- 中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第三十八条 仲裁庭应当开庭审理案件。但经双方当事人申请或者经征得双方当事人同意,仲裁庭也认为不必开庭审理的,仲裁庭可以只依据书面文件进行审理并作出裁决。 Article 38 The arbitration tribunal will hold oral hearings. At the request of the parties or their consent, the arbitration tribunal may, if it also considers oral hearings unnecessary, hear and decide a case on the basis of documents only.
- 第三十八条民用航空器的所有人或者承租人应当按照适航证书规定的使用范围使用民用航空器,做好民用航空器的维修保养工作,保证民用航空器处于适航状态。 Article 38 The owner and lessee of a civil aircraft shall use the aircraft in accordance with the scope of use prescribed in airworthiness certificate, conscientiously carry out the maintenance of the aircraft and ensure its airworthiness.
- 第三十八条铁路的标准轨距为1435毫米。新建国家铁路必须采用标准轨距。 Article 38 The standard railway gauge shall be 1435mm. Standard gauge must be adopted in the construction of a new State railway.
- 第三十八条违反本条例应当受治安管理处罚的,由公安机关处理;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。 Article 38 Those who contravene these regulations shall be punishable in accordance with regulations governing offences against public order, or will be dealt with by judicial organs if their contraventions are of a criminal nature.
- 第三十八条违反本条例规定的,除依照本章的规定予以处罚外,给单位或者个人造成财产损失的,应当依法承担赔偿责任。 Article 38 Those who violates the provisions of the Regulations, in addition to the punishment prescribed in this Chapter, shall bear the liability to pay compensation according to law for any loss caused by him to a unit or an individual.
- 第三十八条船舶发生海上事故,危及在船人员和财产的安全时,船长应当组织船员和其他在船人员尽力施救。 Article 38 Where a sea casualty has occurred to a ship and the life and property on board have thus been threatened, the Master shall, with crew members and other persons on board under his command, make best efforts to run to the rescue.
- 第三十八条 故意损毁邮筒等邮政公用设施,尚不够刑事处罚的,依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》第二十五条的规定处罚;情节严重的,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百五十六条的规定追究刑事责任。 Article 38. Persons who intentionally damage or destroy public postal facilities such as mailboxes, where such acts are not serious enough for criminal punishment, shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 25 of Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, and where circumstances are serious, such persons shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with the provisions of Article 156 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China.
- 第三十八条 主管机关接到求救报告后,应当立即组织救助。有关单位和在事故现场附近的船舶、设施,必须听从主管机关的统一指挥。 Article 38. Upon receiving a request for rescue, the competent authority shall immediately organize a rescue operation. All units concerned and vessels or installations in the vicinity of the scene must act under the orders of the competent authority.
- 第三十九条铁路建成后,必须依照国家基本建设程序的规定,经验收合格,方能交付正式运行。 Article 39 A railway line, after its completion of construction, may, in accordance with the procedures laid down by the State for capital construction, be put into operation only after it has been duly examined and accepted as satisfactory.
- 第三十九条船舶移交后,海事法院应当通过报纸或者其他新闻媒体发布公告,公布船舶已经公开拍卖并移交给买受人。 Article 39 After the delivery of the ship, the maritime court shall issue a public notice through newspapers or other news media, announcing that the ship has been auctioned openly and delivered to the vendee.
- 第三十九条本条例下列用语的含义: Article 39 In the Regulations the meanings of the following expressions are:
- 第三十九条本法所称航空人员,是指下列从事民用航空活动的空勤人员和地面人员: Article 39 The airmen as referred to in this Law means the following flight personnel and ground personnel engaged in civil aviation activities:
- 第三十九条 仲裁案件第一次开庭审理的日期,经仲裁庭商秘书处决定后,由秘书处提前15天以上通知双方当事人。当事人有正当理由的,可以请求延期,但必须提前7天以上以书面形式向秘书处提出;是否延期,由仲裁庭决定。 Article 39 The arbitration tribunal in consultation with the Secretariat of the Arbitration Commission shall decide the date of the first oral hearing. The Secretariat shall notify the parties of the decision 15 days before the date of the hearing. Any party having justified reasons may request a postponement of the hearing, but a written request must be submitted to the secretariat of the Arbitration Commission 7 days before the date of the hearing. The arbitration tribunal will then decide whether to postpone the hearing or not.
- 第三十九条船长管理船舶和驾驶船舶的责任,不因引航员引领船舶而解除。 Article 39 The duty of the Master in the management and navigation of the ship shall not be absolved even with the presence of a pilot piloting the ship.
- 第三十九条本条例下列用语的含义是: Article 39 The following terms used in these rules are defined as follows:
- 第三十九条为保障公路养护人员的人身安全,公路养护人员进行养护作业时,应当穿着统一的安全标志服;利用车辆进行养护作业时,应当在公路作业车辆上设置明显的作业标志。 Article 39 To ensure the personal safety of road maintenance personnel, specific and safety uniform should be wore by such personnel in maintaining roads. Vehicles used in road maintenance should bear easy- to-see signs indicating that work of road maintenance is proceeding.
- 第三十九条 邮政工作人员拒不办理依法应当办理的邮政业务的,故意延误投递邮件的,给予行政处分。 Article 39. Postal personnel who refuse to handle the postal businesses which should be handled according to law or who intentionally delay the delivery of postal materials shall be given administrative disciplinary sanction.
- 第三十九条 外国派遣船舶或飞机进入中华人民共和国领海或领海上空搜寻救助遇难的船舶或人员,必须经主管机关批准。 Article 39. When a foreign country intends to dispatch vessels or aircraft into the territorial waters or the airspace over the territorial waters of the People's Republic of China to search for and rescue vessels or people in distress, it must obtain the approval of the competent Chinese. authority.
- 第三条 中国民用航空局(以下简称“民航局”)负责外航航线经营许可的统一管理。 Article 3 Civil Aviation Administration of China (hereinafter referred to as “Civil Aviation Administration”) holds responsible for management of business licensing for route between China and foreign countries.
- 第四条公路管理工作实行统一领导、分级管理原则。 Article 4 Highways shall be managed under unified leadership and at different levels.
- 第四条中华人民共和国港口之间的海上运输和拖航,由悬挂中华人民共和国国旗的船舶经营。但是,法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。 Article 4 Maritime transport and towage services between the ports of the People's Republic of China shall be undertaken by ships flying the national flag of the People's Republic of China, except as otherwise provided for by laws or administrative rules and regulations.
- 第四条 仲裁委员会有权对仲裁协议的存在、效力以及仲裁案件的管辖权作出决定。 Article 4 The Arbitration Commission has the power to decide on the existence, validity of an arbitration agreement and the jurisdiction over an arbitration case.
- 第四条有关地方人民政府与民用航空单位应当密切配合,共同维护民用航空安全。 Article 4 The local governments and civil aviation units concerned shall co-operate closely and safeguard civil aviation safety commonly.
- 第四条海事法院受理当事人因海事侵权纠纷、海商合同纠纷以及法律规定的其他海事纠纷提起的诉讼。 Article 4 The maritime court shall entertain the lawsuits filed in respect of a maritime tortious dispute, maritime contract dispute and other maritime disputes brought by the parties as provided for by laws.
- 第四条各级人民政府应当采取有力措施,扶持、促进公路建设。公路建设应当纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。 Article 4 The people's governments at all levels shall adopt effective measures to support and stimulate the construction of highways. Construction of highways shall be incorporated into the national economic and social development plans.