第二十三条 当事人申请海事请求保全或其他财产保全的,仲裁委员会应当将当事人的申请提交被申请人住所地或其财产所在地的海事法院或其他法院;当事人在仲裁程序开始前申请海事请求保全或其他财产保全的,应当依照《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》的规定或其他有关规定,直接向被保全的财产所在地海事法院或其他法院提出。 Article 23 When a party applies for preservation of maritime claim or preservation of other property, the Arbitration Commission shall submit the party's application to the maritime court or other people's court at the place of the Respondent's domicile or at the place where the property is located. Where a party applies for preservation of maritime claim or preservation of other property before the commencement of arbitration proceedings, he shall, according to the provisions of ""Maritime Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China"" or other provisions concerned, submit the application directly to the maritime court or other people's court at the place of the property subject to preservation.第二十三条本法第十九条规定的债权转移的,其民用航空器优先权随之转移。 Article 23 Where the obligatory rights provided in Article 19 of this Law are transferred, the civil aircraft liens attached thereto shall be transferred accordingly.第二十三条 经调解达成协议的,港务监督应制作调解书。调解书应当写明当事人的姓名、住所、法定代表人或代理人的姓名及职务、纠纷的主要事实、当事人的责任、协议的内容、调解费的承担、调解协议履行的基础。 Article 23. If an agreement is reached after mediation, the harbour superintendency administration shall prepare a mediation document. The mediation document shall include the following items: names and addresses of the parties, names and positions of the legal representatives, main points of the disputes, liabilities of the parties, content of the agreement, payment of the mediation fees and the time limit for the execution of the mediation agreement.第二十三条 禁止损坏助航标志和导航设施。损坏助航标志或导航设施的,应当立即向主管机关报告,并承担赔偿责任。 Article 23. It shall be forbidden to damage navigation aids or navigational facilities. Whoever has damaged navigation aids or navigational facilities shall immediately report the damage to the competent authority and be liable for compensation.第二十三条本办法自发布之日起施行。 Article 23. These Procedures will take effect as of the date of promulgation.第二十三条 无法投递的邮件,应当退回寄件人。 Article 23. Undeliverable postal materials shall be returned to the senders.第二百三十条因船舶转让而转让船舶保险合同的,应当取得保险人同意。未经保险人同意,船舶保险合同从船舶转让时起解除; Article 230 The consent of the insurer shall be obtained where the insurance contract is assigned in consequence of the transfer of the ownership of the ship insured. In the absence of such consent, the contract shall be terminated from the time of the transfer of the ownership of the ship.第二百三十一条被保险人在一定期间分批装运或者接受货物的,可以与保险人订立预约保险合同。预约保险合同应当由保险人签发预约保险单证加以确。 Article 231 The insured may conclude an open cover with the insurer for the goods to be shipped or received in batches within a given period. The open cover shall be evidenced by an open policy to be issued by the insurer.第二百三十二条应被保险人要求,保险人应当对依据预约保险合同分批装运的货物分别签发保险单证。 Article 232 The insurer shall, at the request of the insured, issue insurance certificates separately for the cargo shipped in batches according to the open cover.第二百三十三条被保险人知道经预约保险合同保险的货物已经装运或者到达的情况时,应当立即通知保险人。 Article 233 The insured shall notify the insurer immediately on learning that the cargo insured under the open cover has been shipped or has arrived.第二百三十四条除合同另有约定外,被保险人应当在合同订立后立即支付保险费; Article 234 Unless otherwise agreed in the insurance contract, the insured shall pay the premium immediately upon conclusion of the contract.第二百三十五条被保险人违反合同约定的保证条款时,应当立即书面通知保险人。 Article 235 The insured shall notify the insurer in writing immediately where the insured has not complied with the warranties under the contract.第二百三十六条一旦保险事故发生,被保险人应当立即通知保险人,并采取必要的合理措施,防止或者减少损失。 Article 236 Upon the occurrence of the peril insured against, the insured shall notify the insurer immediately and shall take necessary and reasonable measures to avoid or minimize the loss.第二百三十七条发生保险事故造成损失后,保险人应当及时向被保险人支付保险赔偿。 Article 237 The insurer shall indemnify the insured promptly after the loss from a peril insured against has occurred.第二百三十八条保险人赔偿保险事故造成的损失,以保险金额为限。 Article 238 The insurer's indemnification for the loss from the peril insured against shall be limited to the insured amount.第二百三十九条保险标的在保险期间发生几次保险事故所造成的损失,即使损失金额的总和超过保险金额,保险人也应当赔偿。 Article 239 The insurer shall be liable for the loss to the subject matter insured arising from several perils insured against during the period of the insurance even though the aggregate of the amounts of loss exceeds the insured amount.第二十三条 航班计划包括航线、班次、班期、航班号、机型、是否使用湿租航空器及是否利用代码共享的方式经营航班等内容。 Article 23 Flight schedule includes route, flight order, time, flight No., aircraft type, whether the aircraft is acquired through wet lease, and whether flights are run by sharing codes and so on.第二十四条民用航空器优先权应当通过人民法院扣押产生优先权的民用航空器行使。 Article 24 A civil aircraft lien shall be enforced by the People's Court by arresting the civil aircraft that gave rise to the said civil aircraft lien.第二十四条海事请求人不得因同一海事请求申请扣押已被扣押过的船舶,但有下列情形之一的除外: Article 24 A maritime claimant may not apply to arrest a ship having been arrested for the same maritime claim, except that any of the following circumstances exists:第二十四条禁止在公路及公路用地上构筑设施、种植作物。禁止任意利用公路边沟进行灌溉或者排放污水。 Article 24 Construction of facilities and the planting of crops are banned upon highways and land for exclusive use by highways. Also banned is the use of roadside ditches for irrigation or drainage purposes.第二十四条禁止下列扰乱民用航空营运秩序的行为: Article 24 The following acts interfering with the order of civil aviation operation are prohibited:第二十四条因行使船舶优先权产生的诉讼费用,保存、拍卖船舶和分配船舶价款产生的费用,以及为海事请求人的共同利益而支付的其他费用,应当从舶拍卖所得价款中先行拨付。 Article 24 The legal costs for enforcing the maritime liens, the expenses for preserving and selling the ship, the expenses for distribution of the proceeds of sale and other expenses incurred for the common interests of the claimants, shall be deducted and paid first from the proceeds of the auction sale of the ship.第二十四条国家鼓励专用铁路兼办公共旅客、货物运输营业;提倡铁路专用线与有关单位按照协议共用。 Article 24 The State shall encourage industrial railways to take up also public passenger and goods transport services on a commercial basis; the State shall promote shared use of railway private sidings by related units on the basis of agreed terms.第二十四条 转口货物在保税区内储存期限为一年。 Article 24 The time limit for the storage of transit goods in the bonded area shall be one year.第二十四条公路建设单位应当根据公路建设工程的特点和技术要求,选择具有相应资格的勘查设计单位、施工单位和工程监理单位,并依照有关法律、法规、规章的规定和公路工程技术标准的要求,分别签订合同,明确双方的权利义务。 Article 24 Units undertaking highway roads construction should, according to the characteristics and technical requirements of the projects, choose qualified survey and designing units, construction units and projects supervisors and sign contracts with them to clearly define respective rights and obligations of both sides in accordance with provisions of related laws, regulations and rules and the requirements of the road engineering and technical standards.