第二百七十二条船舶优先权,适用受理案件的法院所在地法律。 Article 272 The law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to matters pertaining to maritime liens.第二百七十三条船舶碰撞的损害赔偿,适用侵权行为地法律。 Article 273 The law of the place where the infringing act is committed shall apply to claims for damages arising from collision of ships.第二百七十四条共同海损理算,适用理算地法律。 Article 274 The law where the adjustment of general average is made shall apply to the adjustment of general average.第二百七十五条海事赔偿责任限制,适用受理案件的法院所在地法律。 Article 275 The law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to the limitation of liability for maritime claims.第二百七十六条依照本章规定适用外国法律或者国际惯例,不得违背中华人民共和国的社会公共利益。 Article 276 The application of foreign laws or international practices pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter shall not jeopadize the public interests of the People's Republic of China.第二百七十七条本法所称计算单位,是指国际货币基金组织规定的特别提款权; Article 277 The Unit of Account referred to in this Code is the Special Drawing Right as defined by the International Monetary Fund;第二百七十八条本法自1993年7月1日起施行。 Article 278 This Code shall come into force as of July 1, 1993.第二十七条 因市场需求需要安排临时加班飞行的,外航应当在拟加班日五个工作日前向民航局提出申请,获得批准后方可经营,双方航空运输协定或有关协议另有规定的除外。 Article 27 If a foreign airline needs to arrange temporary overtime flight upon market demand, it shall submit application to Civil Aviation Administration 5 working days ahead of planned overtime flight and only can implement it after being approved except for otherwise being prescribed in air transport agreement between both parties or related agreement.第二十八条船舶优先权应当通过法院扣押产生优先权的船舶行使。 Article 28 A maritime lien shall be enforced by the court by arresting the ship that gave rise to the said maritime lien.第二十八条 保税区进口的减免税货物、保税货物的监管手续费,应当按照《中华人民共和国海关对进口减税、免税和保税货物征收海关监管手续费的办法》办理。 Article 28 Cases concerning the supervision charges for goods with Customs duties reduced or exempted, or for bonded goods imported into the bonded area, shall be handled in accordance with Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China Concerning the Collection of Customs Supervision Charges for Goods Imported with Reduction of Exemption from Customs Duty, and for Bonded Goods.第二十八条融资租赁期间,出租人依法享有民用航空器所有权,承租人依法享有民用航空器的占有、使用、收益权。 Article 28 During the period of financing lease, the lessor shall be legally entitled to the ownership of the civil aircraft, and the lessee shall be legally entitled to the rights of possession, utilization and earnings of the civil aircraft.第二十八条公路建设需要使用国有荒山、荒地或者需要在国有荒山、荒地、河滩、滩涂上挖砂、采石、取土的,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定办理后,任何单位和个人不得阻挠或者非法收取费用。 Article 28 No unit or individual is allowed to intrude or collect fees illegally for the use of State owned waste hills, wasteland or for the digging of sand, stone or earth from the State owned waste hills, wasteland, river beds and poulders for highway construction only if necessary procedures as provided for by related laws and administrative decrees have been undertaken for the respective actions.第二十八条托运、承运货物、包裹、行李,必须遵守国家关于禁止或者限制运输物品的规定。 Article 28 Relevant regulations of the State concerning articles the transport of which is prohibited or restricted must be observed in consigning shipment and carrying goods, parcels or luggage.第二十八条海事请求保全扣押船舶的期限为三十日。 Article 28 The period of arresting a ship for maritime claim preservation shall be 30 days.第二十八条进入候机隔离区的工作人员(包括机组人员)及其携带的物品,应当接受安全检查。 Article 28 The working personnel (including crew members) and the articles brought along by them shall be subject to security inspection while entering the departure sterile area.第二十八条 仲裁案件有两个或者两个以上申请人及/或被申请人时,申请人之间或被申请人之间应当经过协商, 在仲裁委员会提供的仲裁员名册中各自共同选定或者各自共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名仲裁员。 Article 28 When there are two or more Claimants and/or Respondents in an arbitration case, the Claimants' side or the Respondents' side each shall, through consultation, appoint or entrust the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission to appoint one arbitrator from among the Panel of Arbitrators of the Arbitration Commission.第二十八条末经公路主管部门批准,履带车和铁轮车不得在铺有路面的公路上行驶,超过桥梁限载标准的车辆、物件不得过桥。 Article 28 Without proper approval by highway departments, caterpillar tread vehicles and vehicles with iron-rimmed wheels are not permitted to travel on paved highways. Vehicles or goods whose weights exceed the weight limit of a highway bridge should not be allowed to cross the bridge.第二十八条 凡申请港务监督调解的,应向港务监督缴纳调解费。调解的收费标准,由交通部会同国家物价局、财政部制定。 Article 28. Anyone who has applied to the harbour superintendency administration for mediation shall pay mediation fees. Standards for mediation charges shall be worked out by the Ministry of Communications in conjunction with the State Administration for Commodity Prices and the Ministry of Finance.第二十八条 带有邮政专用标志的邮政车船和邮政工作人员进出港口、通过渡口时,应当优先放行。 Article 28. Ships with special postal marks, postal vans and postal staff shall be given priority in entering and departing ports and crossing on ferries.第二十八条 主管机关根据海上交通安全的需要,确定、调整交通管制区和港口锚地。港外锚地的划定,由主管机关报上级机关批准后公告。 Article 28. To meet the requirements of maritime traffic safety, the competent authority shall fix and adjust traffic control areas and harbour anchorages. The designation of anchorages outside of harbour areas shall be announced by the competent authority after the report relative thereto has been submitted to and approved by the higher authority.第二十八条 外航依照经营许可的规定开始经营规定航线后,应当在每月十五日前按本规定附件《外国航空公司运输业务量统计表》的要求,向民航局提供上月航线运输业务量统计资料,并对资料内容的准确性、真实性和完整性负责。 Article 28 After a foreign airline starts to run prescribed route according to business license, it shall submit route transport business statistics of the previous month to Civil Aviation Administration before 15th of the month according to requirement of attached Statistical Reporting Form for Traffic Volume Carried by Foreign airline Carriers, and hold responsible for accuracy, validity and completeness of the material content.第二十九条船舶优先权,除本法第二十六条规定的外,因下列原因之一而消灭: Article 29 A maritime lien shall, except as provided for in Article 26 of this Code, be extinguished under one of the following circumstances:第二十九条外交邮袋免予安全检查。 Article 29 Diplomatic mail bags are exempted from security inspection.第二十九条铁路运输企业与公路、航空或者水上运输企业相互间实行国内旅客、货物联运,依照国家有关规定办理;国家没有规定的,依照有关各方的协议办理。 Article 29 Domestic through transport of passenger and goods between railway transport enterprises and highway, air or waterway transport enterprises must be handled in accordance with relevant provisions laid down by the State, or in the absence of such provisions, in accordance with the agreement reached by all parties concerned.第二十九条融资租赁期间,出租人不得干扰承租人依法占有、使用民用航空器;承租人应当适当地保管民用航空器,使之处于原交付时的状态,但是合理损耗和经出租人同意的对民用航空器的改变除外。 Article 29 During the period of financing lease, the lessor shall ensure the lessee to possess and use the civil aircraft without interference; the lessee shall take proper care of the civil aircraft and keep it in the condition in which it was delivered, subject to fair wear and tear and to any modification of the civil aircraft agreed by the lessor.