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第五十六条作出海事强制令,应当具备下列条件:    Article 56 To make a maritime injunction, the following conditions shall be fulfilled:
第五十七条海事法院接受申请后,应当在四十八小时内作出裁定。    Article 57 After accepting the application, a maritime court shall make an order within 48 hours.
第五十七条除本法第四十七条第二款的规定外,本章规定由交通主管部门行使的路政管理职责,可以依照本法第八条第四款的规定,由公路管理机构行使。    Article 57 Except the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 47 of this law, the road administration functions exercised by the transportation departments prescribed by this chapter should be exercised by road management organizations according to the provisions of Paragraph 4 of Article 8 of this law.
第五十七条发生铁路交通事故,铁路运输企业应当依照国务院和国务院有关主管部门关于事故调查处理的规定办理,并及时恢复正常行车,任何单位和个人不得阻碍铁路线路开通和列车运行。    Article 57 In case of any railway traffic accident, the railway transport enterprise shall act in accordance with relevant provisions about the investigation and handling of accidents stipulated by the State Council and its relevant competent department, and ensure the timely restoration of normal traffic; no unit or individual shall hinder the re-opening of the railway track and train operation.
第五十七条承运人对货物因迟延交付造成经济损失的赔偿限额,为所迟延交付的货物的运费数额。    Article 57 The liability of the carrier for the economic losses resulting from delay in delivery of the goods shall be limited to an amount equivalent to the freight payable for the goods so delayed.
第五十七条 经仲裁庭调解达成和解的,双方当事人应签订书面和解协议;除非当事人另有约定,仲裁庭应当根据当事人书面和解协议的内容作出裁决书结案。    Article 57 The parties shall sign a settlement agreement in writing when an amicable settlement is reached through conciliation conducted by the arbitration tribunal, and the arbitration tribunal shall conclude the case by making an award in accordance with the contents of the settlement agreement unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
第五十七条新建、扩建民用机场,应当由民用机场所在地县级以上地方人民政府发布公告。    Article 57 With respect to the construction and extension of a civil airport, an announcement shall be issued by the local People's Government at or above the county level in the place where the civil airport is located.
第五十八条因铁路行车事故及其他铁路运营事故造成人身伤亡的,铁路运输企业应当承担赔偿责任;如果人身伤亡是因不可抗力或者由于受害人自身的原因造成的,铁路运输企业不承担赔偿责任。    Article 58 A railway transport enterprise shall be liable to compensation for any personal injury or fatality due to traffic accident or other operational accident. It shall hold no liability for compensation for any personal injury or fatality due to force majeure or due to the fault of the aggrieved person oneself.
第五十八条当事人对裁定不服的,可以在收到裁定书之日起五日内申请复议一次。    Article 58 If a party is not satisfied with the order, he may apply for reconsideration once within five days of the date of receiving the written order.
第五十八条 如果调解不成功,任何一方当事人均不得在其后的仲裁程序、司法程序或其他程序中援引对方当事人或仲裁庭在调解过程中发表过的、提出过的、建议过的、承认过的以及愿意接受过的或否定过的任何陈述、意见、观点或建议作为其请求、答辩及/或反请求的依据。    Article 58 Should conciliation fail, any statement, opinion, view or proposal which has been made, raised, put forward, acknowledged, accepted or rejected by either party or by the arbitration tribunal in the process of conciliation shall not be invoked by the other party as grounds for any claim, defense and/or counterclaim in the subsequent arbitration proceedings, judicial proceedings or any other proceedings.
第五十八条就海上货物运输合同所涉及的货物灭失、损坏或者迟延交付对承运人提起的任何诉讼,不论海事请求人是否合同的一方,也不论是根据合同者是根据侵权行为提起的,均适用本章关于承运人的抗辩理由和限制赔偿责任的规定。    Article 58 The defence and limitation of liability provided for in this Chapter shall apply to any legal action brought against the carrier with regard to the loss of or damage to or delay in delivery of the goods covered by the contract of carriage of goods by sea, whether the claimant is a party to the contract or whether the action is founded in contract or in tort.
第五十八条禁止在依法划定的民用机场范围内和按照国家规定划定的机场净空保护区域内从事下列活动:    Article 58 The following activities are prohibited within the limits of civil airport defined according to law and within the airport obstacle clearance protection zone defined according to State regulations:
第五十八条 国家允许依法设立收费公路,同时对收费公路的数量进行控制。    Article 58 The State allows the opening of toll high-ways according to law and the number of toll highways must be put on control.
第五十九条民用机场新建、扩建的公告发布前,在依法划定的民用机场范围内和按照国家规定划定的机场净空保护区域内存在的可能影响飞行安全的建筑物、构筑物、树木、灯光和其他障碍物体,应当在规定的期限内清除;对由此造成的损失,应当给予补偿或者依法采取其他补救措施。    Article 59 Before the issue of announcement concerning the construction and extension of a civil airport, the buildings, structures, trees, lights and other obstacles existing within the limits of the civil airport defined according to law and within the airport obstacle clearance protection zone defined in accordance with State regulations that might affect flight safety shall be removed within prescribed time limit; the damage caused thereby shall be compensated or other remedial measures shall be taken according to law.
第五十九条 符合国务院交通主管部门规定的技术等级和规模的下列公路,可以依法收取车辆通行费:    Article 59 Collection of tolls is allowed according to law for the following roads that conform to the technical grading and size prescribed by the transportation departments under the State Council:
第五十九条被请求人拒不执行海事强制令的,海事法院可以根据情节轻重处以罚款、拘留;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。    Article 59 If the party who opposes the claim refuses to obey a maritime injunction, the maritime court may impose a fine or detain him in accordance with the seriousness of the circumstances; if a crime has been constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to the law.
第五十九条国家铁路的重要桥梁和隧道,由中国人民武装警察部队负责守卫。    Article 59 Major bridges and tunnels of State railways shall be guarded by the Chinese People's Armed Police Forces.
第五十九条 仲裁庭应当在组庭之日起六个月内作出裁决书。在仲裁庭的要求下,仲裁委员会秘书长认为理由正当且确有必要的,可以延长该期限。    Article 59 The arbitration tribunal shall render an award within 6 months as from the date on which the arbitration tribunal is formed. The Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission may extend this time limit at the request of the arbitration tribunal if the Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission considers the request justifiable and really necessary.
第五十九条经证明,货物的灭失、损坏或者迟延交付是由于承运人的故意或者明知可能造成损失而轻率地作为或者不作为造成的,承运人不得援用本法五十六条或者第五十七条限制赔偿责任的规定。    Article 59 The carrier shall not be entitled to the benefit of the limitation of liability provided for in Article 56 or 57 of this Code if it is proved that the loss, damage or delay in delivery of the goods resulted from an act or omission of the carrier done with the intent to cause such loss, damage or delay or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss, damage or delay would probably result.
第五条 外航申请经营许可应当在计划开航之日六十日前向民航局提出。    Article 5 Application for business licenses should be submitted by foreign airlines 60 days ahead of scheduled starting date.
第六条经中华人民共和国国务院民用航空主管部门依法进行国籍登记的民用航空器,具有中华人民共和国国籍,由国务院民用航空主管部门发给国籍登记证书。    Article 6 A civil aircraft that has performed its nationality registration with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council of the People's Republic of China according to law has the nationality of the People's Republic of China, and shall be issued a nationality registration certificate by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.
第六条民用机场经营人和民用航空器经营人应当履行下列职责:    Article 6 A civil airport operator and a civil aircraft operator shall fulfill the following duties:
第六条 海底电缆、管道路由调查、勘测完成后,所有者应当在计划铺设施工六十天前,将最后确定的海底电缆、管道路由报主管机关审批,并附具以下资料:    Article 6 After the investigations and survey for laying the submarine cables and pipelines have been completed, the owners shall submit a report, delineating the final decision on the routes for laying the submarine cables and pipelines 60 days before the laying project is started, to the competent authorities for examination and approval, and the report shall be submitted together with the following data:
第六条海上运输由国务院交通主管部门统一管理,具体办法由国务院交通主管部门制定,报国务院批准后施行。    Article 6 All matters pertaining to maritime transport shall be administered by the competent authorities of transport and communications under the State Council. The specific measures governing such administration shall be worked out by such authorities and implemented after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.
第六条 对仲裁协议或仲裁案件管辖权的抗辩,应当在仲裁庭首次开庭前提出;对书面审理的案件的管辖权的抗辩,应当在第一次实体答辩前提出。逾期提出,视为放弃提出异议的权利。    Article 6 Any objections to an arbitration agreement or the jurisdiction over an arbitration case shall be raised before the first hearing conducted by the arbitration tribunal. Where a case is examined on the basis of documents only, the objections to the jurisdiction shall be raised before submission of the first substantive defense. The objections raised later than the prescribed time shall be taken to have waived his right to object.
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