第二百零三条违反本法第三十五条的规定,未取得生产许可证书、维修许可证书而从事生产、维修活动的,违反本法第九十二条、第一百四十七条第二款的规定,未取得公共航空运输经营许可证或者通用航空经营许可证而从事公共航空运输或者从事经营性通用航空的,国务院民用航空主管部门可以责令停止生产、维修或者经营活动。 Article 203 Where a person, in violation of the provisions of Article 35 of this Law, is engaged in the activities of production and maintenance without obtaining production certificate and maintenance certificate or, in violation of the provisions of Article 92 and paragraph 2 of Article 147 of this Law, is engaged in public air transport or general aviation operations for commercial purposes without obtaining a public air transport operating licence or a general aviation operating licence, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall order him to stop such production, maintenance or operations.第二百零四条船舶所有人、救助人,对本法第二百零七条所列海事赔偿请求,可以依照本章规定限制赔偿责任。 Article 204 Shipowners and salvors may limit their liability in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter for claims set out in Article 207 of this Code.第二百零四条已取得本法第三十五条规定的生产许可证书、维修许可证书的企业,因生产、维修的质量问题造成严重事故的,国务院民用航空主管部门可以吊销其生产许可证书或者维修许可证书。 Article 204 Where an enterprise having obtained the production certificate and maintenance certificate prescribed in Article 35 of this Law creates a serious accident because of the problem in the quality of production and maintenance, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council may cancel its production certificate or maintenance certificate.第二百零五条本法第二百零七条所列海事赔偿请求,不是向船舶所有人、救助人本人提出,而是向他们对其行为、过失负有责任的人员提出的,这些人可以依照本章规定限制赔偿责任。 Article 205 If the claims set out in Article 207 of this Code are not made against shipowners or salvors themselves but against persons for whose act, neglect or default the shipowners or salvors are responsible, such persons may limit their liability in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.第二百零五条违反本法第四十条的规定,未取得航空人员执照、体格检查合格证书而从事相应的民用航空活动的,由国务院民用航空主管部门责令停止民用航空活动,在国务院民用航空主管部门规定的限期内不得申领有关执照和证书,对其所在单位处以二十万元以下的罚款。 Article 205 Where a person, in violation of the provisions of Article 40 of this Law, is engaged in civil aviation activities without obtaining the corresponding airman's licence and physical examination certificate, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall order him to stop such activities, no such licence and certificate shall be issued within the time limit prescribed by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council, and a fine of not more than 200,000 yuan shall be imposed on the unit that the person belongs to.第二百零六条有下列违法情形之一的,由国务院民用航空主管部门对民用航空器的机长给予警告或者吊扣执照一个月至六个月的处罚,情节较重的,可以给予吊销执照的处罚: Article 206 In one of the following circumstances in which the law is violated, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall punish the pilot-in-command by warning or by withholding his licence for a period of one to six months, or under aggravating circumstances, punish him by cancelling his licence:第二百零六条被保险人依照本章规定可以限制赔偿责任的,对该海事赔偿请求承担责任的保险人,有权依照本章规定享受相同的赔偿责任限制。 Article 206 Where the assured may limit his liability in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, the insurer liable for the maritime claims shall be entitled to the limitation of liability under this Chapter to the same extent as the assured.第二百零七条下列海事赔偿请求,除本法第二百零八条和第二百零九条另有规定外,无论赔偿责任的基础有何不同,责任人均可以依照本章规定限制赔责任: Article 207 Except as provided otherwise in Articles 208 and 209 of this Code, with respect to the following maritime claims, the person liable may limit his liability in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, whatever the basis of liability may be:第二百零七条违反本法第七十四条的规定,民用航空器未经空中交通管制单位许可进行飞行活动的,由国务院民用航空主管部门责令停止飞行,对该民用航空器所有人或者承租人处以一万元以上十万元以下的罚款;对该民用航空器的机长给予警告或者吊扣执照一个月至六个月的处罚,情节较重的,可以给予吊销执照的处罚。 Article 207 Where a civil aircraft, in violation of the provisions of Article 74 of this Law, conducts flight activities without the approval of the air traffic control unit, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall order it to stop flying, and impose a fine on the owner or lessee of the civil aircraft of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan; and punish the pilot-in-command of the civil aircraft by warning or by withholding his licence for a period of one to six months, or under aggravating circumstances, punish him by cancelling his licence.第二百零八条本章规定不适用于下列各项: Article 208 The provisions of this Chapter shall not be applicable to the following claims:第二百零八条民用航空器的机长或者机组其他人员有下列行为之一的,由国务院民用航空主管部门给予警告或者吊扣执照一个月至六个月的处罚; Article 208 Where the pilot-in-command of a civil aircraft or another member of the crew commits one of the following acts, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall punish him by warning or by withholding his licence for a period of one to six months;第二百零九条经证明,引起赔偿请求的损失是由于责任人的故意或者明知可能造成损失而轻率地作为或者不作为造成的,责任人无权依照本章规定限制偿责任。 Article 209 A person liable shall not be entitled to limit his liability in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, if it is proved that the loss resulted from his act or omission done with the intent to cause such loss or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss would probably result.第二百零九条违反本法第八十条的规定,民用航空器在飞行中投掷物品的,由国务院民用航空主管部门给予警告,可以对直接责任人员处以二千元以上二万元以下的罚款。 Article 209 Where some articles are dropped or sprayed from a civil aircraft in flight in violation of the provisions of Article 80 of this Law, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall give a warning, and may impose a fine of not less than 2,000 yuan but not more than 20,000 yuan on the person directly responsible.第二十条 外航损坏或者遗失经营许可的,应当立即向民航局书面报告,并提出补发经营许可的申请。 Article 20 If business license is damaged or lost, the foreign airline shall report to Civil Aviation Administration in a timely manner and submit application for reissue of such license.?第二十一条 外航不得涂改、转让、租赁、买卖民航局颁发的经营许可。经涂改、转让、租赁、买卖的经营许可无效。 Article 21 A foreign airline is not allowed to modify, transfer, lease or sell business license issued by Civil Aviation Administration. Once the business license is modified, transferred, leased or sold, it will be invalid.第二十一条船舶优先权,是指海事请求人依照本法第二十二条的规定,向船舶所有人、光船承租人、船舶经营人提出海事请求,对产生该海事请求的船具有优先受偿的权利。 Article 21 A maritime lien is the right of the claimant, subject to the provisions of Article 22 of this Code, to take priority in compensation against shipowners, bareboat charterers or ship operators with respect to the ship which gave rise to the said claim.第二十一条为了债权人的共同利益,在执行人民法院判决以及拍卖过程中产生的费用,应当从民用航空器拍卖所得价款中先行拨付。 Article 21 For the common interests of creditors, the expenses incurred in enforcing the decision of the People's Court and in the course of auction sale shall be deducted and paid first from the proceeds of the auction sale of the civil aircraft.第二十一条 外贸企业代理进口的货物不得擅自转让、销售到非保税区。 Article 21 Goods imported through the agency of a foreign trade enterprise shall not be transferred or sold to the non-bonded areas without authorization.第二十一条筹集公路建设资金,除各级人民政府的财政拨款,包括依法征税筹集的公路建设专项资金转为的财政拨款外,可以依法向国内外金融机构或者外国政府贷款。 Article 21 In raising funds for highway construction, people's government at all levels may, in addition to put in appropriations, collect special charges for road construction or solicit loans from domestic and foreign financial organizations or foreign governments according to law and relevant provisions of the State Council on their own decisions.第二十一条下列海事请求,可以申请扣押船舶: Article 21 The following maritime claims may applied for arresting ships:第二十一条 当事人可以委托仲裁代理人办理有关仲裁事项;接受委托的仲裁代理人,应向仲裁委员会提交授权委托书。 Article 21 The parties may authorize arbitration agents to deal with the matters relating to arbitration; the authorized attorney must produce a Power of Attorney to the Arbitration Commission.第二十一条配制、装载供应品的单位对装入航空器的供应品,必须保证其安全性。 Article 21 The unit which prepares the supplies and loads them must ensure the safety of such supplies loaded into the aircraft.第二十一条 本规定自一九八九年三月一日起施行。 Article 21 These Provisions shall go into effect on March 1, 1989.第二十一条货物、包裹、行李到站后,收货人或者旅客应当按照国务院铁路主管部门规定的期限及时领取,并支付托运人未付或者少付的运费和其他费用;逾期领取的,收货人或者旅客应当按照规定交付保管费。 Article 21 Upon the arrival of shipped goods, parcels or luggage, the relevant consignee or passenger shall claim them in time in observance of the time limit set by the competent department in charge of railways under the State Council and at the same time pay any transport charges and other fees that the shipper has not paid or underpaid; if such time limit is exceeded, the consignee or passenger shall pay due charges for storage in accordance with relevant regulation.第二十一条因公路修建、养护需要,在空地、荒山、河流、滩涂取土采石,应当征得县(市)人民政府同意。 Article 21 When earth and rocks form non-utilized lands, barren hills, rivers and streams, or beaches are needed for highway construction or maintenance, agreement must first be obtained from local county (city) governments.