对外商投资企业进行调查或检查时应由二人以上进行,并出示《中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局专用工作证》。 Investigation or examination of foreign investment enterprises should be conducted by 2 persons or more who have to show their ""Special ID Cards of the PRC Administration for Industry and Commerce"".投资者通过其开户的证券公司买卖证券的,应当采用市价委托或者限价委托。 Investors who sell and buy securities through the securities companies with which they have opened accounts shall entrust the companies by adopting market price or limit price.发票检查是税务机关依法对印制、使用发票的单位和个人执行发票管理规定情况的监督活动,是发票管理制度的有机组成部分。 Invoice examination is a supervision activity related to invoice management stipulations carried out by tax authorities according to law over the printing and use of invoices by units and individuals, and is an organic component of the invoice management system.发票印制管理是发票管理的基础环节,在整个发票管理过程中具有很重要的地位。 Invoice printing management which is a basic link of invoice management holds a very important position in the entire process of invoice management.发票违法行为是违反发票管理制度应受法律制裁的行为。 Invoice-related illegal act is an act violating the invoice management system and shall be subject to lawful punishment.(二)分入保险。 Inward reinsurance.股份有限公司的股份发行和转让 Issue And Transfer Of Shares Of A Joint Stock Limited Company它统一了我国的发票管理制度,强化了税务机关的发票管理职能,规范了发票管理程序,加重了对发票违法行为的处罚,同时更加严格了对税务机关执法行为的约束,进一步体现了对印制、使用发票单位和个人合法权益的保护。 It has unified China’s invoice management system, intensified the invoice management functions of tax authorities, standardized the invoice management procedures, meted out more severe punishment of illegal acts related to invoices, and at the same time imposed more strict control on the law-enforcement acts of tax authorities, further embodying the protection of the legal rights and interests of units and individuals printing and using invoices.禁止投标人以向招标人或者评标委员会成员行贿的手段谋取中标。 It is forbidden for bidders to offer bribes to the tenderers or members of the bid assessment committees for winning.合作各方可以不订立合作企业协议。 It is not absolutely necessary for cooperative parties to formulate contractual JV agreement.它对于保证印制、使用发票单位和个人严守发票管理规范,维护经济秩序和税收秩序具有十分重要的意义。 It is of great importance to ensuring that the units and individuals printing and using invoices strictly abide by invoice management standardization and maintain economic and taxation orders.禁止使用未授予专利权的专利申请和已经终止、撤销、无效的专利广告。? It is prohibited to advertise any patent applications that have not been granted, the patent rights or patents that have been terminated, cancelled or invalid.禁止故意毁损人民币。 It is prohibited to deliberately destroy or damage the Renminbi.禁止在宣传品、出版物或者其他商品上非法使用人民币图样。 It is prohibited to illegally use the patterns of Renminbi in propaganda materials, publications or other commodities.禁止在各类等侯室、影剧院、会议厅堂、体育比赛场馆等公共场所设置烟草广告。 It is prohibited to post tobacco advertisements in any waiting rooms, cinemas and theatres, meeting halls, sports sites and gyms and other public places.禁止出售、购买伪造、变造的人民币。 It is prohibited to sell or purchase counterfeit or altered Renminbi.禁止运输、持有、使用伪造、变造的人民币。 It is prohibited to transport, hold or use counterfeit or altered Renminbi.对于保险事故造成的损失,在保险金额的范围内承担赔偿责任。 It shall be liable for paying indemnity for the losses caused by an insured accident within the scope of the insured amount.对试验区的新技术企业自开办之日起,三年内免征所得税。? It shall, as of its date of establishment, be exempted from the income tax within 3 years.对中外旅客携运的商业性货物要依照客货分流的原则加强监管。 It should strengthen the supervision of the commercial goods carried by Chinese or foreign passengers according to the regulations of the passenger luggage division.它统一了我国现行的发票管理制度,强化了税务机关的发票管理职能,规范了发票管理程序,加重了对发票违法行为的处罚力度;同时,严格了对税务机关行使职权的约束,体现了对印制、使用发票单位和个人合法权益的保护。 It unifies China’s current invoice management system, strengthens the functions of tax authorities over invoice management, standardizes the procedures for invoice management, increases the dynamics of punishment of law-breaking acts related toinvoices, imposes strict restraint on the tax authorities’ exercise offunctions and powers, and embodies the protection of the legal rights andinterests of the units and individuals who print and use invoices.不属于生产、经营主要设备的物品,单位价值在二千元以下或者使用年限不超过两年的,可以按实际使用数额列为费用。 Items not in the nature of major equipment which are used for production or business operations and which have a unit value of 2,000 yuan (RMB) or less, or with a useful life of two years or less may be itemized as expenses on the basis of actual consumption.(三)主要管理人员和业务人员必须具有证券从业资格; Its key managers and personnel must be qualified to deal in securities.(一)自有资金不少于人民币二亿元; Its own funds shall be no less than 200 million yuan.它的颁布,标志着我国发票管理工作在规范化、法制化方面迈上了一个新台阶。 Its promulgation market a new stage in the standardization and legalization of China’s invoice management work.