

第三十一条 船舶、设施发生事故,对交通安全造成或者可能造成危害时,主管机关有权采取必要的强制性处置措施。    Article 31. When vessels and installations are involved in accidents that jeopardize or may jeopardize traffic safety, the competent authority shall have the right to take necessary, compulsory measures to deal with the matter.
第三十一条 违反本规定第二十一条规定,外航涂改、转让、租赁、卖卖经营许可的,民航局依法给予警告,并处以三万元以下罚款;情节严重的,暂停或者吊销其经营许可;构成犯罪的,依法追究其刑事责任。    Article 31 If a foreign airline violates prescription of article 21 in the Regulations because of modifying, transferring, leasing or selling business license without permission, it will be warned by Civil Aviation Administration and fined below RMB30,000. In serious circumstances, the business license will be suspended or revoked. If it is regarded as crime, the foreign airline will bear criminal obligation.
第三十二条海事法院裁定拍卖船舶,应当通过报纸或者其他新闻媒体发布公告。    Article 32 A maritime court that orders to auction a ship shall issue a public notice through newspapers or other new media.
第三十二条融资租赁期间,经出租人同意,在不损害第三人利益的情况下,承租人可以转让其对民用航空器的占有权或者租赁合同约定的其他权利。    Article 32 During the period of financing lease, the lessee may transfer the right of the possession of the civil aircraft as well as other rights under the lease contract only with the consent of the lessor and without jeopardizing the interests of third parties.
?? 第三十二条改建公路时,施工单位应当在施工路段两端设置明显的施工标志、安全标志。需要车辆绕行的,应当在绕行路口设置标志;不能绕行的,必须修建临时道路,保证车辆和行人通行。    Article 32 In reconstructing highway roads, construction units concerned should post signs at both ends of the section under reconstruction. If the reconstruction requires vehicles to bypass, signs should be posted at the entry of the road to indicate the way to by pass and on condition that there is no way for by-passing the section, a temporary road should be built by the construction unit concerned to facilitate the passage of vehicles and pedestrians.
第三十二条发生铁路运输合同争议的,铁路运输企业和托运人、收货人或者旅客可以通过调解解决;不愿意调解解决或者调解不成的,可以依据合同中的仲裁条款或者事后达成的书面仲裁协议,向国家规定的仲裁机构申请仲裁。    Article 32 In the event of dispute over a railway transport contract, the railway transport enterprise and the involved shipper, consignee or passenger may settle the dispute by way of mediation; or if a party does not wish to settle the dispute by mediation or the mediation proves unsuccessful, the railway transport enterprise and the involved shipper, consignee or passenger may, in accordance with relevant provisions on arbitration included in the contract or with the written agreement on arbitration reached afterwards, apply for arbitration to an arbitration agency designated by the State.
第三十二条 仲裁员是否回避,由仲裁委员会主任作出决定。    Article 32 The Chairman of the Arbitration Commission shall decide on the withdrawal of the challenged arbitrator.
第三十二条船长、驾驶员、轮机长、轮机员、电机员、报务员,必须由持有相应适任证书的人担任。    Article 32 The Master, deck officers, chief engineer, engineers, electrical engineer and radio operator must be those in possession of appropriate certificates of competency.
第三十二条除国务院另有规定的外,乘坐民用航空器的,禁止随身携带或者交运下列物品:    Article 32 Unless otherwise provided by the State Council, the persons flying in a civil aircraft are prohibited from carrying with them or consign for transportation the following articles:
第三十二条在公路上设置交叉道口,必须经公路主管部门和公安交通管理机关批准。    Article 32 When crossroads must be built on highways, approval must be obtained from the highway, public security and communications administration departments.
第三十二条 中国籍船舶在中华人民共和国沿海水域以外发生的海上交通事故,其所有人或经营人应当向船籍港的港务监督报告,并于故事发生之日起60内提交《海上交通事故报告书》。    Article 32. If maritime traffic accidents happen to vessels of Chinese nationality outside the coastal waters of the People's Republic of China, their owners or managers shall report to the harbour superintendency administration where the vessels have registered and shall submit the Report Concerning Maritime Traffic Accident within 60 days after the accidents happened.
第三十二条 用户对交寄的给据邮件和交汇的汇款,可以在交寄或者交汇之日起一年内,持据向收寄、收汇的邮政企业或者其分支机构查询。    Article 32. Users may present receipts and inquire, within one year counting from the date of the posting or remitting, about vouchered postal materials and remittances which they handed in for posting or remitting at the postal enterprises or their branch offices that took in the postal materials or accepted the remittances.
第三十二条 船舶、 设施储存、 装卸、运输危险货物,必须具备安全可靠的设备和条件,遵守国家关于危险货物管理和运输的规定。    Article 32. When vessels or installations store, load, unload or transport dangerous goods, they must maintain safe and reliable equipment and conditions and observe the state provisions governing the control and transport of dangerous goods.
第三十二条 违反本规定第二十四条规定,外航未经批准擅自更改航班计划的,民航局依法给予警告,并处以三万元以下罚款;情节严重的,暂停或者吊销其经营许可。    Article 32 If a foreign airline violates prescription of article 24 in the Regulations because of altering flight schedule without permission, it will be warned by Civil Aviation Administration and fined below RMB30,000. In serious circumstances, the business license will be suspended or revoked.
第三十三条海事法院应当在拍卖船舶三十日前,向被拍卖船舶登记国的登记机关和已知的船舶优先权人、抵押权人和船舶所有人发出通知。    Article 33 A maritime court, 30 days prior to auction of the ship, shall issue notices to the registration authorities of the country of registry of the ship to be auctioned, and to the known lienor, mortgagee and owner of the ship.
第三十三条从事国际航行的船舶的中国籍船员,必须持有中华人民共和国港务监督机构颁发的海员证和有关证书。    Article 33 Chinese ""crew"" engaged in international voyages must possess Seaman's Book and other relevant certificates issued by the harbour superintendency authorities of the People's Republic of China.
第三十三条 仲裁员因回避或者由于死亡、除名或其他原因不能履行职责时,应按照原选定或者指定该仲裁员的程序,选定或者指定替代的仲裁员。    Article 33 If an arbitrator cannot perform his duty owing to withdrawal, demise, removal or other reasons, a substitute arbitrator shall be appointed in accordance with the procedure whereby the replaced arbitrator was appointed.
第三十三条民用航空器的融资租赁和租赁期限为六个月以上的其他租赁,承租人应当就其对民用航空器的占有权向国务院民用航空主管部门办理登记;未经登记的,不得对抗第三人。    Article 33 In the case of a financing lease, or other leases covering a period of six months or longer, the lessee shall register his right of possession of the civil aircraft with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council; no such lease may act against a third party unless registered.
第三十三条除本条例第三十二条规定的物品外,其他可以用于危害航空安全的物品,旅客不得随身携带;    Article 33 Other articles which could be used to jeopardize flight safety, though not included in Article 32, still must not be taken by the passenger himself.
?第三十三条铁路发展规划应当依据国民经济和社会发展以及国防建设的需要制定,并与其他方式的交通运输发展规划相协调。    Article 33 Planning for the expansion of railway network shall be based on the demands of national economy, social development and the building up of national defence and shall be coordinated with the development plans of other modes of transport.
第三十三条公路建设项目和公路修复项目竣工后,应当按照国家有关规定进行验收;未经验收或者验收不合格的,不得交付使用。    Article 33 Upon completion, highway roads construction and repairing projects are subject to procedures of examination and acceptance according to relevant regulations of the State. Those projects that have not been examined or have been found unqulified for acceptance shall not be put to use.
第三十三条经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,公路主管部门可以在必要的公路路口、桥头、渡口、隧道口设立收取车辆通行费的站卡及公路征费稽查站卡。    Article 33 With the approval of the provincial, autonomous regional or municipal people's government, the highway departments may set up toll stations and road tax checked points at highway entrances, bridgeheads and ferry and tunnel entrances.
第三十三条 邮政企业对于给据邮件丢失、损毁、内件短少,依照下列规定赔偿或者采取补救措施:    Article 33. For losses, damage, destruction or missing contents of vouchered postal materials, postal enterprises shall make compensation or take remedial measures according to the following stipulations:
第三十三条 派往外国籍船舶任职的持有中华人民共和国船员职务证书的中国籍船员对海上交通事故的发生负有责任的,其派出单位应当在事故发生之日起60日内向签发该职务证书的港务监督提交《海上交通事故报告书》。    Article 33. If crew members of Chinese nationality holding job qualification certificates of the People's Republic of China are held responsible for maritime traffic accidents while they are working on board foreign vessels, their respective units in China shall submit the Report Concerning Maritime Traffic Accidents to the harbour superintendency administration issuing the job qualification certificates within 60 days after the accidents happened.
第三十三条 船舶装运危险货物,必须向主管机关办理申报手续,经批准后,方可进出港口或装卸。    Article 33. When vessels load and transport dangerous goods, they must go through the procedures for declaration to the competent authority, and they may not enter or leave the harbour or load or unload until approval has been obtained.
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