(三)申请材料存在可以当场更正的错误的,应当允许申请人当场更正,并要求申请人在更正处签名确认; 3. In case application materials contain any error(s) that can be corrected on the spot, an accepting institution shall allow the applicant to correct the error(s) on the spot and shall request the applicant to confirm the correction(s) by signing his/her name on the correction(s).(三)为建立或者加快建立国内特定的服务行业; 3. in order to establish or accelerate the establishment of a particular domestic service industry;(三)保险公司、保险资产管理公司。 3. insurance companies and insurance assets management companies;(三)外国银行按照优惠利率贷款给中国国家银行的利息所得,免征所得税; 3. interest income from loans lent to state banks of China by foreign banks at preferential interest rates is exempted from the income tax; and(三)境外涉及诉讼及其他重大事件; 3. involving in a lawsuit or any other major event outside the territory of China; or(三)法律、行政法规规定禁止的。 3. is prohibited by relevant laws and administrative regulations.(三)经营投资管理业务达5年以上,最近一个会计年度管理的证券资产不少于100亿美元或等值货币; 3. It has engaged in the investment management business for at least five years, and the securities assets under its management for the latest fiscal year shall be no less than 10 billion USD or the equivalent value in a foreign currency; and(三)最近3年连续盈利; 3. It has had continuous profits for the last three years;(三)有足够的熟悉境外托管业务的专职人员; 3. It has sufficient full-time staff members that are familiar with the custody business outside the territory of China;(三)依照对外贸易法第十六条、第十七条的规定,需要限制或者禁止出口的。 3. It is necessary to restrict or prohibit the export of goods as pursuant to the provisions of Articles 16 and 17 of the Foreign Trade Law..(三)有该委员会的组成人员; 3. it must have its own members;(三)受理社会公众对保险行政许可有关问题的咨询; 3. It shall accept the inquiries of the public about insurance administrative licensing;(四)利用行道树或者损毁绿地的; 4. If the advertisements use shade trees, or damage the green lungs; or四、执行时间 4. Implementation Time(四)按照有关法律法规、基金合同和集合资产管理合同的约定执行境内机构投资者、投资顾问的指令,及时办理清算、交割事宜; 4. Implementing the directives of the QDII or the investment consultant, and making settlement and delivery in time in accordance with related laws, regulations as well as the fund contract or the asset pool management contract;(四)重要的公用事业价格;? 4. Important public utilities;四、 经济特区和上海浦东新区内新设高新技术企业在按照本通知的规定享受过渡性税收优惠期间,由于复审或抽查不合格而不再具有高新技术企业资格的,从其不再具有高新技术企业资格年度起,停止享受过渡性税收优惠; 4. In case a high-tech enterprise newly set up in a special economic zone or in Pudong New District of Shanghai no longer has the high-tech enterprise qualification because of review or because of its failure to pass a spot-check during the period when it enjoys the transitional preferential tax treatments stated in this Notification, once it dose not have the high-tech enterprise qualification, it shall have no chance to enjoy the transitional preferential tax treatments from the tax year(四)申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,应当当场或者在五日内制作补正材料通知书,告知申请人需要补正的全部内容; 4. In case application materials are incomplete or do not accord with the legal format, an accepting institution shall make out a notice of materials supplement and correction on the spot or within 5 days, informing the applicant of what to be supplemented.(四)为保障国家外汇收支平衡; 4. in order to maintain the State's balance of international payments;(四)租赁进口货物,分期缴纳税款的。 4. in the case of paying duty in stages for importation of leased goods.(四)租赁进口货物,分期缴纳税款的。 4. in the case of paying duty in stages for importation of leased goods.(四)有健全的治理结构和完善的内控制度,经营行为规范,最近5年没有受到所在国家或地区监管机构的重大处罚,没有重大事项正在接受司法部门、监管机构的立案调查。 4. It has a sound governance structure, a perfect internal control system, as well as normalized business performance; and it has not been subject to any major punishment by the surveillant organ of its country or region and has no major matter that is being put on files of or investigated by the judicial organ or the surveillant organ for the last five years.(四)贷款损失准备计提充足; 4. It has adequate reserves for loan losses;(四)具备安全保管资产的条件; 4. It shall be with the conditions for safe keeping the assets;(四)督办行政许可事项的处理; 4. It shall superintend the handling of administrative licensing items;语际翻译 版权所有
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