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中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


第八十三条 有关仲裁的一切文书、通知、材料等均可以派人或以挂号信或航空特快专递、传真、电传、电报或秘书处认为适当的其他方式发送给当事人或其仲裁代理人。    Article 83 All the arbitration documents, notices and materials may be sent in person to the parties or their attorneys, or by registered letter or express airmail, telefax, telex, cable or by any other means which are deemed proper by the Secretariat.
第八十三条除本法第七十四条、第七十五条的规定外,本章规定由交通主管部门行使的行政处罚权和行政措施,可以依照本法第八条第四款的规定由公路管理机构行使。    Article 83 Except those provided for in Article 74 and Article 75 of this law, the administrative penalties and measures exercised by departments of transportation in charge may be exercised by highway administrative organizations as prescribed in the fourth paragraph of Article 8 of this law.
第八十三条空中交通管制单位发现民用航空器偏离指定航路、迷失航向时,应当迅速采取一切必要措施,使其回归航路。    Article 83 In the event that an air traffic control unit discovers a civil aircraft deviated from its specified air route or lost its course, it shall rapidly take all necessary measures to enable the aircraft to regain course.
第八十三条收货人在目的港提取货物前或者承运人在目的港交付货物前,可以要求检验机构对货物状况进行检验;    Article 83 The consignee may, before taking delivery of the goods at the port of destination, and the carrier may, before delivering the goods at the port of destination, request the cargo inspection agency to have the goods inspected.
第八十三条海事法院向当事人送达起诉状或者答辩状时,不附送有关证据材料。    Article 83 When serving a statement of complaint or a defence on any party, the maritime court shall not attach thereto any relevant evidential materials.
第八十四条 向当事人或其代理人发送的任何书面通讯,如经当面递交收讯人或投递至收讯人的营业地点、惯常住所或通讯地址,或者经合理查询不能找到上述任一地点而以挂号信或能提供作过投递企图的记录的其他任何手段投递给收讯人最后一个为人所知的营业地点、惯常住所或通讯地址,即应视为已经送达。    Article 84 Any written correspondence to the parties or their arbitration agents shall be deemed to have been properly served if it is delivered to the addressee or delivered at his place of business, habitual residence or mailing address; or if none of these can be found after reasonable inquiries, the written correspondence is sent to the addressee's last known place of business, habitual residence or mailing address by registered letter or by any other means which provides a record of the attempt to deliver it.
第八十四条阻碍公路建设或者公路抢修,致使公路建设或者抢修不能正常进行,尚未造成严重损失的,依照治安管理处罚条例第十九条的规定处罚。    Article 84 For cases that have obstructed road construction or urgent road repairing thus causing the construction or repairing unable to proceed normally, but have not caused serious damages, the provisions of Article 19 of the Regulations on the Management and Penalty Concerning Public Security shall apply.
第八十四条航路上应当设置必要的导航、通信、气象和地面监视设备。    Article 84 Necessary navigation, communication, meteorological and ground monitoring equipments shall be installed on the air route.
第八十四条承运人和收货人对本法第八十一条和第八十三条规定的检验,应当相互提供合理的便利条件。    Article 84 The carrier and the consignee shall mutually provide reasonable facilities for the survey and inspection stipulated in Article 81 and 83 of this Code.
第八十四条当事人应当在开庭审理前完成举证。    Article 84 The parties shall finish the provision of evidence before a court session.
第八十五条违反本法有关规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。    Article 85 For acts that have violated provisions of this law and constituted a crime, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed.
第八十五条 仲裁委员会按照本规则所附仲裁费用表收取仲裁费,本请求仲裁费和反请求仲裁费由申请人和反请求申请人分别预付,仲裁庭裁决由败诉方承担;双方各有胜负或胜负不明时,仲裁庭在裁决中最终决定由哪一方承担。    Article 85 The Arbitration Commission charges the arbitration fees according to the Arbitration Fee Schedule attached herewith. The Claimant and the Respondent shall pay the arbitration fee for the claim and the counter-claim in advance respectively. The losing party shall be liable for the arbitration fees. The arbitration tribunal shall finally decide which party shall be liable for the arbitration fees where both parties win and lose partly or the winning and losing is not clear.
第八十五条航路上影响飞行安全的自然障碍物体,应当在航图上标明;    Article 85 The natural obstacles that affect flight safety on air route shall be marked on aeronautical charts;
第八十五条当事人不能推翻其在《海事事故调查表》中的陈述和已经完成的举证,但有新的证据,并有充分的理由说明该证据不能在举证期间内提交的除外。    Article 85 The parties shall not repudiate their statements in the Investigation Form of Maritime Accident and the evidence they have provided, except that they have new evidence and full reasons which explain that such evidence cannot be provided during the period of providing evidence.
第八十五条货物由实际承运人交付的,收货人依照本法第八十一条的规定向实际承运人提交的书面通知,与向承运人提交书面通知具有同等效力;向承人提交的书面通知,与向实际承运人提交书面通知具有同等效力。    Article 85 Where the goods have been delivered by the actual carrier, the notice in writing given by the consignee to the actual carrier under Article 81 of this Code shall have the same effect as that given to the carrier, and that given to the carrier shall have the same effect as that given to the actual carrier.
第八十六条违反本法有关规定,对公路造成损害的,应当依法承担民事责任。    Article 86 For acts that have violated the provisions of this law and caused damages to roads, civil responsibilities shall be affixed.
第八十六条在卸货港无人提取货物或者收货人迟延、拒绝提取货物的,船长可以将货物卸在仓库或者其他适当场所,由此产生的费用和风险由收货人承。    Article 86 If the goods were not taken delivery of at the port of discharge or if the consignee has delayed or refused the taking delivery of the goods, the Master may discharge the goods into warehouses or other appropriate places, and any expenses or risks arising therefrom shall be borne by the consignee.
第八十六条在距离航路边界三十公里以内的地带,禁止修建靶场和其他可能影响飞行安全的设施;但是,平射轻武器靶场除外。    Article 86 The construction of a shooting range or other facilities that will possibly affect flight safety is prohibited within the area extending 30 kilometers from the edges of an air route, unless it is a shooting range for flat trajectory light weapon.
第八十六条船舶检验、估价应当由国家授权或者其他具有专业资格的机构或者个人承担。    Article 86 The inspection and evaluation of a ship shall be conducted by an institution or individual with authority granted by the State or with professional qualifications.
第八十六条 仲裁协议或合同中的仲裁条款订明由中国海事仲裁委员会、其分会、其物流争议解决中心或其渔业争议解决中心仲裁的,或由旧名称的中国国际贸易促进委员会海事仲裁委员会仲裁的,或由中国国际贸易促进委员会(中国贸促会)/中国国际商会仲裁且属于海事、海商、物流或渔业争议的,均应视为双方当事人一致同意按照《中华人民共和国仲裁法》第十六条之规定将中国海事仲裁委员会或其分会作为选定的仲裁委员会。    Article 86 Where it is explicitly stipulated in an arbitration agreement or an arbitration clause contained in the contract that arbitration to be conducted by China Maritime Arbitration Commission, its Sub-Commission, its Logistics Dispute Resolution Center or its Fishery Dispute Resolution Center or by its formerly named Maritime Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade/China Chamber of International Commerce, or the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade(CCPIT)/China Chamber of International Commerce and the dispute by nature is admiralty, maritime, logistics or fishery dispute, it shall be considered that the parties have unanimously agreed that the arbitration shall be conducted by China Maritime Arbitration Commission or the Sub-Commission according to Article 16 of Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China.
第八十七条海事法院审理船舶碰撞案件,应当在立案后一年内审结。    Article 87 A maritime court trying a case involving collision of ships shall conclude the case within one year after placing the case on the docket.
第八十七条任何可能影响飞行安全的活动,应当依法获得批准,并采取确保飞行安全的必要措施,方可进行。    Article 87 Any activity that will possibly affect flight safety may be carried out only after being approved according to law with necessary measures being taken to ensure flight safety.
第八十七条交通主管部门、公路管理机构的工作人员玩忽职守、徇私舞弊、滥用职权,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。    Article 87 For dereliction of duty, deception to seek personal gains, abuse of power by working personnel of departments of transportation in charge or highway administrative organizations if the cases are serious enough to constitute crimes, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed but if the cases are not serious enough to constitute a crime, administrative punishments shall be meted out.
第八十七条应当向承运人支付的运费、共同海损分摊、滞期费和承运人为货物垫付的必要费用以及应当向承运人支付的其他费用没有付清,又没有提供当担保的,承运人可以在合理的限度内留置其货物。    Article 87 If the freight, contribution in general average, demurrage to be paid to the carrier and other necessary charges paid by the carrier on behalf of the owner of the goods as well as other charges to be paid to the carrier have not been paid in full, nor has appropriate security been given, the carrier may have a lien, to a reasonable extent, on the goods.
第八十七条 凡双方当事人同意适用本规则的,除非有相反约定,应视为同意其裁决可以由仲裁委员会发表出版,但仲裁委员会发表时应隐去当事人的名称以及其他足以辨明当事人身份的内容。    Article 87 Where the parties agree to apply these rules hereof, unless otherwise agreed, it is deemed that they have agreed to have their award published by the Arbitration Commission. But the Arbitration Commission shall delete the parties' name and other contents by which the party's identification can be recognized when the Arbitration Commission publishes the award.
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