

第十九条托运人应当如实填报托运单,铁路运输企业有权对填报的货物和包裹的品名、重量、数量进行检查。经检查,申报与实际不符的,检查费用由托运人承担;申报与实际相符的,检查费用由铁路运输企业承担,因检查对货物和包裹中的物品造成的损坏由铁路运输企业赔偿。    Article 19 Any shipper shall truthfully fill in the goods consignment note, and the railway transport enterprise shall be authorized to checked the description, weight and quantity of the goods and parcels as written on the note. Upon check-up, if the reported disagrees with the real contents, the shipper shall pay for the check-up expenses; if the reported agrees with the real contents, the check-up expenses shall be borne by the railway transport enterprise, and any damage incurred from the check-up with the contents of the goods or parcels as a result of the check shall be compensated for by the same enterprise.
第十九条 保税区外贸企业进口的货物应存入保税区内海关指定的仓库、场所,并建立专门帐册,定期列表报送海关核查。    Article 19 Goods imported by a foreign trade enterprise in the bonded area shall be stored in the warehouses and sites designated by the Customs within the bonded area, and the aforesaid enterprise shall keep specialized account books, and submit periodical statements to the Customs for verification.
第十九条养路费应当在国家规定的范围内专款专用。任何单位和个人不得平调、挪用、滥用、截留、施欠养路费。    Article 19 Highway maintenance fees should be exclusively used for highway maintenance purposes within the limits designated by the government. No unit or individual should transfer, divert, abuse, keep or default on highway maintenance fees.
第十九条有下列扰乱公共秩序行为之一,尚不够刑事处罚的,处十五日以下拘留、二百元以下罚款或者警告:    Article 19 One of the following acts disrupting public order that is not eligible for criminal punishments shall be punished for 15-day detainment, a fine of less than RMB200 or a warning:
第十九条旅客登机时,承运人必须核对旅客人数。    Article 19 The carrier must check the number of passengers when they board the aircraft.
第十九条下列各项债权具有民用航空器优先权:    Article 19 The following obligatory rights shall be entitled to civil aircraft liens:
第十九条 当事人提交仲裁申请书、答辩书、反请求书、证据材料以及其他文件时,应一式五份。如果当事人人数超过两人,则应增加相应份数;如果仲裁庭组成人数为一人,则可以减少两份。    Article 19 The parties shall submit, in quintuplicate, application for arbitration, written defense, statement of counterclaim, relevant documentary evidence and other documents. If the number of the parties exceeds two, additional copies shall be submitted accordingly; if the arbitration tribunal is composed of only one member, two sets of copies may be saved.
?? 第十九条国家鼓励专用公路用于社会公共运输。专用公路主要用于社会公共运输时,由专用公路的主管单位申请,或者由有关方面申请,专用公路的主管单位同意,并经省自治区、直辖市人民政府交通主管部门批准,可以改划为省道、县道或者乡道。    Article 19 The State encourages special roads to be used for public traffic. If a special road is turned to public use, it shall be made part of provincial, county or township roads at the request of units in charge of the special roads or related departments and with the consent of the units in charge of special roads and the approval of the transportation departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.
第十九条 本规定中的“电缆”系指通信电缆及电力电缆;“管道”系指输水、输气、输油及输送其他物质的管状输送设施。    Article 19 The term ""cables"", as used in these Provisions, refers to communications cables and electric cables; the term ""pipelines"" refers to the pipe-shaped conveying and transporting installations used for conveyance of water, gas, oil and other substances.
第十九条同一船舶可以设定两个以上抵押权,其顺序以登记的先后为准。    Article 19 Two or more mortgages may be established on the same ship. The ranking of the mortgages shall be determined according to the dates of their respective registrations.
第十九条海事请求保全执行后,有关海事纠纷未进入诉讼或者仲裁程序的,当事人就该海事请求,可以向采取海事请求保全的海事法院或者其他有管辖权的海事法院提起诉讼,但当事人之间订有诉讼管辖协议或者仲裁协议的除外。    Article 19 Where the relevant maritime dispute enters into litigation or arbitration procedure after execution of the maritime preservation, the party may bring an action relating to the maritime claim to the maritime court which has taken maritime claim preservation or other maritime courts having jurisdiction over it, with the exception of signing of a litigation jurisdiction agreement or an arbitration agreement between the parties.
第十九条所有捞获物应当在中国政府主管部门指定的地点接受有关部门的检查。    Article 19. All retrieved objects should be inspected by departments concerned at places designated by Chinese government departments in charge.
第十九条 船舶、设施有下列情况之一的,主管机关有权禁止其离港,或令其停航、改航、停止作业:    Article 19. The competent authority shall have the right to forbid a vessel or an installation from leaving the harbour or order it to suspend its voyage, change its route or cease its operations under any one of the following circumstances:
第十九条 下列邮资凭证不得使用:    Article 19. The following postage certificates shall not be used:
第十九条 根据海上交通事故发生的原因,港务监督可责令有关船舶、设施的所有人、经营人限期加强对所属船舶、设施的安全管理。对拒不加强安全管理或在限期内达不到安全要求的,港务监督有权责令其停航、改航、停止作业,并可采取其他必要的强制 性处罚措施。    Article 19. The harbour superintendency administration may, in the light of the causes of the maritime traffic accidents, order the owners and managers of the vessels involved or installtions involved to strengthen safety control over their vessels or installations within a time limit. In case of refusal to strengthen safety administration or failure to meet the safety requirements within the said time limit, the harbour superintendent has the right to order the vessels or installations to suspend navigation, change courses or suspend operation and may adopt other necessary compulsory measures.
第一百九十条对于获救满九十日的船舶和其他财产,如果被救助方不支付救助款项也不提供满意的担保,救助方可以申请法院裁定强制拍卖;    Article 190 If the party salved has neither made the payment nor provided satisfactory security for the ship and other property salved after 90 days of the salvage, the salvor may apply to the court for an order on forced sale by auction.
第一百九十条依照本章规定适用外国法律或者国际惯例,不得违背中华人民共和国的社会公共利益。    Article 190 The application of foreign laws or international practices in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter shall in no way violate the public interest of the People's Republic of China.
第一百九十一条同一船舶所有人的船舶之间进行的救助,救助方获得救助款项的权利适用本章规定。    Article 191 The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the salvor's right to the payment for the salvage operations carried out between the ships of the same owner.
第一百九十一条以暴力、胁迫或者其他方法劫持航空器的,依照关于惩治劫持航空器犯罪分子的决定追究刑事责任。    Article 191 Where a person seized an aircraft by violence, threats thereof or other means, his criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the Decision Regarding the Punishment of the Criminals Engaged in Aircraft Hijacking.
第一百九十二条对飞行中的民用航空器上的人员使用暴力,危及飞行安全,尚未造成严重后果的,依照刑法第一百零五条的规定追究刑事责任;造成严重后果的,依照刑法第一百零六条的规定追究刑事责任。    Article 192 Where a person endangers flight safety by using violence against a person on board a civil aircraft in flight, but without resulting in serious consequences, his criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the provisions of Article 105 of the Criminal Law; if grave consequences result from such act, his criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the provisions of Article 106 of the Criminal Law.
第一百九十二条国家有关主管机关从事或者控制的救助作业,救助方有权享受本章规定的关于救助作业的权利和补偿。    Article 192 With respect to the salvage operations performed or controlled by the relevant competent authorities of the State, the salvors shall be entitled to avail themselves of the rights and remedies provided for in this Chapter in respect of salvage operations.
第一百九十三条违反本法规定,隐匿携带炸药、雷管或者其他危险品乘坐民用航空器,或者以非危险品品名托运危险品,尚未造成严重后果的,比照刑法第一百六十三条的规定追究刑事责任;造成严重后果的,依照刑法第一百一十条的规定追究刑事责任。    Article 193 A person who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, conceals and brings explosives, detonators or other dangerous articles while flying in a civil aircraft, or consigns dangerous articles for shipment under the name of non-dangerous articles, but without resulting in serious consequences, shall be investigated for his criminal responsibility by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 163 of the Criminal Law; if grave consequences result from such crime, his criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the provisions of Article 110 of the Criminal Law.
第一百九十三条共同海损,是指在同一海上航程中,船舶、货物和其他财产遭遇共同危险,为了共同安全,有意地合理地采取措施所直接造成的特殊牺、支付的特殊费用。    Article 193 General average means the extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure intentionally and reasonably made or incurred for the common safety for the purpose of preserving from peril the ship, goods or other property involved in a common maritime adventure.
第一百九十四条船舶因发生意外、牺牲或者其他特殊情况而损坏时,为了安全完成本航程,驶入避难港口、避难地点或者驶回装货港口、装货地点进行要的修理,在该港口或者地点额外停留期间所支付的港口费,船员工资、给养,船舶所消耗的燃料、物料,为修理而卸载、储存、重装或者搬移船上货物、燃料、物料以及其他财产所造成的损失、支付的费用,应当列入共同海损。    Article 194 When a ship, after having been damaged in consequence of accident, sacrifice or other extraordinary circumstances, shall have entered a port or place of refuge or returned to its port or place of loading to effect repairs which are necessary for the safe prosecution of the voyage, then the port charges paid, the wages and maintenance of the crew incurred and the fuel and stores consumed during the extra period of detention in such port or place, as well as the loss or damage and charges arising from the discharge, storage, reloading and handling of the goods, fuel, stores and other property on board in order to have the repairs done shall be allowed as general average.
第一百九十四条公共航空运输企业违反本法第一百零一条的规定运输危险品的,由国务院民用航空主管部门没收违法所得,可以并处违法所得一倍以下的罚款。    Article 194 Where a public air transport enterprise carries dangerous articles in violation of the provisions of Article 101 of this Law, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall confiscate its unlawful earnings and may also impose a fine of not more than 100% of the unlawful earnings.
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