

第三条 外国运输企业申请在中国设立常驻代表机构,应提交以下证件和材料:    Article 3. When the foreign transport enterprises apply for establishing permanent representative offices in China, they should present the following documents and materials:
第三十条海事法院收到拍卖船舶的申请后,应当进行审查,作出准予或者不准予拍卖船舶的裁定。    Article 30 A maritime court shall conduct examination after receiving the application for auction of a ship, and make an order approving or disapproving the auction of the ship.
第三十条公路建设项目的设计和施工,应当符合依法保护环境、保护文物古迹和防止水土流失的要求。    Article 30 Design and work of highway construction should be done in conformance with requirements of the protection of environment, historical relics and sites and the prevention of water loss and soil erosion.
第三十条 被选定或者指定的仲裁员有下列情形之一的,应自行向仲裁委员会披露并请求回避:    Article 30 If one of the following circumstances happened to the arbitrators, the appointed arbitrator shall himself disclose such circumstances to the Arbitration Commission and request a withdrawal from his office:
第三十条国家铁路、地方铁路参加国际联运,必须经国务院批准。    Article 30 Participation of State or local railways in international through transport must obtain approval from the State Council.
第三十条空运的货物必须经过安全检查或者对其采取的其他安全措施。    Article 30 The cargo for air transportation must go through security inspection or other security measures.
第三十条本节规定不影响本法第十一章关于海事赔偿责任限制规定的实施。    Article 30 The provisions of this Section shall not affect the implementation of the limitation of liability for maritime claims provided for in Chapter XI of this Code.
第三十条 本办法由海关总署负责解释。    Article 30 The right to interpret these Measures resides in the General Customs Administration. .
第三十条修建跨越公路的桥梁、渡槽、架设管线等,应当考虑公路的远景发展,符合公路的技术标准,并事先征得当地公路主管部门和公安交通管理机关同意。    Article 30 When building overhead bridges aqueducts or pipelines across highways, consideration must be given to the highway's long-term development, they must meet the highway's technical standards, and approval must be obtained in advance from the local highway, public security and communications departments.
第三十条融资租赁期满,承租人应当将符合本法第二十九条规定状态的民用航空器退还出租人;但是,承租人依照合同行使购买民用航空器的权利或者为继续租赁而占有民用航空器的除外。    Article 30 When the financing lease contract comes to an end, the lessee, unless exercising a right to purchase the civil aircraft or to hold the civil aircraft on lease for a further period in accordance with the contract, shall return the civil aircraft to the lessor in the condition specified in Article 29 of this Law.
第三十条 对违反本条例规定,玩忽职守、滥用职权、营私舞弊、索贿受贿的港务监督人员,由行政监察机关或其所在单位给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,由司法机关追究刑事责任。    Article 30. Administrative sanctions shall be given by administrative supervision organs or relevant units to those persons working in harbour superintendency administrations who violate the provisions of these Regulation, neglect their duties, abuse their powers, engage in malpractices for selfish ends and ask for and accept bribes. If their acts constitue crimes, their criminal responsibilities shall be investigated by judicial organs according to law.
第三十条 为保障航行、停泊和作业的安全,有关部门应当保持通信联络畅通,保持助航标志、导航设施明显有效,及时提供海洋气象预报和必要的航海图书资料。    Article 30. In order to ensure the safety of navigation, berthing and operations, the departments concerned shall maintain unimpeded communications facilities, ensure distinct and effective navigation aids and navigational facilities and, in a timely manner, provide offshore meteorological forecasts and necessary books and reference materials concerning maritime navigation.
第三十条 国际邮递物品未经海关查验放行,邮政企业不得寄递。    Article 30. Postal enterprises shall not post or deliver international postal articles that are not examined and allowed to pass by the Customs.
第三十条 违反本规定第八条规定,外航没有按时书面通知变更信息的,民航局依法给予警告,或者处以三万元以下罚款。    Article 30 If a foreign airline violated prescription of article 8 because of not notifying change information on time in written will be warned by Civil Aviation Administration or fined below RMB30,000.
第三十一条航空邮件必须经过安全检查。    Article 31 Air mail must go through security inspection.
第三十一条 当事人对仲裁员的公正性和独立性产生合理怀疑时,可以书面向仲裁委员会提出要求该仲裁员回避的请求,但应说明提出回避请求所依据的具体事实和理由,并提供必要的证据。    Article 31 Any party who has justified reasons to suspect the impartiality and independence of an arbitrator may make request in writing to the Arbitration Commission for that arbitrator's withdrawal. In the request, the facts and reasons on which the request is based shall be stated with the supporting evidence provided.
第三十一条铁路军事运输依照国家有关规定办理。    Article 31 Military transport on railways shall be handled in accordance with relevant provisions laid down by the State.
第三十一条因建设公路影响铁路、水利、电力、邮电设施和其他设施正常使用时,公路建设单位应当事先征得有关部门的同意;因公路建设对有关设施造成损坏的,公路建设单位应当按照不低于该设施原有的技术标准予以修复,或者给予相应的经济补偿。    Article 31 Should road construction project affect the normal operation of railways, water conservancy, power, postal and telecomunications and other facilities, the unit for the construction should convey prior agreements form related units. If the construction of road has caused damages to the afore-said facilities, the unit responsible for carrying out the construction should undertake to give a remedy to the facilities affected to help restore their technical standards to no lower than the originals or give them corresponding economic compensations.
第三十一条民用航空器融资租赁中的供货方,不就同一损害同时对出租人和承租人承担责任。    Article 31 The supplier in the financing lease of a civil aircraft shall not be liable to both the lessor and the lessee at the same time in respect of the same damage.
第三十一条船员,是指包括船长在内的船上一切任职人员。    Article 31 The term ""crew"" means the entire complement of the ship, including the Master.
第三十一条 本办法由海关总署发布施行。    Article 31 These Measures shall be promulgated and put into effect by the General Customs Administration.
第三十一条在公路两侧修建永久性工程设施,其建筑物边缘与公路边沟外缘的间距为;国道不少于二十米,省道不少于十五米,县道不少于十米,乡道不少于五米。    Article 31 When construction projects of a permanent nature are being erected on either side of a highway, the distance from the edge of the building facing the highway to the outer rim of the roadside ditch of the highway should be no less than 20m for state highways, 15m for provincial highways, 10m for county roads, and 5m for township roads.
第三十一条海事请求人提交拍卖船舶申请后,又申请终止拍卖的,是否准许由海事法院裁定。    Article 31 Where a maritime claimant, after filing an application for auction of a ship, applies for stopping the auction, whether or not to give a permission shall be ordered by the maritime court.
第三十一条 当事人对港务监督依据本条例给予的处罚不服的,可以依法向人民法院提起行政诉讼。    Article 31. If the parties concerned do not agree with the penalties imposed on them by the harbour superintendency administration according to the provisions of these Regulations, they may bring a suit in a people's court according to law.
第三十一条 依法应当施行卫生检疫或者动植物检疫的邮件,由检疫部门负责拣出并进行检疫;未经检疫部门许可,邮政企业不得运递。    Article 31. Postal materials that are subject to health and quarantine inspections or animal and plant quarantine inspections according to law shall be sorted out and quarantined under the charge of quarantine offices; no transportation and delivery shall be conducted by postal enterprises without a permit from a quarantine office.
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