

当事人对有关行政管理部门作出的具体行政行为不服的,可以按照《行政复议条例》和《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的规定,申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。    If the party concerned refuses to accept as final a specific administrative act of a relevant administrative authority, he may apply for administrative review or bring a legal action in accordance with the Regulations on Administrative Review or the Administrative Litigation Law of the People’s Republic of China.
对复议决定不服的,可以在接到复议决定之日起十五日内,向人民法院起诉。    if the party doe still not agree with the reconsideration decision, it may, within 15 days after receiving the reconsideration decision, file a suit in a people's court.
当事人就已经撤销的案件再提出仲裁申请时,由仲裁委员会主任作出受理或者不受理的决定。    If the party or the parties refer the dismissed case again to the Arbitration Commission for arbitration, the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission shall decide whether to accept the reference or not.
给付定金的一方不履行合同的,无权请求返还定金。接受定金的一方不履行合同的。应当双倍返还定金。    If the party that pays the deposit fails to perform the contract, it shall have no right to reclaim the deposit. If the party that receives the deposit fails to perform the contract, it shall return twice the amount of the deposit.
申诉人对复议决定不服的,可以在收到复议通知之日起15日内,向人民法院起诉。    If the penalized party disagrees with the review decision, it may lodge an appeal with the People's Court within 15 days of receiving notice of the decision.
汇票上未记载出票地的,出票人的营业场所、住所或者经常居住地为出票地。    If the place of issue is not specified on a bill of exchange, the business premises, domicile or habitual residence of the drawer is the place of issue.
汇票上未记载付款地的,付款人的营业场所、住所或者经常居住地为付款地。    If the place of payment is not specified on a bill of exchange, the business premises, domicile or habitual residence of the drawee is the place of payment.
投保方如隐瞒被保险财产的真实情况,保险方有权解除合同或不负赔偿责任。     If the policy holder conceals the actual circumstances of the insured property, the insurer shall have the right to rescind the contract or shall not be liable for making indemnity.
投保方对被保险的财产发现有危险情况,不采取措施消除,同由此发生事故造成的损失由自己负责,保险方不负赔偿责任。    If the policy holder discovers dangerous circumstances regarding the insured property and does not adopt measures to eliminate them, it shall be held solely liable for any losses from an accident caused thereby, and the insurer shall not be liable for making indemnity therefor.
逾期未申请复议或者未向人民法院起诉的,处罚决定生效。    If the private enterprise does not apply for reconsideration or bring an action at the people's court within the term specified, the decision of punishment shall enter into force.
对全部或者部分使用国有资金的项目,可以暂停项目执行或者暂停资金拨付;对单位直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。    if the project uses, completely or partly, the State-owned fund, the project may be suspended or the allocation of fund may be suspended; and the person-in-charge directly responsible and other persons directly responsible of the unit shall be given sanctions according to law.
依照本法第三十四条的规定,发布广告需要经有关行政主管部门审查的,还应当提供有关批准文件。?    If the publishing of advertisements requires the examination by relevant administrative departments in charge according to the provisions of Article 34 of this law, relevant documents of approval shall be provided.
在收购要约的有效期限内,收购人需要变更收购要约中事项的,必须事先向国务院证券监督管理机构及证券交易所提出报告,经获准后,予以公告。    If the purchaser wishes to change the contents of the purchasing order within its valid term, he must submit a report to the securities regulatory body under the State Council and to the stock exchanges and he must publish the change after approval.
举报采用书面形式并提供相关事实和证据的,反垄断执法机构应当进行必要的调查。    If the report is submitted in written form and supplies related facts and proofs, the antimonopoly execution authorities shall conduct necessary investigation.
应聘在外商投资企业工作的外籍人员的工资以及其他合法收入,是外汇的,依法纳税后,可以直接汇出或者携带出境;    If the salaries and other legitimate incomes of foreigners working in foreign-funded enterprises are in foreign exchanges, these foreign exchanges can be remitted or carried abroad directly after payment of taxes in accordance with law.
出卖人不交付其中一批标的物或者交付不符合约定,致使今后其他各批标的物的交付不能实现合同目的的,买受人可以就该批以及今后其他各批标的物解除。    If the seller's failure to deliver or non-conforming delivery of one installment frustrates the purpose of the contract in respect of all subsequent installments notwithstanding their delivery, the buyer may terminate the portion of the contract in respect of such installment as well as any subsequent installment.
股东会或者董事会违反前款规定,在公司弥补亏损和提取法定公积金、法定公益金之前向股东分配利润的,必须将违反规定分配的利润退还公司。    If the shareholders' committee or the board of directors, in violation of the previous Paragraph, distributes profit to the shareholders before covering company losses and making allocation to company statutory reserve fund and statutory welfare fund, the profit so distributed must be returned to the company.
国务院对特定招标项目的评标有特别规定的,从其规定。    If the State Council has the special provisions on bid assessment of specified projects subject to tender, such provisions shall govern.
国务院另有优惠规定的,依照国务院的规定办理;    if the State Council prescribes otherwise on the preference, the regulations of the State Council shall be observed;
国家对招标项目的技术、标准有规定的,招标人应当按照其规定在招标文件中提出相应要求。    If the State has the provisions on technologies and standards of projects subject to tender, a tenderer shall, in accordance with these provisions, put forward corresponding requirements in his tender documents.
接管组织认为被接管的保险公司的财产已不足以清偿所负债务的,经金融监督管理部门批准,依法向人民法院申请宣告该保险公司破产。    If the takeover task force is of the opinion that the assets of the insurance company which has been taken over are no longer sufficient to meet its liabilities, then the take-over task force may, with the approval of the financial supervision and regulation department, apply to the People's Court to have the said insurance company declared bankrupt in accordance with laws.
招标文件要求中标人提交履约保证金的,中标人应当提交。    If the tender documents require the winning bidder to provide an earnest for performance of contract, the winning bidder shall provide it.
重复保险的保险金额总和超过保险价值的,各保险人的赔偿金额的总和不得超过保险价值。除合同另有约定外,各保险人按照其保险金额与保险金额总和的比例承担赔偿责任。    If the total amount of the sum insured by double insurance exceeds the insured value, the total amount of indemnity paid by all insurers concerned shall not exceed the insured value. Unless specified otherwise in the contract, the insurers concerned shall undertake their obligation for indemnity based on the proportions their respective amounts of the sum insured bear to the total amount of the sum insured.
对反垄断执法机构作出的前款规定以外的决定不服的,可以依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。    If the undertaking does not accept the decision made by the antimonopoly execution authorities besides the decisions stipulated by first paragraph, he/she shall apply for administrative review according to law or file administrative lawsuit.
经营者主动向反垄断执法机构报告达成垄断协议的有关情况并提供重要证据的,反垄断执法机构可以酌情减轻或者免除对该经营者的处罚。    If the undertakings actively report the circumstance of the monopoly agreement to the antimonopoly execution authorities and supply important proofs, the antimonopoly execution authorities shall reduce or remit the fines according to own judgement.
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