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第六十二条承运人承担本章未规定的义务或者放弃本章赋予的权利的任何特别协议,经实际承运人书面明确同意的,对实际承运人发生效力;实际承运是否同意,不影响此项特别协议对承运人的效力。    Article 62 Any special agreement under which the carrier assumes obligations not provided for in this Chapter or waives rights conferred by this Chapter shall be binding upon the actual carrier when the actual carrier has agreed in writing to the contents thereof. The provisions of such special agreement shall be binding upon the carrier whether the actual carrier has agreed to the contents or not.
第六十二条 受让公路收费权和投资建设公路的国内外经济组织应当依法成立开发、经营公路的企业(以下简称公路经营企业)。    Article 62 Domestic or foreign economic organizations to which the toll collection right has been transferred and which have invested in the construction of roads should set up enterprises for developing and managing roads according to law (hereinafter referred to as ""road management enterprises"").
第六十二条海事证据保全是指海事法院根据海事请求人的申请,对有关海事请求的证据予以提取、保存或者封存的强制措施。    Article 62 Maritime evidence preservation means any of compulsory measures by which a maritime court obtains, retains or seals up evidence related to the maritime claim on application by the maritime claimant.
第六十二条 仲裁庭在其作出的裁决中, 应当写明仲裁请求、争议事实、裁决理由、裁决结果、仲裁费用和承担、裁决的日期和地点。当事人协议不写明争议事实和裁决理由的,以及按照双方当事人和解协议的内容作出裁决的,可以不写明争议事实和裁决理由。    Article 62 The arbitration tribunal shall state in the award the claims, the facts of the dispute, the reasons for making the award, the result of the award, the allocation of the arbitration fees and costs, the date and the place of the award. The facts of the dispute and the reasons for making the award may not be stated in the award if the parties have so agreed or the award is made in accordance with the contents of the agreement on amicable settlement reached between the parties.
第六十三条民用机场使用许可证由机场管理机构向国务院民用航空主管部门申请,经国务院民用航空主管部门审查批准后颁发。    Article 63 A civil airport operating licence shall be applied for by airport administrative organ to the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council, and shall be issued after the application being examined and approved by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.
第六十三条当事人在起诉前申请海事证据保全,应当向被保全的证据所在地海事法院提出。    Article 63 An interested party applying for maritime evidence preservation before bringing a law suit shall refer to the maritime court at the place where the evidence to be preserved is located.
第六十三条 仲裁员应在签署裁决书前将裁决书草案提交仲裁委员会,在不影响仲裁员独立裁决的情况下,仲裁委员会可以就裁决书的形式问题提请仲裁员注意。    Article 63 The arbitrators shall submit their draft award to the Arbitration Commission before signing the award. The Arbitration Commission and the Sub-commission may remind the arbitrators of any issue related to the form of the award provided that the arbitrator's independence in respect of making a decision is not affected.
第六十三条聚众拦截列车不听制止的,对首要分子和骨干分子依照刑法第一百五十九条的规定追究刑事责任。    Article 63 The major culprit and the core members of persons who gather to intercept or block the way of a train and pay no heed to the order to stop shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 159 of the Criminal Law.
第六十三条 收费公路车辆通行费的收费标准,由公路收费单位提出方案,报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府交通主管部门会同同级物价行政主管部门审查批准。    Article 63 The standards for toll collection should be proposed by toll collecting units and submitted to the people's government of respective provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities together with price departments at the same level for approval.
第六十三条承运人与实际承运人都负有赔偿责任的,应当在此项责任范围内负连带责任。    Article 63 Where both the carrier and the actual carrier are liable for compensation, they shall jointly be liable within the scope of such liability.
第六十四条就货物的灭失或者损坏分别向承运人、实际承运人以及他们的受雇人、代理人提出赔偿请求的,赔偿总额不超过本法第五十六条规定的限额    Article 64 If claims for compensation have been separately made against the carrier, the actual carrier and their servants or agents with regard to the loss of or damage to the goods, the aggregate amount of compensation shall not be in excess of the limitation provided for in Article 56 of this Code.
第六十四条海事证据保全不受当事人之间关于该海事请求的诉讼管辖协议或者仲裁协议的约束。    Article 64 Maritime evidence preservation shall not be restrained by a jurisdiction agreement or an arbitration agreement relating to the maritime claim as agreed upon between the parties.
第六十四条 收费公路设置车辆通行费的收费站,应当报经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府审查批准。跨省、自治区、直辖市的收费公路设置车辆通行费的收费站,由有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府协商确定;协商不成的,由国务院交通主管部门决定。    Article 64 Opening of toll gates to collert tolls on the toll roads should get approval from local government of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities under the jurisdiction of the State Council. Openings of toll gates that transcend provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities should be decided by the people's governments of related provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities through consultation. Should consultation fail, the related decisions shall be made by transportation department under the State Council.
第六十四条 仲裁庭认为必要或者当事人提出经仲裁庭同意时,可以在最终裁决作出之前的任何时候,就案件的任何问题作出中间裁决或部分裁决。任何一方当事人不履行中间裁决,不影响仲裁程序的继续进行,也不影响仲裁庭作出最终裁决。    Article 64 The arbitration tribunal may, at any time in the course of arbitration before the final award is made, make an interlocutory award or a partial award on any issue of the case if it considers it necessary or agrees to such a request made by a party. Either party's failure to perform the interlocutory award does not affect the continuation of the arbitration proceedings and the making of the final award by the arbitration tribunal.
第六十四条设立国际机场,由国务院民用航空主管部门报请国务院审查批准。    Article 64 The establishment of an international airport shall be reported by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council for the examination and approval of the State Council.
第六十四条聚众哄抢铁路运输物资的,对首要分子和骨干分子依照刑法第一百五十一条或者第一百五十二条的规定追究刑事责任。    Article 64 The major culprit and the core members of persons who try to start a riot and rob goods and materials being transported on railways shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 151 or Article 152 of the Criminal Law.
第六十五条民用机场应当按照国务院民用航空主管部门的规定,采取措施,保证机场内人员和财产的安全。    Article 65 A civil airport shall take measures to ensure the safety of personnel and property in the airport in accordance with the provisions of the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.
第六十五条海事请求人申请海事证据保全,应当向海事法院提交书面申请。    Article 65 A maritime claimant applying for maritime evidence preservation shall submit a written application to a maritime court.
第六十五条在列车内,抢劫旅客财物,伤害旅客的,依照刑法有关规定从重处罚。    Article 65 Any person who, on board a railway train, robs any other passenger of his or her belongings or hurts any other passenger shall be given a heavier punishment in accordance with relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.
第六十五条 仲裁庭有权在裁决书中决定双方当事人最终应向仲裁委员会支付的仲裁费和其他费用。    Article 65 The arbitration tribunal has the power to determine in the award the arbitration fee and other expenses to be eventually paid by the party or the parties to the Arbitration Commission.
第六十五条本法第六十条至第六十四条的规定,不影响承运人和实际承运人之间相互追偿。    Article 65 The provisions of Article 60 through 64 of this Code shall not affect the recourse between the carrier and the actual carrier.
第六十五条 有偿转让公路收费权的公路,转让收费权合同约定的期限届满,收费权由出让方收回。    Article 65 When a toll collection right contract expires, the right shall be recovered by the transferor.
第六十六条供运输旅客或者货物的民用航空器使用的民用机场,应当按照国务院民用航空主管部门规定的标准,设置必要设施,为旅客和货物托运人、收货人提供良好服务。    Article 66 A civil airport used by civil aircraft for the purpose of transporting passengers and cargo shall be equipped with necessary facilities to provide good service to passengers, shippers and consignees in accordance with the standards provided by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.
第六十六条海事法院受理海事证据保全申请,可以责令海事请求人提供担保。    Article 66 A maritime court accepting an application for maritime evidence preservation may order the maritime claimant to provide guarantee.
第六十六条倒卖旅客车票数额较大的,依照刑法第一百一十七条的规定追究刑事责任。以倒卖旅客车票为常业的,倒卖数额巨大的或者倒卖集团的首要分子,依照刑法第一百一十八条的规定追究刑事责任。铁路职工倒卖旅客车票或者与其他人员勾结倒卖旅客车票的,依照刑法第一百一十九条的规定追究刑事责任。    Article 66 Any person who resells railway passenger ticket for profit involving relatively large quantity or value shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 117 of the Criminal Law. Any person who makes a regular business of reselling railway passenger ticket for profit involving relatively large quantity or value, or who is the chief culprit of a gang engaged in ticket-reselling for profit, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 118 of the Criminal Law. Any railway worker who resells passenger ticket for profit or who collaborates with other person or persons in reselling passenger ticket, for profit shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 119 of the Criminal Law.
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