第二百六十条有关海上拖航合同的请求权,时效期间为一年,自知道或者应当知道权利被侵害之日起计算。 Article 260 The limitation period for claims with regard to sea towage is one year, counting from the day on which the claimant knew or should have known that his right had been infringed.第二百六十一条有关船舶碰撞的请求权,时效期间为二年,自碰撞事故发生之日起计算; Article 261 The limitation period for claims with regard to collision of ships is two years, counting from the day on which the collision occurred.第二百六十二条有关海难救助的请求权,时效期间为二年,自救助作业终止之日起计算。 Article 262 The limitation period for claims with regard to salvage at sea is two years, counting from the day on which the salvage operation was completed.第二百六十三条有关共同海损分摊的请求权,时效期间为一年,自理算结束之日起计算。 Article 263 The limitation period for claims with regard to contribution in general average is one year, counting from the day on which the adjustment was finished.第二百六十四条根据海上保险合同向保险人要求保险赔偿的请求权,时效期间为二年,自保险事故发生之日起计算。 Article 264 The limitation period for claims with regard to contracts of marine insurance is two years, counting from the day on which the peril insured against occurred.第二百六十五条有关船舶发生油污损害的请求权,时效期间为三年,自损害发生之日起计算; Article 265 The limitation period for claims with regard to compensation for oil pollution damage from ships is three years, counting from the day on which the pollution damage occurred.第二百六十六条在时效期间的最后六个月内,因不可抗力或者其他障碍不能行使请求权的,时效中止。 Article 266 Within the last six months of the limitation period if, on account of force majeure or other causes preventing the claims from being made, the limitation period shall be suspended.第二百六十七条时效因请求人提起诉讼、提交仲裁或者被请求人同意履行义务而中断。 Article 267 The limitation of time shall be discontinued as a result of bringing an action or submitting the case for arbitration by the claimant or the admission to fulfil obligations by the person against whom the claim was brought up.第二百六十八条中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约同本法有不同规定的,适用国际条约的规定;但是,中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。 Article 268 If any international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China contains provisions differing from those contained in this Code, the provisions of the relevant international treaty shall apply, unless the provisions are those on which the People's Republic of China has announced reservations.第二百六十九条合同当事人可以选择合同适用的法律,法律另有规定的除外。 Article 269 The parties to a contract may choose the law applicable to such contract, unless the law provides otherwise.第二十六条 外航应当按照民航局批准的航班计划经营外国地点和中华人民共和国地点间的规定航线。外航因商业原因计划停止执行全部或部分规定航线的,应当书面通知民航局并说明理由。外航擅自停航的,民航局对其提出的新航季航班计划不予批准。 Article 26 A foreign airline shall run business with routes between []s in China and foreign countries according to flight schedule approved by Civil Aviation Administration. If the foreign airline plans to stop all or part of the routes due to commercial reason, it shall notify Civil Aviation Administration with written explanation. If the foreign airline stops flight without permission, Civil Aviation Administration shall not approve flight schedule of new flight season submitted by the Civil Aviation Administration.第二十七条海事法院裁定对船舶实施保全后,经海事请求人同意,可以采取限制船舶处分或者抵押等方式允许该船舶继续营运。 Article 27 After a maritime court orders to impose preservation upon a ship, with consent of the maritime claimant, it may allow the ship to continue the operation by ways of restraining the disposition or mortgage of the ship.第二十七条 双方当事人可以约定在仲裁委员会提供的仲裁员名册中共同选定或者共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名仲裁员作为独任仲裁员,成立仲裁庭,审理案件。 Article 27 Both parties may agree to jointly appoint or jointly authorize the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission to appoint an arbitrator from the arbitrators on the Panel as the sole arbitrator to form an arbitration tribunal to hear the case alone.第二十七条国家铁路、地方铁路和专用铁路印制使用的旅客、货物运输票证,禁止伪造和变造。 Article 27 Counterfeiting or alterations of tickets or other certificates which are printed and used in relation to passenger and goods transport by State railways, local railways and industrial railways shall be prohibited.第二十七条本法第二十二条规定的海事请求权转移的,其船舶优先权随之转移。 Article 27 In case the maritime claims provided for in Article 22 of this Code are transferred, the maritime liens attached thereto shall be transferred accordingly.第二十七条 从保税区前往非保税区的运输工具和人员不得擅自载运、携带保税区内保税货物和用保税料、件生产的产品。 Article 27 Means of transport and personnel, while going from the bonded area to a non-bonded area, shall not, without approval, transport or carry out of the bonded area bonded goods or products made from bonded raw and processed materials and spare and component parts.第二十七条民用航空器的融资租赁,是指出租人按照承租人对供货方和民用航空器的选择,购得民用航空器,出租给承租人使用,由承租人定期交纳租金。 Article 27 The financing lease of civil aircraft means that the lessor acquires a civil aircraft pursuant to the selection of the lessee with respect to supplier and civil aircraft, and leases it to the lessee, who shall pay rental periodically.第二十七条安全检查人员应当查验旅客客票、身份证件和登机牌,使用仪器或者手工对旅客及其行李物品进行安全检查,必要时可以从严检查。 Article 27 The security inspection personnel shall examine the ticket, identity card and boarding pass of the passenger and carry out the security inspection of the passenger and his baggage with instrument or manually; the inspection may be stricter if necessary.第二十七条公路建设使用土地依照有关法律、行政法规的规定办理。 Article 27 The use of land for constructing highway roads shall be handled according to relevant laws and administrative decrees.第二十七条通过公路渡口的车辆和人员,必须遵守渡口管理规章。 Article 27 Vehicles and personnel that use a highway ferry must comply with the ferry's management regulations.第二十七条 不愿意调解或调解不成的,当事人可以向海事法院起诉或申请海事仲裁机构仲裁。 Article 27. If the parties do not want mediation or the mediation has failed, they may bring a suit in a maritime court or apply to a maritime arbitration organ for arbitration.第二十七条 港口码头、港外系泊点,装卸站和船闸,应当加强安全管理,保持良好状态。 Article 27. Safety administration must be strengthened with respect to harbour wharves, mooring points and loading spots outside of harbour areas as well as ship locks, so that they are always kept in good condition.第二十七条 邮政企业在车站、机场、港口转运邮件,有关运输单位应当统一安排装卸邮件的场所和出入通道。 Article 27. When postal enterprises transfer postal materials in railway stations, airports and ports, transportation units concerned shall make coordinated arrangement of space and in-and-out passageways for loading and unloading postal materials.第二百七十条船舶所有权的取得、转让和消灭,适用船旗国法律。 Article 270 The law of the flag State of the ship shall apply to the acquisition, transfer and extinction of the ownership of the ship.第二百七十一条船舶抵押权适用船旗国法律。 Article 271 The law of the flag State of the ship shall apply to the mortgage of the ship.