

第二十五条 寄递邮件逐步实行邮政编码,具体办法由国务院邮政主管部门规定。    Article 25. In posting and delivering postal materials, postal codes shall be adopted gradually, and specific pertinent measures shall be formulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council.
第二十五条 航标周围不得建造或设置影响其工作效能的障碍物。航标和航道附近有碍航行安全的灯光,应当妥善遮蔽。    Article 25. No obstacle affecting the efficacy of navigation aids may be erected or installed in areas surrounding the aids. Any lights in the vicinity of the navigation aids or navigational lanes that jeopardize navigation safety shall be properly screened.
第二百五十条保险人接受委付的,被保险人对委付财产的全部权利和义务转移给保险人。    Article 250 Where the insurer has accepted the abandonment, all rights and obligations relating to the property abandoned are transferred to the insurer.
第二百五十一条保险事故发生后,保险人向被保险人支付保险赔偿前,可以要求被保险人提供与确认保险事故性质和损失程度有关的证明和资料。    Article 251 After the occurrence of a peril insured against and before the payment of indemnity, the insurer may demand that the insured submit evidence and materials related to the ascertainment of the nature of the peril and the extent of the loss.
第二百五十二条保险标的发生保险责任范围内的损失是由第三人造成的,被保险人向第三人要求赔偿的权利,自保险人支付赔偿之日起,相应转移给保人。    Article 252 Where the loss of or damage to the subject matter insured within the insurance converage is caused by a third person, the right of the insured to demand compensation from the third person shall be subrogated to the insurer from the time the indemnity is paid.
第二百五十三条被保险人未经保险人同意放弃向第三人要求赔偿的权利,或者由于过失致使保险人不能行使追偿权利的,保险人可以相应扣减保险赔偿    Article 253 Where the insured waives his right of claim against the third person without the consent of the insurer or the insurer is unable to exercise the right of recourse due to the fault of the insured, the insurer may make a corresponding reduction from the amount of indemnity.
第二百五十四条保险人支付保险赔偿时,可以从应支付的赔偿额中相应扣减被保险人已经从第三人取得的赔偿。    Article 254 In effecting payment of indemnity to the insured, the insurer may make a corresponding reduction therefrom of the amount already paid by a third person to the insured.
第二百五十五条发生保险事故后,保险人有权放弃对保险标的的权利,全额支付合同约定的保险赔偿,以解除对保险标的的义务。    Article 255 After the occurrence of a peril insured against, the insurer is entitled to waive his right to the subject matter insured and pay the insured the amount in full to relieve himself of the obligations under the contract.
第二百五十六条除本法第二百五十五条的规定外,保险标的发生全损,保险人支付全部保险金额的,取得对保险标的的全部权利;    Article 256 Except as stipulated in Article 255 of this Code, where a total loss occurs to the subject matter insured and the full insured amount is paid, the insurer shall acquire the full right to the subject matter insured.
第二百五十七条就海上货物运输向承运人要求赔偿的请求权,时效期间为一年,自承运人交付或者应当交付货物之日起计算;    Article 257 The Limitation period for claims against the carrier with regard to the carriage of goods by sea is one year, counting from the day on which the goods were delivered or should have been delivered by the carrier.
第二百五十八条就海上旅客运输向承运人要求赔偿的请求权,时效期间为二年,分别依照下列规定计算:    Article 258 The limitation period for claims against the carrier with regard to the carriage of passengers by sea is two years, counting respectively as follows:
第二百五十九条有关船舶租用合同的请求权,时效期间为二年,自知道或者应当知道权利被侵害之日起计算。    Article 259 The limitation period for claims with regard to charter parties is two years, counting from the day on which the claimant knew or should have known that his right had been infringed.
第二十五条 因天气、飞机故障等原因需要临时更改航班计划的,外航应当立即向民航局提出申请,获得批准后方可执行。    Article 25 If a foreign airline needs to alter flight schedule temporarily due to weather and airplane malfunction, it shall submit application to Civil Aviation Administration in a timely manner and only implement it after being approved.
第二十六条民用航空器租赁合同,包括融资租赁合同和其他租赁合同,应当以书面形式订立。    Article 26 A civil aircraft lease contract, including financing lease contract and other lease contracts, shall be made in writing.
第二十六条海事法院在发布或者解除扣押船舶命令的同时,可以向有关部门发出协助执行通知书,通知书应当载明协助执行的范围和内容,有关部门有义务协助执行。    Article 26 A maritime court may issue the relevant departments with a notice for assistance in execution at the same time it issues or cancels an order for arrest of a ship, and the notice shall clearly set forth the scope and content of the assistance in execution and the relevant departments have the obligation to assist in execution.
第二十六条公路建设必须符合公路工程技术标准。    Article 26 Highway construction should be undertaken strictly in conformance with prescribed technical standards of highway construction.
第二十六条船舶优先权不因船舶所有权的转让而消灭。但是,船舶转让时,船舶优先权自法院应受让人申请予以公告之日起满六十日不行使的除外。    Article 26 Maritime liens shall not be extinguished by virtue of the transfer of the ownership of the ship, except those that have not been enforced within 60 days of a public notice on the transfer of the ownership of the ship made by a court at the request of the transferee when the transfer was effected.
第二十六条 运输工具进出保税区时应向海关申报,接受海关检查。    Article 26 Means of transport, on entering or leaving the bonded area, shall declare at the Customs, and accept the inspection by the Customs.
第二十六条不得在大型公路桥梁和公路渡口的上、下游各二百米范围内采挖沙石、修筑堤坝、倾倒拉圾、压缩或者扩宽河床、进行爆破作业。    Article 26 No excavation of sand, dike and dam construction, dumping of rubbish, reduction or expansion of river-beds, or demolition operations may be carried out within 200m either upstream or downstream of large highway bridges and highway ferries.
第二十六条铁路的旅客票价,货物、包裹、行李的运价,旅客和货物运输杂费的收费项目和收费标准,必须公告;未公告的不得实施。    Article 26 Passenger fares, tariffs for goods, parcels and luggage, and the items and rates of miscellaneous charges for passenger and goods transport, must be announced by public notice; the same shall not go into effect before being so announced.
第二十六条乘坐民用航空器的旅客和其他人员及其携带的行李物品,必须接受安全检查;但是,国务院规定免检的除外。    Article 26 Passengers and other persons aboard the aircraft, together with the baggage they carry, must be subject to security inspection except those exempted from inspection as prescribed by the State Council.
第二十六条 申请人和被申请人应各自在收到仲裁通知之日起15天内,在仲裁委员会仲裁员名册中各自选定一名仲裁员,或者委托仲裁委员会主任指定;申请人和被申请人还应共同选定或者共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定第三名仲裁员担任首席仲裁员。    Article 26 The Claimant and Respondent shall appoint one arbitrator respectively from among the Panel of Arbitrators of the Arbitration Commission or entrust the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission to appoint one arbitrator within 15 days from the date of receipt of the Notice of Arbitration. The Claimant and the Respondent shall jointly appoint or jointly entrust the Chairman to appoint a third arbitrator as the presiding arbitrator.
第二十六条 港和监督自收到调解申请书之日起三个月内未能使当事人各方达成调解协议的,可以宣布调解不成。    Article 26. If the harbour superintendency administration fails to make the parties reach an agreement of mediation within 3 months as of the date of receipt of the application for mediation, the mediation may be announced as failing.
第二十六条 铁路、公路、水运、航空等运输单位均负有载运邮件的责任,保证邮件优先运出,并在运费上予以优惠。    Article 26. Transportation units operating railways, highways, waterways and airlines shall all have the responsibility of carrying and transporting postal materials, and shall ensure priority to transporting postal materials at preferential freight charges.
第二十六条 设施的搬迁、拆除,沉船沉物的打捞清除,水下工程的善后处理,都不得遗留有碍航行和作业安全的隐患。在未妥善处理前,其所有人或经营人必须负责设置规定的标志,并将碍航物的名称、形状、尺寸、位置和深度准确地报告主管机关。    Article 26. When removing or dismantling installations, salvaging or removing sunken ships or objects, and handling the finishing operations of underwater projects, no hidden dangers shall be left to menace navigational or operational safety. Before the aforesaid operations have been properly completed, their owners or managers must be responsible for erecting markers as required and making an accurate report to the competent authority on the type, shape, size and location of the obstacle and the depth of water over it.
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