

第一百六十八条船舶发生碰撞,是由于一船的过失造成的,由有过失的船舶负赔偿责任。    Article 168 If the collision is caused by the fault of one of the ships, the one in fault shall be liable therefor.
第一百六十八条仅在下列情形下,受害人可以直接对保险人或者担保人提起诉讼,但是不妨碍受害人根据有关保险合同或者担保合同的法律规定提起直接诉讼的权利:    Article 168 Without prejudice to any right of direct action which the person suffering damage may have under the law governing the contract of insurance or guarantee, such person may bring a direct action against the insurer or guarantor only in the following cases:
第一百六十九条依照本法第一百六十六条规定提供的保险或者担保,应当被专门指定优先支付本章规定的赔偿。    Article 169 If insurance or guarantee is furnished in accordance with Article 166 of this Law, it shall be specifically and preferentially assigned to payment of claims under this Chapter.
第一百六十九条船舶发生碰撞,碰撞的船舶互有过失的,各船按照过失程度的比例负赔偿责任;过失程度相当或者过失程度的比例无法判定的,平均负偿责任。    Article 169 If the colliding ships are all in fault, each ship shall be liable in proportion to the extent of its fault; if the respective faults are equal in proportion or it is impossible to determine the extent of the proportion of the respective faults, the liability of the colliding ships shall be apportioned equally.
第十六条 外航申请改变所持经营许可内容的,应当以书面形式向民航局提出,并详细列明需要改变的内容及原因。    Article 16 A foreign airline shall submit written application to Civil Aviation Administration to change content of business license and also list detailed content and reason for change.
第十七条 经国家主管部门批准经营进出口业务的保税区外贸企业可从事转口贸易和为保税区内企业代理进口生产用原材料、零部件和出口产品,    Article 17 A foreign trade enterprise in the bonded area, which is approved by the State competent authorities to conduct import and export business, may transact transit trade and act as an agent for other enterprises in the bonded area to import raw and processed materials and spare and component parts for production, or to export products.
第十七条铁路运输企业应当对承运的货物、包裹、行李自接受承运时起到交付时止发生的灭失、短少、变质、污染或者损坏,承担赔偿责任:    Article 17 A railway transport enterprise shall be liable to pay compensation for loss, short-delivery, deterioration, contamination, or damage that might have occurred to the shipped goods, parcels or luggage as of the moment the railway transport enterprise undertakes the conveyance until the moment of their delivery.
第十七条海事法院接受申请后,应当在四十八小时内作出裁定。    Article 17 After receiving an application, the maritime court must make an order within 48 hours;
第十七条公路养护实行专业养护与民工建勤养护相结合的制度。    Article 17 Highway maintenance is performed under the system which integrates professional maintenance with maintenance performed by civilian workers.
?? 第十七条国道的命名和编号,由国务院交通主管部门确定;省道、县道、乡道的命名和编号,由省自治区、直辖市人民政府交通主管部门按照国务院交通主管部门的有关规定确定。    Article 17 Names and indexes of State roads shall be set by the transportation department of the State Council. Names and indexes of provincial, county and township roads shall be set by the transportation departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities according to the relevant provisions of the transportation department of the State Council.
第十七条民用航空器抵押权设定后,未经抵押权人同意,抵押人不得将被抵押民用航空器转让他人。    Article 17 Once a mortgage is established on a civil aircraft, the ownership of the mortgaged civil aircraft shall not be transferred without the consent of the mortgagee.
第十七条船舶抵押权设定后,未经抵押权人同意,抵押人不得将被抵押船舶转让给他人。    Article 17 Once a mortgage is established on a ship, the ownership of the mortgaged ship shall not be transferred without the consent of the mortgagee.
第十七条承运人及其代理人出售客票,必须符合国务院民用航空主管部门的有关规定;    Article 17 The carrier and its agent, in selling passenger ticket, must comply with the regulations concerned of the competent civil aviation authorities under the State Council;
第十七条 中华人民共和国军用海底电缆、管道的铺设依照本规定执行。    Article 17 The laying of submarine cables and pipelines for military purposes in the People's Republic of China shall be handled in accordance with these Provisions.
第十七条 被申请人如有反请求,最迟应在收到仲裁通知之日起30天内,以书面形式提交仲裁委员会。仲裁庭认为有正当理由的,可以依申请适当延长此期限。    Article 17 The Respondent shall, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the Notice of Arbitration, lodge with the Secretariat his counterclaim in writing, if any. The arbitration tribunal may, at request, extend that time limit if it considers that there is a justified reason.
第十七条打捞作业者在实施打捞作业前,应当按照《中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》的有关规定申请发布航行警告。    Article 17. Before the start of their salvage operations, the operators should request the issue of the warning signal for navigation in accordance with relevant stipulations in the Law of PRC on Sea Navigation Safety.
第十七条 主管机关发现船舶的实际状况同证书所载不相符合时,有权责成其申请重新检验或者通知其所有人、经营人采取有效的安全措施。    Article 17. If the competent authority finds the actual condition of a vessel to be not in conformity with what is stated in the vessel's certificates, it shall have the right to require the vessel to apply for a new inspection or notify its owner or manager to adopt effective safety measures.
第十七条 邮票、邮资信封、邮资明信片、邮资邮简等邮资凭证由国务院邮政主管部门发行,任何单位或者个人不得伪造。    Article 17. Postage stamps, stamped envelopes, stamped postcards, stamped aerogrammes and other postage certificates shall be issued by the competent department of postal services under the State Council, and no unit or individual shall be allowed to produce false copies.
第十七条 对海上交通事故的发生负有责任的人员,港务监督可以根据其责任的性质和程度依法给予下列处罚:    Article 17. The harbour superintendency administrations may, according to the nature and seriousness of their liabilities, mete out the following penalties according to law to the persons who are held responsible for the maritime traffic accidents:
第一百七十条保险人应当支付给经营人的款项,在本章规定的第三人的赔偿请求未满足前,不受经营人的债权人的扣留和处理。    Article 170 Any sum due to an operator from an insurer shall be exempt from seizure and execution by creditors of the operator until claims of third parties under this Chapter have been satisfied.
第一百七十条船舶因操纵不当或者不遵守航行规章,虽然实际上没有同其他船舶发生碰撞,但是使其他船舶以及船上的人员、货物或者其他财产遭受损的,适用本章的规定。    Article 170 Where a ship has caused damage to another ship and persons, goods or other property on board that ship, either by the execution or nonexecution of a manoeuvre or by the nonobservance of navigation regulations, even if no collision has actually occurred, the provisions of this Chapter shall apply.
第一百七十一条地面第三人损害赔偿的诉讼时效期间为二年,自损害发生之日起计算;但是,在任何情况下,时效期间不得超过自损害发生之日起三年。    Article 171 Actions concerning indemnity for damage to third parties on the surface shall be subject to a period of limitation of two years from the date of the incident which caused the damage; but in any case such period shall not go beyond a period of three years from the date of the incident which caused the damage.
第一百七十一条本章规定适用于在海上或者与海相通的可航水域,对遇险的船舶和其他财产进行的救助。    Article 171 The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to salvage operations rendered at sea or any other navigable waters adjacent thereto to ships and other property in distress.
第一百七十二条本章下列用语的含义:    Article 172 For the purposes of this Chapter:
第一百七十二条本章规定不适用于下列损害:    Article 172 The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the following damage:
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