

发行无记名公司债券的,应当在公司债券存根簿上载明债券总额、利率、偿还期限和方式、发行日期及债券的编号。    If bearer company bonds are issued, the company's record of bondholders shall record the total value of such bonds, the interest rate thereon, the term thereof and the method for repayment, and the date of issue and the serial numbers of the bond certificates.
如果双方当事人约定由一名独任仲裁员审理案件,但在被申请人收到仲裁通知之日起20天内未能就独任仲裁员的人选达成一致意见,则由仲裁委员会主任指定。    If both parties agree to having a sole arbitrator to hear their case but are unable to agree on the choice of such a sole arbitrator within 20 days from the date on which the Respondent receives the Notice of Arbitration, the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission will make the appointment.
托运的货物按照规定需要包装的,托运方必须按照国家主管机关规定的标准包装;没有统一规定包装标准的,应根据保证货物运输安全的原则进行包装,否则承运方有权绝拒绝承运。    If consigned goods, in accordance with stipulations, require packaging, the consignor must package the goods in accordance with the standards prescribed by the State authorities in charge; in the absence of uniform packaging standards, packaging shall be carried out in accordance with the principle of securing the safe transport of the goods, or else the shipper shall have the right to refuse to undertake the shipment.
股份有限公司经登记成立后,采取募集设立方式的,应当将募集股份情况报国务院证券管理部门备案。    If established through public share offer, upon establishment and registration, the joint stock limited company shall submit to the securities regulatory authority under the State Council a report on the share offer activities for filing.
特定行业的有限责任公司注册资本最低限额需高于前款所定限额的,由法律、行政法规另行规定。    If for a specific industry, the required minimum registered capital exceeds any of the minimum levels prescribed above, such minimum requirement shall be separately prescribed by the relevant national statute or administrative regulations.
认为申请仲裁的手续已完备的, 应立即向被申请人发出仲裁通知,并将申请人的仲裁申请书及其附件,连同仲裁委员会的仲裁规则、仲裁员名册和仲裁费用表各一份,一并发送给被申请人,同时也将仲裁通知、仲裁规则、仲裁员名册和仲裁费用表发送给申请人。    If it finds that the Claimant has completed such formalities, the secretariat should promptly send to the Respondent a Notice of Arbitration, together with one copy each of the Claimant's Application for Arbitration and its attachments as well as the Arbitration Rules, the Panel of Arbitrators and the Arbitration Fee Schedule of the Arbitration Commission. At the same time, the Notice of Arbitration, the Arbitration Rules, the Panel of Arbitrators and Arbitration Fee Schedule should be sent to the Claimant as well.
对已作出的批准如发现不符合本法规定的,应予撤销。尚未募集股份的,停止募集;已经募集的,认股人可以按照所缴股款并加算银行同期存款利息,要求发起人返还。    If it is discovered that an approval given is not in compliance with the requirements prescribed herein, it shall be revoked. Where no share has been placed, such share offer shall be terminated; where shares have been placed, the subscribers may demand that the sponsors return the share proceeds paid, together with the interest thereon as if they have been deposited in a bank for a like period.
法律或者国务院对必须进行招标的其他项目的范围有规定的,依照其规定。    If laws or the State Council have the provisions on the scope of other projects which must be subject to tenders, such provisions shall govern.
票据的付款人故意压票,拖延支付,给持票人造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。    If losses are caused to the holder due to the intentionally delayed payment, the drawee shall be liable for the losses according to law.
由于金融机构工作人员因前款行为给当事人造成损失的,由该金融机构和直接责任人员依法承担赔偿责任。    If losses are caused to the parties to the instrument as a result of the above - mentioned act committed by a staff member of a financial institution, the said institution and the person who is directly responsible shall be liable for the losses according to law.
国务院证券监督管理机构根据需要可以设立派出机构,按照授权履行监督管理职责。    If necessary, the securities regulatory body under the State Council may set up branches that will execute supervisory and administrative functions according to authorization.
逾期不申请复议,或者复议后拒不执行复议决定,又不起诉的,登记主管机关可以强制更改企业名称,扣缴企业营业执照,按照规定程序通知其开户银行划拨罚没款。    If no application for reconsideration is made up to the expiration of the said period, or the decision of the reconsideration is not accepted after the reconsideration and no suit is filed in the people's court, the registration authority may force the enterprise to change its name, revoke its business license and notify the bank to withhold the fine or the confiscation involved from its account according to stipulated procedure.
没有违法所得的,处10万元以上50万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,由外汇管理机关责令整顿或者吊销经营外汇业务许可证。    If no illegal income is involved, a penalty fine in the range of 100, 000 to 500, 000 Yuan shall be imposed. In case of serious offense, the exchange administration agencies shall order the institutions to rectify their business or revoke their license for foreign exchange operations.
当事人申请财产保全的,仲裁委员会应当将当事人的申请依照民事诉讼法的有关规定提交人民法院。    If one of the parties applies for property preservation, the arbitration commission shall submit to a people's court the application of the party in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law.
当事人一方发生合并、分立时。由变更后的当事人承担或分别承担履行合同的义务和享受应有的权利。     If one party is merged or divided, the party or parties resulting from the change shall assume or severally assume the obligation to perform the contract and shall enjoy its or their due rights under the contract.
因变更或解除经济合同使一方遭受损失的,除依法可以免除责任的以外。应由责任方负责赔偿。    If one party suffers losses due to modification or rescission of the economic contract, the party that is held responsible, except when it may be exempted from liability according to law, shall be liable for making compensation.
如果只有一方是故意的,故意的一方应将从对方取得的财产返回对方;非故意的一方已经从对方取得或约定取得的财产,应收归国库所有。    If only one party has acted wilfully, the wilful party shall restore to the other party the property it has acquired from the latter; the party that has not acted wilfully shall turn over to the State Treasury and property it has acquired from the other party or is due to acquire by mutual agreement.
有关法律对本法第十四条所列行为的处罚及处罚机关另有规定的,可以依照有关法律的规定执行。?    If other laws have stipulations concerning the punishments for acts listed in Article 14 of this law, the related laws shall prevail.
父母为其未成年子女投保的人身保险,不受第一款规定限制。    If parents apply for an insurance of persons on their minor children, the restriction stipulated in paragraph one of this Article shall not apply.
发行记名公司债券的,应当在公司债券存根簿上载明下列事项:    If registered bonds are issued, the following shall be recorded on the company's record of bondholders:
对泄露国家价格机密的,依法追究责任。    If State price secrets are disclosed, liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.
不按照独立企业之间的业务往来收取或者支付价款、费用,而减少其应纳税的所得额的,税务机关有权进行合理调整。    If such payment or receipt of costs or fees is not made in the same way as that for business transactions among independent enterprises for the purpose of reducing its taxable income amount, the tax authority has the power to make necessary adjustment.
会计制度不健全,不能通过电子计算机正确、完整计算其收入或者所得的,应当建立总帐和与纳税或者代扣代缴、代收代缴税款有关的其他帐簿。    If the accounting system is not sound and gains or income are unable to be calculated accurately and completely by computer, the taxpayer or tax withholding agent shall establish a general ledger and other accounts relating to its tax payments or the withholding or collection of tax.
尚不够刑事处罚的,由工商行政管理机关依法给予行政处罚;国务院外经贸主管部门并可以暂停直至撤销其对外贸易经营许可。    if the activities are not serious enough for assuming criminal liabilities, they shall be given administrative punishments by the administrations for industry and commerce, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may suspend or even revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..
尚不够刑事处罚的,依照海关法的有关规定处罚;国务院外经贸主管部门并可以撤销其对外贸易经营许可。    if the activities are not serious enough for assuming criminal liabilities, they shall be punished according to the relevant provisions of the Customs Law, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..
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