- 中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第五条 外国运输企业在中国设立常驻代表机构的申请获得批准后,应自批准之日起三十日内,持批准书向所在省、自治区、直辖市工商行政管理机关和当地公安机关办理登记和居留手续,领取外国企业常驻代表机构登记证和居留证件后方可开展业务活动。逾期不办理有关手续,该批准证书即自行失效。 Article 5. After the foreign transport enterprise's application for establishment of permanent representative office in China is ratified, the enterprise must, within 30 days as of the date of ratification, take the document of ratification to go through the procedures for registration and residence at the provincial, autonomous regional or municipal administration of industry and commerce and local public security organs and obtain the registration certificate for permanent representative offices of foreign enterprises and certificates of residence before they start business. If they fail to go through the necessary procedures within the specified period, the document of ratification is automatically cancelled.
- 第五条不满16周岁者,海关只放行其旅行需用物品。 Article 5. For travellers under the age of 16 full years, clearance shall be given only to articles necessary for travelling.
- 第五条 用户交寄的邮件、交汇的汇款和储蓄的存款受法律保护。除法律另有规定外,任何组织或者个人不得检查、扣留。 Article 5. Postal materials handed in or posted, remittances made and savings deposited by users shall be protected by law, and shall not be inspected and withheld by any organization or individual except as otherwise provided by law.
- 第五条中华人民共和国交通部主管有关外商参与打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物的事宜。 Article 5. The Ministry of Communications of PRC is in charge of matters related to the participation of foreign businesses in the salvaging of sunken ships and sunken articles in China's coastal waters.
- 第五条 船舶、设施发生海上交通事故,必须立即用甚高频电话、无线电报 或其他有效手段向就近港口的港务监督报告。 Article 5. The persons in charge of the vessels and installations which are involved in maritime traffic accidents must report immediately to the harbour superintendency administration at the nearest harbour by a high-frequency telephone, radiotelegram or other effective means.
- 第五十条海事请求人对与海事请求有关的船用燃油、船用物料申请海事请求保全,适用本节规定。 Article 50 Application by a maritime claimant for maritime claim preservation imposed upon fuel and materials used by a ship related to the maritime claim shall be governed by the provisions of this Section.
- 第五十条货物未能在明确约定的时间内,在约定的卸货港交付的,为迟延交付。 Article 50 Delay in delivery occurs when the goods have not been delivered at the designated port of discharge within the time expressly agreed upon.
- 第五十条禁止偷乘货车、攀附行进中的列车或者击打列车。对偷乘货车、攀附行进中的列车或者击打列车的,铁路职工有权制止。 Article 50 It shall be forbidden for anybody to make a covert ride on a goods train, to climb up or hang on to a train in motion, or to hit or strike a train. Any railway worker shall have the right to stop such a person.
- 第五十条超过公路、公路桥梁、公路隧道或者汽车渡船的限载、限高、限宽、限长标准的车辆,不得在有限定标准的公路、公 路桥梁上或者公路隧道内行驶,不得使用汽车渡船。超过公路或者公路桥梁限载标准确需行驶的,必须经县级以上地方人民政府交 通主管部门批准,并按要求采取有效的防护措施;影响交通安全的,还应当经同级公安机关批准;运载不可解体的超限物品的,应当按照指定的时间、路线、时速行驶,并悬挂明显标志。 Article 50 Vehicles that exceed the load, height, width and length limits by roads, road bridges, road tunnels or auto ferry boats are not allowed to run along roads, road bridges or road tunnels that have limits or on auto ferry boats. Necessary runnings of vehicles exceeding the above-said road or road bridge limits prior approvals should be conveyed from transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level and necessary and effective protective measures should be adopted. If traffic safety would be affected, approval of public security organs at the same level should also be conveyed. Vehicles hauling undegradable objects exceeding the prescribed limits should run at the time, route and speed allowed with apparent signs posted on easy-to-see places.
- 第五十条机长收到船舶或者其他航空器的遇险信号,或者发现遇险的船舶、航空器及其人员,应当将遇险情况及时报告就近的空中交通管制单位并给予可能的合理的援助。 Article 50 When a pilot-in-command received SOS signals from a ship or another aircraft, or discovered a ship or an aircraft and the persons therein in distress, he shall report the state of distress in time to the nearest air traffic control unit and give possible, rational assistance.
- 第五十条 对当事人的仲裁请求或反请求,当事人以外的利害关系人如认为案件处理结果同其有利害关系,经申请并与双方当事人达成协议,经仲裁庭同意后,可以作为当事人参加仲裁。 Article 50 Where a person other than the parties to the arbitration case considers he or she has a legal interest, in the conclusion of the case in relation to the claim or counterclaim submitted by any of the parties, the person may, after concluding an agreement with both parties, apply, with the approval of the arbitration tribunal, for participation as a party in the arbitration case.
- 第五十条 本法下列用语的含义是: Article 50. For the purpose of this Law, the definitions of the following terms are:
- 第五十一条海事强制令是指海事法院根据海事请求人的申请,为使其合法权益免受侵害,责令被请求人作为或者不作为的强制措施。 Article 51 A maritime injunction means any of compulsory measures by which a maritime court, on application by a maritime claimant, orders an act or omission by the party who opposes the claim, in order to protect the lawful rights and interests of the maritime claimant against any infringement.
- 第五十一条机动车制造厂和其他单位不得将公路作为检验机动车制动性能的试车场地。 Article 51 Highway roads are not permitted to be used by motor vehicle manufacturers and other units as testing ground for tests of braking of motor vehicles.
- 第五十一条飞行中,机长因故不能履行职务的,由仅次于机长职务的驾驶员代理机长; Article 51 In case a pilot-in-command is unable to perform his duties in flight due to one reason or another, the pilot holding a post next only to him shall act on his behalf;
- 第五十一条禁止在铁路线路上行走、坐卧。对在铁路线路上行走、坐卧的,铁路职工有权制止。 Article 51 It shall be forbidden to walk, sit or lie on a railway track. Any railway worker shall have the right to stop such conduct.
- 第五十一条在责任期间货物发生的灭失或者损坏是由于下列原因之一造成的,承运人不负赔偿责任: Article 51 The carrier shall not be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods occurred during the period of carrier's responsibility arising or resulting from any of the following causes:
- 第五十一条 申请人可以放弃仲裁请求,申请撤销仲裁案件;被申请人可以放弃反请求,申请撤销仲裁案件的相关部分。 Article 51 The Claimant may waive his claim and/or apply for the dismissal of the case; the Respondent may waive his counterclaim and/or apply for dismissing the relevant part of the case.
- 第五十一条 国务院主管部门依据本法,制定实施细则,报国务院批准施行。 Article 51. The competent department of the State Council shall, on the basis of this Law, formulate rules for its implementation which shall go into effect after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.
- 第五十二条 一方当事人知道或者理应知道本仲裁规则或仲裁协议中规定的任何条款或情事未被遵守,但仍参加仲裁程序或继续进行仲裁程序,而且不对此不遵守情况及时地明示地提出书面异议的,视为放弃其提出异议的权利。 Article 52 A party who knows or should have known that any provision or requirement of these Rules has not been complied with and yet proceeds with the arbitration proceedings without explicitly raising in writing his objection to non-compliance in a timely manner shall be taken to have waived his right to object.
- 第五十二条当事人在起诉前申请海事强制令,应当向海事纠纷发生地海事法院提出。 Article 52 An interested party applying for a maritime injunction before bringing a law suit shall refer to the maritime court at the place where the maritime dispute occurred.
- 第五十二条只有一名驾驶员,不需配备其他空勤人员的民用航空器,本节对机长的规定,适用于该驾驶员。 Article 52 In the case of a civil aircraft with only one pilot and without the need to have other flight personnel, the provisions of this Section concerning the pilot-in-command shall be applicable to such pilot.
- 第五十二条禁止在铁路线路两侧二十米以内或者铁路防护林地内放牧。对在铁路线路两侧二十米以内或者铁路防护林地内放牧的,铁路职工有权制止。 Article 52 It shall be forbidden to graze livestock within twenty metres of either side of a railway track. Any railway worker shall have the right to stop such conduct.
- 第五十二条任何单位和个人不得损坏、擅自移动、涂改公路附属设施。 Article 52 No unit or individual is allowed to damage or move or alter ancillary facilities of roads.
- 第五十二条因运输活动物的固有的特殊风险造成活动物灭失或者损害的,承运人不负赔偿责任。 Article 52 The carrier shall not be liable for the loss of or damage to the live animals arising or resulting from the special risks inherent in the carriage thereof.