- 中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第七十二条 交通主管部门、公路管理机构应当加强对所属公路监督检查人员的管理和教育,要求公路监督检查人员熟悉国家 Article 72 Departments in charge of transportation and highways administration organizations should strengthen administration and training of road supervisory and checking personnel, urging them to get familiar with the related laws and regulations of the State, to be fair, honest and warm-hearted in performing their duties, and to enforce the law impartially.
- ?第七十二条本法所称国家铁路运输企业是指铁路局和铁路分局。 Article 72 For the purpose of this Law, a State railway transport enterprise means a railway administration or a railway sub-administration.
- 第七十二条海事证据保全后,有关海事纠纷未进入诉讼或者仲裁程序的,当事人就该海事请求,可以向采取证据保全的海事法院或者其他有管辖权的海事法院提起诉讼,但当事人之间订有诉讼管辖协议或者仲裁协议的除外。 Article 72 If no litigation or arbitration procedures start for relevant maritime disputes after the imposition of maritime evidence preservation, the parties may bring a law suit for the maritime claim to the maritime court imposing maritime evidence preservation or the other maritime court having jurisdiction, except that a jurisdiction agreement or an arbitration agreement has been concluded between the parties
- 第七十二条空域管理的具体办法,由国务院、中央军事委员会制定。 Article 72 The specific measures for airspace management shall be formulated jointly by the State Council and the Central Military Commission.
- 第七十二条货物由承运人接收或者装船后,应托运人的要求,承运人应当签发提单。 Article 72 When the goods have been taken over by the carrier or have been loaded on board, the carrier shall, on demand of the shipper, issue to the shipper a bill of lading.
- 第七十二条 申请人向仲裁委员会或其分会提出仲裁申请,经审查可以受理并适用简易程序的,秘书处应立即向双方当事人发出仲裁通知。 Article 72 Where an application for arbitration submitted by the Claimant to the Arbitration Commission or the Sub-Commission is accepted after examination and the Summary Procedure is applicable, the Secretariat shall immediately serve a Notice of Arbitration to each of the parties.
- 第七十三条提单内容,包括下列各项: Article 73 A bill of lading shall contain the following particulars:
- 第七十三条海事担保包括本法规定的海事请求保全、海事强制令、海事证据保全等程序中所涉及的担保。 Article 73 Maritime guarantee includes guarantee involved in procedures provided in this Law such as maritime claim preservation, maritime injunction, maritime evidence preservation.
- 第七十三条国务院根据本法制定实施条例。 Article 73 Regulations for implementation shall be formulated by the State Council in accordance with this Law.
- 第七十三条在一个划定的管制空域内,由一个空中交通管制单位负责该空域内的航空器的空中交通管制。 Article 73 Responsibility for the control of aircraft operating within a defined, controlled airspace shall be vested in a single air traffic control unit.
- 第七十三条 用于公路监督检查的专用车辆,应当设置统一的标志和示警灯。 Article 73 Special vehicles used for highway supervision and checking should bear clear and unified signs and warning lights.
- 第七十三条 被申请人应在收到仲裁通知之日起20天内,向仲裁委员会提交答辩书及相关证据材料;如有反请求,也应在此期限内提出反请求书及相关证据材料。 Article 73 The Respondent shall, within 20 days from the date of receipt of the Notice of Arbitration, submit his defense and relevant documentary evidence to the Arbitration Commission; a counterclaim, if any, shall be lodged together with documentary evidence within the said time limit.
- 第七十四条海事请求人的担保应当提交给海事法院;被请求人的担保可以提交给海事法院,也可以提供给海事请求人。 Article 74 A guaranty provided by a maritime claimant shall be delivered to the maritime court; a guaranty provided by the person against whom the application for maritime preservation is made may be delivered to the maritime court, or delivered to the maritime claimant.
- ?? 第七十四条违反法律或者国务院有关规定,擅自在公路上设卡、收费的,由交通主管部门责令停止违法行为,没收违法所得,可以处违法所得三倍以下的罚款,没有违法所得的,可以处二万元以下的罚款;对负有直接责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分。 Article 74 Erection of check posts or collection of tolls without authorization in violation of the laws or related regulations of the State Council, shall be ordered to immediately stop by the transportation department in charge with confiscation of the illegal proceeds and a fine of less than three times the illegal proceeds, if any, and of less than RMB20,000 if there are no illegal proceeds. The people in charge, directly responsible and other people directly involved shall be given administrative punishments.
- 第七十四条货物装船前,承运人已经应托运人的要求签发收货待运提单或者其他单证的,货物装船完毕,托运人可以将收货待运提单或者其他单证退还运人,以换取已装船提单;承运人也可以在收货待运提单上加注承运船舶的船名和装船日期,加注后的收货待运提单视为已装船提单。 Article 74 If the carrier has issued, on demand of the shipper, a receivedforshipment bill of lading or other similar documents before the goods are loaded on board, the shipper may surrender the same to the carrier as against a shipped bill of lading when the goods have been loaded on board. The carrier may also note on the received-for-shipment bill of lading or other similar documents with the name of the carrying ship and the date of loading, and, when so noted, the receivedforshipment bill of lading or other similar documents shall be deemed to constitute a shipped bill of lading.
- 第七十四条民用航空器在管制空域内进行飞行活动,应当取得空中交通管制单位的许可。 Article 74 The approval of an air traffic control unit shall be obtained for a civil aircraft to conduct flight activities in a controlled airspace.
- 第七十四条 仲裁庭可以按照其认为适当的方式审理案件;可以决定只依据当事人提交的书面材料和证据进行书面审理,也可以决定开庭审理;当事人要求开庭审理的,则应进行开庭审理。 Article 74 The arbitration tribunal may hear the case in the way it considers appropriate. The arbitration tribunal may, in its discretion, hear the case only on the basis of the written materials and evidence submitted by the parties or holds an oral hearing. The arbitration tribunal shall hold an oral hearing if any party so requests.
- 第七十四条本法自1991年5月1日起施行。 Article 74 This Law shall enter into force as May 1,1991.
- 第七十五条民用航空器应当按照空中交通管制单位指定的航路和飞行高度飞行; Article 75 A civil aircraft in flight shall follow the air route and fly at the altitude specified by the air traffic control unit;
- 第七十五条承运人或者代其签发提单的人,知道或者有合理的根据怀疑提单记载的货物的品名、标志、包数或者件数、重量或者体积与实际接收的货物符,在签发己装船提单的情况下怀疑与已装船的货物不符,或者没有适当的方法核对提单记载的,可以在提单上批注,说明不符之处、怀疑的根据或者说明无法核对。 Article 75 If the bill of lading contains particulars concerning the description, mark, number of packages or pieces, weight or quantity of the goods with respect to which the carrier or the other person issuing the bill of lading on his behalf has the knowledge or reasonable grounds to suspect that such particulars do not accurately represent the goods actually received, or, where a shipped bill of lading is issued, loaded, or if he has had no reasonable means of checking, the carrier or such other person may make a note in the bill of lading specifying those inaccuracies, the grounds for suspicion or the lack of reasonable means of checking.
- 第七十五条海事请求人提供的担保,其方式、数额由海事法院决定。 Article 75 The modes and quantity of a guaranty provided by a maritime claimant shall be determined by the maritime court.
- ?? 第七十五条违反本法第二十五条规定,未经有关交通主管部门批准擅自施工的,交通主管部门可以责令停止施工,并可以处五万元以下的罚款。 Article 75 Undertakings of any engineering work without approval by transportation departments in charge in violation of the provisions of Article 25 of this law, shall be ordered immediately to stop by departments of transportation in charge with a fine of less than RMB50,000.
- 第七十五条 对于开庭审理的案件,仲裁庭确定开庭的日期后,秘书处应当提前10天以上将开庭日期通知双方当事人。 Article 75 Where a case is to be heard orally, the Secretariat shall, after the arbitration tribunal fixes a date for the hearing, inform the parties of the date of the hearing 10 days before the date of the hearing.
- ?? 第七十六条未按照国家有关规定缴纳应缴纳的公路建设、养护费用的,由交通主管部门责令限期缴纳,从欠缴之日起,按日加收滞纳金;逾期仍不缴纳的,处欠缴费款三倍以下的罚款并由交通主管部门依法申请人民法院强制执行。 Article 76 A failure to pay road construction and maintenance fees due according to relevant regulations of the State, shall be ordered by departments of transportation in charge to make payment within a prescribed time limit, together with default fines on a daily basis. If still failing to pay within the time limit precribed, a fine amounting to three times the amount in default shall be imposed and the transportation departments in charge may apply for compulsory enforcement of the punishment with the people's court.
- 第七十六条在中华人民共和国境内飞行的航空器,必须遵守统一的飞行规则。 Article 76 Aircraft flying in the territory of the People's Republic of China must observe unified rules of the air.