第一百五十一条民用航空器遇到紧急情况时,应当发送信号,并向空中交通管制单位报告,提出援救请求;空中交通管制单位应当立即通知搜寻援救协调中心。 Article 151 A civil aircraft in emergency shall flash signals and report to air traffic control unit to request rescue; the air traffic control unit shall notify immediately the search and rescue coordination centre.第一百五十一条未经承租人事先书面同意,出租人不得在光船租赁期间对船舶设定抵押权。 Article 151 The shipowner shall not establish any mortgage of the ship during the bareboat charter period without the prior consent in writing by the charterer.第一百五十二条发现民用航空器遇到紧急情况或者收听到民用航空器遇到紧急情况的信号的单位或者个人,应当立即通知有关的搜寻援救协调中心、海上搜寻援救组织或者当地人民政府。 Article 152 Any unit or person observing or listening in to the emergency of a civil aircraft shall immediately notify the search and rescue coordination centre concerned, the maritime search and rescue service concerned or the local People's Government.第一百五十二条承租人应当按照合同约定支付租金。承租人未按照合同约定的时间支付租金连续超过七日的,出租人有权解除合同,并有权要求赔偿因遭受的损失。 Article 152 The charterer shall pay the hire as stipulated in the charter. In default of payment by the charterer for seven consecutive days or more after the time as agreed in the charter for such payment, the shipowner is entitled to cancel the charter without prejudice to any claim for the loss arising from the charterer's default.第一百五十三条本法第一百三十四条、第一百三十五条第一款、第一百四十二条和第一百四十三条的规定,适用于光船租赁合同。 Article 153 The provisions of Article 134, paragraph 1 of Article 135, Article 142 and Article 143 of this Code shall be applicable to bareboat charter parties.第一百五十三条收到通知的搜寻援救协调中心、地方人民政府和海上搜寻援救组织,应当立即组织搜寻援救。 Article 153 Upon receiving the notification, the search and rescue coordination centre, the local People's Government and the maritime search and rescue service shall immediately organize the search and rescue operation.第一百五十四条订有租购条款的光船租赁合同,承租人按照合同约定向出租人付清租购费时,船舶所有权即归于承租人。 Article 154 The ownership of a ship under bareboat charter containing a leasepurchase clause shall be transferred to the charterer when the charterer has paid off the leasepurchase price to the shipowner as stipulated in the charter.第一百五十四条执行搜寻援救任务的单位或者个人,应当尽力抢救民用航空器所载人员,按照规定对民用航空器采取抢救措施并保护现场,保存证据。 Article 154 The unit or person performing search and rescue mission shall do their best to rescue the persons carried in the civil aircraft, and take measures to rescue the civil aircraft, protect the scene of accident and preserve evidences according to regulations.第一百五十五条海上拖航合同,是指承拖方用拖轮将被拖物经海路从一地拖至另一地,而由被拖方支付拖航费的合同。 Article 155 A contract of sea towage is a contract whereby the tugowner undertakes to tow an object by sea with a tug from one place to another and the tow party pays the towage.第一百五十五条民用航空器事故的当事人以及有关人员在接受调查时,应当如实提供现场情况和与事故有关的情节。 Article 155 The parties to an accident of civil aircraft and persons concerned shall, at the time of investigation, truthfully reflect the situation at the scene of accident and other information concerning the accident.第一百五十六条海上拖航合同应当书面订立。海上拖航合同的内容,主要包括承拖方和被拖方的名称和住所、拖轮和被拖物的名称和主要尺度、拖轮马、起拖地和目的地、起拖日期、拖航费及其支付方式,以及其他有关事项。 Article 156 A contract of sea towage shall be made in writing. Its contents shall mainly include name and address of the tugowner, name and address of the tow party, name and main particulars of the tug and name and main particulars of the object to be towed, horse power of the tug, place of commencement of the towage and the destination, the date of commencement of the towage, towage price and the way of payment thereof, as well as other relevant matters.第一百五十六条民用航空器事故调查的组织和程序,由国务院规定。 Article 156 The organization and procedures of the investigation of civil aircraft accident shall be prescribed by the State Council.第一百五十七条因飞行中的民用航空器或者从飞行中的民用航空器上落下的人或者物,造成地面(包括水面,下同)上的人身伤亡或者财产损害的,受害人有权获得赔偿; Article 157 Any person on the surface(including water surface, the same below) who suffers death or personal injury or damage to property caused by a civil aircraft in flight or by any person or thing falling therefrom shall be entitled to compensation.第一百五十七条承拖方在起拖前和起拖当时,应当谨慎处理,使拖轮处于适航、适拖状态,妥善配备船员,配置拖航索具和配备供应品以及该航次必备其他装置、设备。 Article 157 The tugowner shall, before and at the beginning of the towage, exercise due diligence to make the tug seaworthy and towworthy and to properly man the tug and equip it with gears and tow lines and to provide all other necessary supplies and appliances for the intended voyage.第一百五十八条起拖前,因不可抗力或者其他不能归责于双方的原因致使合同不能履行的,双方均可以解除合同,并互相不负赔偿责任。除合同另有约外,拖航费已经支付的,承拖方应当退还给被拖方。 Article 158 If before the commencement of the towage service, due to force majeure or other causes not attributable to the fault of either party, the towage contract could not be performed, either party may cancel the contract and neither shall be liable to the other. In such event, the towage price that had already been paid shall be returned to the tow party by the tugowner, unless otherwise agreed upon in the towage contract.第一百五十八条本法第一百五十七条规定的赔偿责任,由民用航空器的经营人承担。 Article 158 The liability for compensation contemplated by Article 157 of this Law shall attach to the operator of the civil aircraft.第一百五十九条未经对民用航空器有航行控制权的人同意而使用民用航空器,对地面第三人造成损害的,有航行控制权的人除证明本人已经适当注意防止此种使用外,应当与该非法使用人承担连带责任。 Article 159 If a person makes use of a civil aircraft without the consent of the person entitled to its navigational control and caused a damage to third parties on the surface, the person entitled to the navigation control, unless he proves that he has exercised due care to prevent such use, shall be jointly and severally liable with the unlawful user.第一百五十九条起拖后,因不可抗力或者其他不能归责于双方的原因致使合同不能继续履行的,双方均可以解除合同,并互相不负赔偿责任。 Article 159 If after the commencement of the towage service, due to force majeure or other causes not attributable to the fault of either party, the towage contract could not be performed, either party may cancel the towage contract and neither shall be liable to the other.第十五条 外航申请延长经营许可,应当提供下列文件: Article 15 For application of business license extension, a foreign airline shall provide the following documents:第十六条海事法院受理海事请求保全申请,可以责令海事请求人提供担保。 Article 16 A maritime court may, in accepting a maritime preservation application, order the claimant to provide a guaranty.第十六条铁路运输企业应当按照全国约定的期限或者国务院铁路主管部门规定的期限,将货物、包裹、行李运到目的站;逾期运到的,铁路运输企业应当支付违约金。 Article 16 A railway transport enterprise shall carry the goods, parcels and luggage to their destinations in observance of the time limit stipulated in the contract or within the time limit prescribed by the competent department in charge of railways under the State Council. For any overdue goods, parcel, or luggage, the railway transport enterprise shall be liable to indemnity for breach of contract.第十六条公路主管部门应当加强公路养护工作,保持公路完好、平整、畅通,提高公路的耐久性和抗灾能力。 Article 16 Highway departments should strengthen highway maintenance. Ensure the good condition, evenness and smooth traffic of highways; and improve the highways' durability and resistance against natural disasters.第十六条国道规划的局部调整由原编制机关决定。 Article 16 Partly adjustments of State road plans shall be determined by the original organ of formulation.第十六条船舶共有人就共有船舶设定抵押权,应当取得持有三分之二以上份额的共有人的同意,共有人之间另有约定的除外。 Article 16 The establishment of mortgage by the joint owners of a ship shall, unless otherwise agreed upon among the joint owners, be subject to the agreement of those joint owners who have more than two-thirds of the shares thereof.第十六条机场内禁止下列行为: Article 16 The following acts are prohibited in an airport: