第二条本办法适用于外商参与打捞中国沿海水域具有商业价值的沉船沉物活动。 Article 2. These procedures apply to activities involving salvaging of sunken ships and sunken articles of commercial value in China's coastal waters with the participation of foreign businesses.第二条 本法适用于在中华人民共和国沿海水域航行、停泊和作业的一切船舶、设施和人员以及船舶、设施的所有人、经营人。 Article 2. This Law shall apply to all vessels, installations and personnel and to the owners and managers of such vessels and installations that navigate, berth or operate in the coastal waters of the People's Republic of China.第二条 外国水路、公路运输企业,包括港口企业、港口和航道建设企业、公路建设企业、运输代理企业,以及其他有关的运输组织或企业(以下简称“外国运输企业”),因业务需要申请在中国设立常驻代表机构,须经中华人民共和国交通部批准。 Article 2. When foreign waterway and highway transport enterprises, including those engaged in harbor business, harbor and navigational channel construction, highway construction, transport agencies and other transport-related organizations and enterprises (hereinafter referred to as foreign transport enterprises) need to apply for establishment of permanent offices in China because of business needs, the applications have to be approved by the Chinese Ministry of Communications and Transport (MCT).第二十条有下列妨害公共安全行为之一的,处十五日以下拘留、二百元以下罚款或者警告:…… Article 20 A punishment of 15-day detainment, a fine of less than RMB200 or a warning shall be meted out for one of the following cases that disrupt public safety:第二十条托运货物需要包装的,托运人应当按照国家包装标准或者行业包装标准包装;没有国家包装标准或者行业包装标准的,应当妥善包装,使货物在运输途中不因包装原因而受损坏。 Article 20 Goods consigned for shipment that need packing shall be packed by the shipper in conformity with the national standards for packing or the trade standards for packing; where both these standards are lacking, the shipper shall pack the goods properly so that the goods would not suffer any damage due to improper packing.第二十条海事请求人申请海事请求保全错误的,应当赔偿被请求人或者利害关系人因此所遭受的损失。 Article 20 If an application for maritime preservation is wrongfully made by a maritime claimant, the claimant shall compensate the person against whom the application is made for any loss incurred from maritime preservation.第二十条 被申请人未提交书面答辩及/或申请人对被申请人的反请求未提出书面答辩的,不影响仲裁程序的进行。 Article 20 Neither the Respondent fails to file his defense in writing nor the Claimant fails to submit his written defense against the Respondent's counterclaim shall affect the process of the arbitration proceedings.第二十条承运人对承运的行李、货物,在地面存储和运输期间,必须有专人监管。 Article 20 The carrier must assign special persons to supervise the baggage and cargo during the storage period on ground and transportation period.第二十条本法第十九条规定的民用航空器优先权,其债权人应当自援救或者保管维护工作终了之日起三个月内,就其债权向国务院民用航空主管部门登记。 Article 20 The creditor of the civil aircraft liens specified in Article 19 of this Law shall register his obligatory rights with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council within three months commencing from the date of the end of rescue or custody.第二十条被低押船舶灭失,抵押权随之消灭。由于船舶灭失得到的保险赔偿,抵押权人有权优先于其他债权人受偿。 Article 20 The mortgages shall be extinguished when the mortgaged ship is lost. With respect to the compensation paid from the insurance coverage on account of the loss of the ship, the mortgagee shall be entitled to enjoy priority in compensation over other creditors.第二十条 本规定由中华人民共和国国家海洋局负责解释。 Article 20 The right to interpret these Provisions resides in the State Oceanographic Bureau of the People's Republic of China.第二十条县级以上人民政府交通主管部门应当依据职责维护公路建设秩序,加强对公路建设的监督管理。 Article 20 The transportation departments of people's governments at and above the county level should according to their respective duties, safeguard the order and strengthen supervision and control of highway roads construction.第二十条 外贸企业代理进口的货物运交保税区内生产企业进行生产加工和代理生产企业出口产品时,买卖双方应持凭代理进出口合同向海关办理报关、结转和核销手续。 Article 20 When a foreign trade enterprise delivers goods, imported by it as an agent, to a production enterprise for processing, or exports goods as an agent for the production enterprise, both buying and selling parties shall, by presenting the import and export agency contract to the Customs, go through the procedures for Customs declaration, carrying-over of accounts, and verification and cancellation.第二十条公路交通遇严重灾害受阻时,当地县级以上人民政府应当立即动员和组织附近驻军、机关、团体、学校、企业事业单位、城乡居民协肋公路主管部门限期修复。 Article 20 When highway transportation is blocked because of serious natural disasters, local governments at and above the county level should immediately mobilise and organize nearby army units, government organs, organisations, schools and enterprises and establishments as well as urban and rural residents to assist the highway department in restoring highway transport within a set time limit.第二十条 在沿海水域进行水上水下施工以及划定相应的安全作业区,必须报经主管机关核准公告。无关的船舶不得进入安全作业区。 施工单位不得擅自扩大安全作业区的范围。 Article 20. Construction operations to be carried out on the surface or underwater in coastal waters and the demarcation of corresponding safe operation zones must be reported to the competent authority for examination and approval and must be publicly announced. Vessels not involved in the construction project may not enter the safe operation zones. The construction unit may not enlarge such zones without authorization.第二十条 对船舶、设施发生海上交通事故引起的民事侵权赔偿纠纷,当事人可以申请港务监督调解。 Article 20. If a maritime traffic accident happening to vessels or installations gives rise to a civil dispute over tort liability, the parties may apply to the harbour superintendency administration for mediation.第二十条 用户交寄邮件,必须遵守国务院有关主管部门关于禁止寄递物品、限量寄递物品的规定。 Article 20. In handing in or posting postal materials, users must abide by the provisions formulated by the relevant competent department under the State Council on articles forbidden to post or deliver and articles to be posted or delivered in limited amounts.第二十条违反本办法打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物的,港务监督有权责令其停止打捞作业,并可给予警告、罚款的处罚,其中已给国家和他人造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。 Article 20. Port authority has the right to call a halt to salvage operations on sunken ships and sunken articles carried out in China's coastal waters in violation of these Procedures, and mete out punishments of a warning or fines. Those who have caused damage to the country and others have the responsibility for paying compensations.第二百条违反本法规定,尚不够刑事处罚,应当给予治安管理处罚的,依照治安管理处罚条例的规定处罚。 Article 200 A person who violates the provisions of this Law, not seriously enough for criminal punishment but should be subject to penalty for public security, shall be punished in accordance with the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security.第二百条未申报的货物或者谎报的货物,应当参加共同海损分摊;其遭受的特殊牺牲,不得列入共同海损。 Article 200 Goods undeclared or wrongfully declared shall be liable for the contribution to general average, but the special sacrifice sustained by such goods shall not be allowed as general average.第二百零一条对共同海损特殊牺牲和垫付的共同海损特殊费用,应当计算利息。 Article 201 Interest shall be allowed on general average sacrifice and general average expenses paid on account.第二百零一条违反本法第三十七条的规定,民用航空器无适航证书而飞行,或者租用的外国民用航空器未经国务院民用航空主管部门对其原国籍登记国发给的适航证书审查认可或者另发适航证书而飞行的,由国务院民用航空主管部门责令停止飞行,没收违法所得,可以并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款; Article 201 Where in violation of the provisions of Article 37 of this Law, a civil aircraft flies without the certificate of airworthiness, or a foreign civil aircraft on lease flies without having its certificate of airworthiness, issued by the State in which the nationality of the aircraft was originally registered, examined and rendered valid by the State Council, or without having a new certificate of airworthiness issued therefor by the said authority, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall order it to stop flying, confiscate the unlawful earnings, and may also impose a fine of more than 100% but not exceeding 500% of the unlawful earnings;第二百零二条经利益关系人要求,各分摊方应当提供共同海损担保。 Article 202 The contributing parties shall provide security for general average contribution at the request of the parties that have an interest therein.第二百零二条违反本法第三十四条、第三十六条第二款的规定,将未取得型号合格证书、型号认可证书的民用航空器及其发动机、螺旋桨或者民用航空器上的设备投入生产的,由国务院民用航空主管部门责令停止生产,没收违法所得,可以并处违法所得一倍以下的罚款; Article 202 Where a person, in violation of the provisions of Article 34 and paragraph 2 of Article 36 of this Law, carries out the production of civil aircraft and its engines, propellers or on-board equipment without obtaining type certificate and type validation certificate, the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall order him to stop such production, confiscate his unlawful earnings and may also impose on him a fine of not more than 100% of his unlawful earnings;第二百零三条共同海损理算,适用合同约定的理算规则;合同未约定的,适用本章的规定。 Article 203 The adjustment of general average shall be governed by the average adjustment rules agreed upon in the relevant contract. In the absence of such an agreement in the contract, the relevant provisions contained in this Chapter shall apply.