

发行的股份超过招股说明书规定的截止期限尚未募足的,或者发行股份的股款缴足后,发起人在三十日内未召开创立大会的,认股人可以按照所缴股款并加算银行同期存款利息,要求发起人返还。    If the issued shares are not fully placed upon expiration of the time limit prescribed in the prospectus, or the sponsors fail to hold the establishment meeting within 30 days of full payment of the proceeds from issue of the shares, the subscribers may demand that the sponsors return the share proceeds paid, together with the interest thereon as if they have been deposited in a bank for a like period.
贷款方不按合同规定及时贷款,应偿付违约金。    If the lender does not make a loan in a timely manner in accordance with the provisions of the contract, it shall pay breach of contract damages.
承租人未经出租人同意,对租赁物进行改善或者增设他物的,出租人可以要求承租人恢复原状或者赔偿损失。    If the lessee made improvement on or addition to the lease item without consent by the lessor, the lessor may require the lessee to restore the lease item to its original condition or claim damages.
出租人未履行维修义务的,承租人可以自行维修,维修费用由出租人负担。因维修租赁物影响承租人使用的,应当相应减少租金或者延长租期。    If the lessor fails to fulfill its obligations of maintenance or repair, the lessee may maintain or repair the lease item on its own at the lessor's expense. Where the lessee's use of the lease item is impaired due to maintenance or repair thereof, the rent shall be reduced or the lease term shall be extended accordingly.
清算组决定解除合同,另一方当事人因合同解除受到损害的,其损害赔偿额作为破产债权。    If the liquidation team decides to terminate a contract, and the other party to the contract suffers harm as the result of the termination of the contract, the amount of compensation for the harm constitutes a bankruptcy claim.
清算组决定解除合同,另一方当事人因合同解除受到损害的,其损害赔偿额作为破产债权。    If the liquidation team decides to terminate a contract, and the other party to the contract suffers harm as the result of the termination of the contract, the amount of compensation for the harm constitutes a bankruptcy claim.
清算组决定解除合同,另一方当事人因合同解除受到损害的,其损害赔偿额作为破产债权。    If the liquidation team decides to terminate a contract, and the other party to the contract suffers harm as the result of the termination of the contract, the amount of compensation for the harm constitutes a bankruptcy claim.
投标人少于三个的,招标人应当依照本法重新招标。    If the number of bidders is less than three, the tenderer shall issue the tender anew according to this Law.
尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。    if the offence does not constitute a crime, they shall be subject to the administrative sanctions in accordance with the law.
对没有银行账户或者银行账户内无资金的,物价检查机构有权将其商品变卖抵缴。    If the offender does not have a bank account or does not have the funds, the commodity price surveillance organ shall be entitled to sell commodities of the offender to pay the amount due.
定作方超过领取期限六个月不领取定作物,承揽方有权将定作物变卖,所得价款在扣除报酬、保管费用后,用定作方的名义存入银行。    If the ordering party does not take delivery of the ordered products within six months of the time limit for taking delivery, the contractor shall have the right to sell the ordered products and shall, after deducting its remuneration and storage fees from the money obtained from such sales, deposit the remainder in a bank in the name of the ordering party.
各部门原有关规定与《办法》和本实施细则相抵触的,按《办法》和本实施细则执行。    If the original related stipulations of various departments are contradictory to these Detailed Rules for Implementation, the matter should be dealt with in accordance with the Methods and these Detailed Rules for Implementation.
对方提供适当担保时,应当恢复履行。中止履行后,对方在合理期限内未恢复履行能力并且未提供适当担保的,中止履行的一方可以解除合同。    If the other party provides appropriate assurance for its performance, the party shall resume performance. After performance was suspended, if the other party fails to regain its ability to perform and fails to provide appropriate assurance within a reasonable time, the suspending party may terminate the contract.
??? 因当期销项税额小于当期进项税额不足抵扣时,其不足部分可以结转下期继续抵扣。    If the output tax for the period is less than and insufficient to offset against the input tax for t -he period, the excess input tax can be carried forword for set-off in the following periods.
当事人协议不愿写明争议事实和裁决理由的,可以不写。裁决书由仲裁员签名,加盖仲裁委员会印章。对裁决持不同意见的仲裁员,可以签名,也可以不签名。    If the parties agree not to include in the award the matters in dispute and the grounds on which the award is based, such matters may not be stated in the award. The award shall be signed by the arbitrators and sealed by the arbitration commission. The arbitrator who disagrees with the award may select to sign or not to sign it.
当事人约定由一名仲裁员成立仲裁庭的,应当由当事人共同选定或者共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定仲裁员。    If the parties agree to have one arbitrator to form an arbitration tribunal, the arbitrator shall be selected jointly by the parties or be nominated by the chairman of the arbitration commission in accordance with a joint mandate given by the parties.
当事人不愿通过协商、调解解决或者协商、调解不成的,可以依据合同中的仲裁条款或者事后达成的书面仲裁协议,向仲裁机构中请仲裁。    If the parties are reluctant to settle the dispute through consultation or mediation or they fail in settling the dispute thereby, they may apply to an arbitration agency for arbitration in accordance with the arbitral clause in the contract or in accordance with the written arbitration agreement reached between them subsequently.
当事人对工商行政管理机关处理不服 的,可以向人民法院起诉。    If the parties concerned disagree with the decisions made by administrative departments for industry and commerce, they may bring a suit in a people's court.
当事人对仲裁协议的效力有异议,应当在仲裁庭首次开庭前提出。    If the parties contest the validity of the arbitration agreement, the objection shall be made before the start of the first hearing of the arbitration tribunal.
在调解书签收前当事人反悔的,仲裁庭应当及时作出裁决。    If the parties fall back on their words before the conciliation statement is singed and accepted by them, an award shall be made by the arbitration tribunal promptly.
当事人在仲裁委员会之外通过调解达成和解协议的,可以凭当事人达成的由仲裁委员会仲裁的仲裁协议和他们的和解协议,请求仲裁委员会指定一名独任仲裁员,按照和解协议的内容作出仲裁裁决。    If the parties reach a settlement agreement by themselves through conciliation without involvement of the Arbitration Commission, any of them may, based on an arbitration agreement concluded between them providing for arbitration by the Arbitration Commission and their settlement agreement, request the Arbitration Commission to appoint a sole arbitrator to render an arbitration award in accordance with the contents of the settlement agreement.
合伙企业登记事项发生变更时,未按照本法规定办理有关变更登记的,责令限期登记;逾期不登记的,处以二千元以下的罚款。    If the partnership fails to conduct the relevant registration for change in accordance herewith when a registered item has changed, registration within a prescribed time limit shall be ordered; if the partnership fails to conduct the registration after the prescribed time limit has expired, a fine of 2,000 Yuan shall be imposed.
被申请人经书面通知,无正当理由不到庭或者未经仲裁庭许可中途退庭的,可以缺席裁决。    If the party against whom the application was made was served with a notice in writing but does not appear before the tribunal without due reasons or leaves the tribunal room during a hearing without the permission of the arbitration tribunal, an award by default may be given.
当事人对税务机关的处罚决定逾期不申请复议也不向人民法院起诉、又不履行的,作出处罚决定的税务机关可以申请人民法院强制执行。    If the party concerned neither applies for a reconsideration of the sanction decision made by the tax authorities and institutes legal proceedings with the People's Court within the prescribed time limit nor complies with the sanction decision, the tax authorities which have made the sanction decision may apply to the People's Court for mandatory enforcement of the decision
当事人在法定期限内不申请复议,不提起行政讼诉 ,又不履行具体行政行为的,作出具体行政行为的部门,可以依法申请人民法院强制执行。    If the party concerned neither applies for administrative review of an administrative act nor brings an action within the prescribed period of time, nor does it perform the administrative act, the administrative department doing the administrative act may apply to the People’s Court for enforcement.
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