(五)在国家机关、文物保护单位、优秀近代建筑和名胜风景点的建筑控制地带设置的; 5. If the advertisements are stalled in construction control areas of State organs, protected sites of cultural relics, modern buildings of fine architecture and scenic spots.(五)重要的公益性服务价格。? 5. Important services of public welfare in nature.(五)申请事项属于中国保监会或者派出机构职权范围,申请材料齐全、符合法定形式,或者申请人按照要求提交全部补正申请材料的,应当受理行政许可申请。 5. In case an application item is within the limits of authority of the CIRC and its local offices, and the application materials are complete and comply with the legal format or materials have been duly supplemented or corrected in accordance with requirement, an accepting institution shall accept the administrative licensing application.五、要重新核定各级各类外贸公司的业务范围。 5. It is necessary to re-verify and confirm the business scope of foreign trade companies at various levels and of various types.(五)具备安全、高效的清算、交割能力; 5. It shall be able to make settlement and delivery safely and high efficiently; and(五)统一送达保险行政许可决定、保险行政许可证件。 5. It shall uniformly serve insurance administrative licensing decisions and certificates.(五)风险监管指标符合监管机构的有关规定; 5. Its risk surveillant indicator is consistent with the relevant provisions of the regulatory organ;(六)在市人民政府禁止设置户外广告的区域内或者载体上设置的。 6. If the advertisements are installed in areas or on carriers that are forbidden to have such advertisements by the Municipal government.(六)最近3年没有重大违法、违规行为; 6. It has committed no major illegal or law-breaking act in the last three years; and(六)最近3年没有受到监管机构的重大处罚,没有重大事项正在接受司法部门、监管机构的立案调查。 6. It has not been subject to any major punishment by the surveillant organ and has nothing important being investigated by the judicial organ or the surveillant organ for the last three years.6、定期、不定期国际海上运输业务:外资比例不超过49% 6.International liner and tramp maritime transportation business: The proportion of foreign investments shall not exceed 49%.七、根据中共中央、国务院有关从国务院到各级政府今后原则上不再直接管理公司的决定,各级各类对外经贸公司和主要经营进出口业务的公司,统一归口同经贸部及各级地方对外经贸主管部门按照国家统一政策,从行业或业务上进行领导和管理。 7. In accordance with the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council that henceforth government organs from the State Council down to the people’s governments at various levels shall, in principle, not directly manage any companies, foreign trade companies at various levels and of various types as well as companies that chiefly handle import and export business shall all be placed under the leadership and administration, in their line of industry and business operations, by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade and by the local competent departments for foreign economic relations and trade in accordance with the unified policies formulated by the State.(七)供安装、调试、检测设备时使用的仪器、工具; 7. instruments and tools used in the installation, debugging and testing of equipment;(七)供安装、调试、检测设备时使用的仪器、工具; 7. instruments and tools used in the installation, debugging and testing of equipment;7、国际集装箱多式联运:外资比例不超过50%;不迟于2002年12月11日允许外方控股;不迟于2005年12月11日允许外方独资 7.International container multi-modal transportation: The proportion of foreign investments shall not exceed 50%. Foreign majority ownership will be permitted no later than Dee. 11, 2002. Wholly foreign ownership will be permitted no later than Dec. 11, 2005.(九)保险公司 9.Insurance一、提高认识、加强领导。 I. Enhancing understanding and strengthening leadership.一、农、林、牧、渔业 I. Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Industries一、农、林、牧、渔业 I. Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Industries一、鼓励类 I. Notes for Catalogue of Encouraged Industries:一、法律适用范围 I. Scope of Application of the Law一、制定《办法》的必要性和重要性 I. The necessity and importance of formulating the Methods一、 统一思想,高度重视非法证券类案件办理工作 I. Unifying ideas and attaching great importance to coping with unlawful securities cases.???? 1.粮食、食用植物油; i.Food grains, edible vegetable oils;外资企业清算结束,其资产净额和剩余财产超过注册资本的部分视同利润,应当依照中国税法缴纳所得税。 If , upon the conclusion of the liquidation of a foreign-capital enterprise, its net assets and remaining property exceed its registered capital, the excess portion shall be regarded as profit on which income tax shall be imposed in accordance with the Chinese tax law.