(九)聘任或者解聘公司经理,根据经理的提名,聘任或者解聘公司副经理、财务负责人,决定其报酬事项; (ix) appointing or removing the general manager of the company; appointing or removing, upon the general manager's recommendation, deputy general managers of the company and the officer in charge of finance; and determining the remuneration for those officers;(九)聘任或者解聘公司经理(总经理)(以下简称经理),根据经理的提名,聘任或者解聘公司副经理、财务负责人,决定其报酬事项; (ix) appointing or removing the manager (general manager) (Hereinafter referred to as the ""general manager"") of the company, appointing or removing, upon the general manager's recommendation, deputy managers of the company and the officer in charge of finance, and determining the remuneration for those officers;(九)企业之间或者行业组织商定垄断价格的; (ix) creating monopoly pricing by reaching an agreement between enterprises or industries;(九)泄露本企业的商业秘密; (ix) disclosing trade secrets of the sole proprietorship enterprise;(九)公司的法定代表人; (ix) its legal representative;(九)违约责任。 (ix) liability for breach of contract.(九)违约金或者损失赔偿的计算方法; (ix) liquidated damages or method for calculation of damages;(九)其他未按规定印制发票和生产发票防伪专用品的行为。 (IX) Other acts of printing invoices and producing special products for anti-forged invoices not in accordance with stipulations.(九)监事会的组成、职权、任期和议事规则; (ix) the composition of the board of supervisors, its authorities, term, and rules of conducting business;*2.进出口商品检验、鉴定、认证公司 *2.Inspection, verification and attestation companies for imported and exported goods*2.保险公司 *2.Insurance companies*6.保险经纪公司 *6.Insurance brokage companies*8.定期、不定期国际海上运输业务 *8.International liner and tramp maritime transportation business*9.国际集装箱多式联运业务 *9.International containers inter-model transportation(一)利用交通安全设施、交通标志的; 1. If the advertisements use traffic signs or traffic safety facilities;一、立即停止批准成立多层次传销企业。 1. Immediately cease approving and establishing pyramid retail enterprises.(一)申请事项依法不需要取得行政许可的,应当即时告知申请人不予受理; 1. In case an application item does not need an administrative license according to law, an accepting institution shall inform the applicant immediately that the application shall not be accepted.(一)为维护国家安全或者社会公共利益; 1. in order to safeguard the national security or public interest;(一)是本案当事人或者当事人、代理人的近亲属; 1. is a party or a close relative of a party or of a party's representative;(一)具有良好的公司治理机制; 1. It has a sound corporate governance mechanism;(一)在境外设立,经所在国家或地区监管机构批准从事投资管理业务; 1. It is established outside the territory of China, and engages in the investment management business upon approval of the surveillant organ of its country or region;(一)发生严重自然灾害等异常情况,需要限制或者禁止出口的; 1. It is necessary to restrict or prohibit the export due to the occurrence of abnormalities such as serious natural disasters;(一)有自己的名称、住所和章程; 1. it must have its own name, domicile and Articles of Association;(一)在中国大陆以外的国家或地区设立,受当地政府、金融或证券监管机构的监管; 1. It shall be established in a country or region outside the territory of China, and is subject to the surveillance of the local government, financial or securities surveillant organ;(一)统一受理属于中国保监会或者派出机构职权范围内的行政许可申请; 1. It shall uniformly accept administrative licensing applications within the limits of authority of the CIRC or its local offices;语际翻译 版权所有
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