.第十六条 铺设、维修、改造、拆除、废弃海底电缆、管道以及为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测活动,本规定未作规定的,适用国家其他有关法律、法规的规定。 Article 16 With respect to the operational activities such as laying, maintenance, alteration, dismantling and abandonment of submarine cables and pipelines, as well as the investigations and surveying activities conducted for identifying the routes for laying the submarine cables and pipelines, in case there are any aspects which are not covered in these Provisions, the Provisions in other relevant State laws, decrees and regulations shall apply.第十六条 各类邮件资费的交付,以邮资凭证或者证明邮资已付的戳记表示。 Article 16. The payment of postage on various postal materials shall be indicated by postage certificates or by postmarks showing postage paid.第十六条 《海上交通事故调查报告书》应包括以下内容: Article 16. The Report on Findings Concerning the Maritime Traffic Accident shall include the following items:第十六条外商依法取得的捞获物可以按照国际市场价格由中国政府有关部门收购或者由外商依法纳税并办理海关手续后运往国外。 Article 16. The retrieved objects legitimately obtained by foreign business can be purchased by Chinese government departments concerned at international market prices or shipped out of the country by foreign business after fulfilling taxation and customs procedures.第十六条 本办法自一九九0年三月一日起施行。 Article 16. The rules hereof comes into effect as of March 1, 1990.第十六条 大型设施和移动式平台的海上拖带,必须经船舶检验部门进行拖航检验,并报主管机关核准。 Article 16. Towing operations on the open sea involving large-sized installations and mobile platforms must undergo towing inspection conducted by vessel inspection departments and be reported to the competent authority for examination and approval.第一百六十条损害是武装冲突或者骚乱的直接后果,依照本章规定应当承担责任的人不承担责任。 Article 160 Any person who would otherwise be liable under the provisions of this Chapter shall not be liable if the damage is the direct consequence of armed conflict or civil disturbance.第一百六十条因不可抗力或者其他不能归责于双方的原因致使被拖物不能拖至目的地的,除合同另有约定外,承拖方可以在目的地的邻近地点或者拖轮长选定的安全的港口或者锚泊地,将被拖物移交给被拖方或者其代理人,视为已经履行合同。 Article 160 Where the object towed could not reach its destination due to force majeure or other causes not attributable to the fault of either party, unless the towage contract provides otherwise, the tugowner may deliver the object towed to the tow party or its agent at a place near the destination or at a safe port or an anchorage chosen by the Master of the tug, and the contract of towage shall be deemed to have been fulfilled.第一百六十一条依照本章规定应当承担责任的人证明损害是完全由于受害人或者其受雇人、代理人的过错造成的,免除其赔偿责任; Article 161 Any person who would otherwise be liable under the provisions of this Chapter shall be exonerated from the liability for damage if he proves that the damage was caused solely by the fault of the person who suffers the damage or of the latter's servants or agents.第一百六十一条被拖方未按照约定支付拖航费和其他合理费用的,承拖方对被拖物有留置权。 Article 161 Where the tow party fails to pay the towage price or other reasonable expenses as agreed, the tugowner shall have a lien on the object towed.第一百六十二条在海上拖航过程中,承拖方或者被拖方遭受的损失,由一方的过失造成的,有过失的一方应当负赔偿责任; Article 162 In the course of the sea towage, if the damage suffered by the tugowner or the tow party was caused by the fault of one of the parties, the party in fault shall be liable for compensation.第一百六十二条两个以上的民用航空器在飞行中相撞或者相扰,造成本法第一百五十七条规定的应当赔偿的损害,或者两个以上的民用航空器共同造成此种损害的,各有关民用航空器均应当被认为已经造成此种损害,各有关民用航空器的经营人均应当承担责任。 Article 162 When two or more civil aircraft have collided or interfered with each other in flight and damage for which a right to compensation as contemplated in Article 157 of this Law results, or when two or more civil aircraft have jointly caused such damage, each of the civil aircraft concerned shall be considered to have caused the damage and the operator of each civil aircraft shall be liable.第一百六十三条在海上拖航过程中,由于承拖方或者被拖方的过失,造成第三人人身伤亡或者财产损失的,承拖方和被拖方对第三人负连带赔偿责任。 Article 163 If death of or personal injury to a third party or damage to property thereof has occurred during the sea towage due to the fault of the tugowner or the tow party, the tugowner and the tow party shall be liable jointly and severally to that third party.第一百六十三条本法第一百五十八条第四款和第一百五十九条规定的人,享有依照本章规定经营人所能援用的抗辩权。 Article 163 The persons referred to in paragraph 4 of Article 158 and Article 159 of this Law shall be entitled to all defences which are available to an operator under the provisions of this Chapter.第一百六十四条除本章有明确规定外,经营人、所有人和本法第一百五十九条规定的应当承担责任的人,以及他们的受雇人、代理人,对于飞行中的民用航空器或者从飞行中的民用航空器上落下的人或者物造成的地面上的损害不承担责任,但是故意造成此种损害的人除外。 Article 164 Neither the operator, the owner, any person liable under Article 159 of this Law, nor their respective servants or agents, shall be liable for damage on the surface caused by a civil aircraft in flight or any person or thing falling therefrom otherwise than as expressly provided in this Chapter, except any such person who has caused the damage deliberately.第一百六十四条拖轮所有人拖带其所有的或者经营的驳船载运货物,经海路由一港运至另一港的,视为海上货物运输。 Article 164 Where a tugowner towing a barge owned or operated by him to transport goods by sea from one port to another, it shall be deemed as an act of carriage of goods by sea.第一百六十五条船舶碰撞,是指船舶在海上或者与海相通的可航水域发生接触造成损害的事故。 Article 165 Collision of ships means an accident arising from the touching of ships at sea or in other navigable waters adjacent thereto.第一百六十五条本章不妨碍依照本章规定应当对损害承担责任的人向他人追偿的权利。 Article 165 Nothing in this Chapter shall prejudice the question whether a person liable for damage in accordance with its provisions has a right of recourse against any other person.第一百六十六条船舶发生碰撞,当事船舶的船长在不严重危及本船和船上人员安全的情况下,对于相碰的船舶和船上人员必须尽力施救。 Article 166 After a collision, the Master of each of the ships in collision is bound, so far as he can do so without serious danger to his ship and persons on board to render assistance to the other ship and persons on board.第一百六十六条民用航空器的经营人应当投保地面第三人责任险或者取得相应的责任担保。 Article 166 The operator of a civil aircraft shall be covered by insurance against liability for third parties on the surface or obtain corresponding guarantee.第一百六十七条船舶发生碰撞,是由于不可抗力或者其他不能归责于任何一方的原因或者无法查明的原因造成的,碰撞各方互相不负赔偿责任。 Article 167 Neither of the parties shall be liable to the other if the collision is caused by force majeure or other causes not attributable to the fault of either party or if the cause thereof is left in doubt.第一百六十七条保险人和担保人除享有与经营人相同的抗辩权,以及对伪造证件进行抗辩的权利外,对依照本章规定提出的赔偿请求只能进行下列抗辩: Article 167 The insurer or the guarantor may, in addition to the defences available to the operator, and the defence of forgery, set up only the following defences against claims brought up in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter: