中国保监会及其派出机构对行政许可申请进行审查时,发现行政许可事项直接关系他人重大利益的,应当告知该利害关系人。申请人、利害关系人有权进行陈述和申辩。中国保监会及其派出机构应当听取申请人、利害关系人的意见。 If the CIRC or its local offices find that the administrative licensing item is directly related to others’ material interests, the interested parties shall be informed. The applicant and the interested parties have the right to state their views and argue. The CIRC and its local offices shall hear the opinions of the applicant and the interested parties.中国保监会或者派出机构作出准予行政许可的决定,需要颁发保险许可证件的,受理机构应当在决定作出之日起10日内将保险许可证件送达申请人。 If the CIRC or its local offices make the decision to grant an administrative license and an insurance licensing certificate needs to be issued, the insurance licensing certificate shall be served to the applicant by the accepting institution within 10 days from the day when the decision is made.中国保监会或者派出机构依法作出不予行政许可的书面决定的,应当说明理由,并告知申请人享有依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的权利。 If the CIRC or its local offices makes a decision in writing to grant no administrative license according to law, it shall explain the reason and inform the applicant of the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or start administrative proceedings in accordance with law.情节严重的,对个人处二万元以上十万元以下的罚款,对单位处二十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 If the circumstances are serious, a fine not to between 20,000 Yuan and 100,000 Yuan to individuals and between 200,000 Yuan and 1000,000 Yuan to organization may be assessed; if the said act constitutes a criminal offence, prosecution will be launched according to law.情节严重的,可以并处违法所得1至3倍的罚款; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be concurrently fined not less than 1 time, but not more than 3 times the amount of the illegal gains:情节严重的,可以暂停直至取消其国营贸易企业或者指定经营企业资格。 if the circumstances are serious, its qualifications as a state-run trade enterprise or designated management enterprise may be suspended or even revoked by the foreign trade department of the State Council..情节严重的,依照刑法第一百二十一条的规定追究其法定代表人和直接责任人员的刑事责任。 if the circumstances are serious, the criminal responsibility of the legal representative and the person directly responsible shall be investigated in accordance with the provisions of Article 121 of the Criminal Law.如果申请人之间及/或被申请人之间未能在收到仲裁通知之日起20天内各自共同选定或者各自共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名仲裁员,则由仲裁委员会主任指定。 If the Claimants' side or the Respondents' side fails to make such appointment or entrustment within 20 days as from the date on which the Respondents' side receives the Notice of Arbitration, the appointment will be made by the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission.公司违反前款规定选举、委派董事、监事或者聘任经理的,该选举、委派或者聘任无效。 If the company elects or appoints a director or supervisor or employs the general manager in violation of the above Paragraph, such election, appointment or employment is invalid.公司向社会公开发行新股,应当由依法设立的证券经营机构承销,签订承销协议。 If the company offers new shares to the public, such share offer shall be underwritten by a lawfully established securities underwriter, and the company shall execute an underwriting agreement therewith.作出禁止经营者集中的决定,应当说明理由。审查期间,经营者不得实施集中。 If the concentration is prohibited, the reasons shall be explained. Within the review period the concentration shall be not implemented.托运人违反前款规定的,承运人可以拒绝运输,也可以采取相应措施以避免损失的发生,因此产生的费用由托运人承担。 If the consignor violates the previous paragraph, the carrier may refuse to carry, and may also take the appropriate measures to prevent loss at the consignor's expense.合同约定分期支付保险费的,投保人应当于合同成立时支付首期保险费,并应当按期支付其余各期的保险费。 If the contract stipulates that the premium is to be paid by installments, the applicant shall pay the first installment at the inception of the contract and the other installments as scheduled.合作企业合同约定外国合作者先行回收投资,并且投资已经回收完毕的,合作企业期限届满不再延长; If the contractual JV has stipulated that the foreign party first recovers its investment, and the investment recovery has been completed, the term of the venture shall not be extended upon expiration.汇票上未记载付款日期的,为见票即付。 If the date of payment is not specified on a bill of exchange, the bill is payable at sight.债务人为其他单位担任保证人的,应当在收到人民法院通知后五日内转告有关当事人。 If the debtor is a guarantor for another unit, it shall, within five days after receiving the notice of the people's court, in turn notify the relevant parties.债务人为其他单位担任保证人的,应当在收到人民法院通知后五日内转告有关当事人。 If the debtor is a guarantor for another unit, it shall, within five days after receiving the notice of the people's court, in turn notify the relevant parties.债务人为其他单位担任保证人的,应当在收到人民法院通知后五日内转告有关当事人。 If the debtor is a guarantor for another unit, it shall, within five days after receiving the notice of the people's court, in turn notify the relevant parties.因仓储物的性质、包装不符合约定或者超过有效储存期造成仓储物变质、损坏的,保管人不承担损害赔偿责任。 If the goods deteriorated or were damaged due to their nature, non-conforming packing method, or storage beyond their shelf-life, the warehouser is not liable for damages.下一纳税年度的所得不足弥补的,可以逐年延续弥补,但最长不得超过五年。 if the income of the following tax year is not sufficient to make up for the losses, the losses may be made up in the continuing and consecutive tax years, however, the maximum term may not exceed five years.被保险人未履行前款规定的通知义务的,因保险标的危险程度增加而发生的保险事故,保险人不承担赔偿责任。 If the insured fails to fulfill the obligation of notice stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the insurer shall bear no obligation for indemnity of the insured event which occurs due to the increased risk to the subject matter of the insurance.被保险人为无民事行为能力人或者限制民事行为能力人的,可以由其监护人指定受益人。 If the insured is a person without civil legal capacity or a person with limited civil legal capacity, the beneficiary may be designated by the guardian of the insured.保险人向被保险人赔偿保险金后,被保险人未经保险人同意放弃对第三者请求赔偿的权利的,该行为无效。 If the insured, without the insurer's consent, waives the right of indemnity against the third party after indemnity is made by the insurer, the waiver of the insured shall be regarded as invalid.保险人未及时履行前款规定义务的,除支付保险金外,应当赔偿被保险人或者受益人因此受到的损失。 If the insurer fails to fulfill the obligations specified in the preceding paragraph in a timely manner then, in addition to the payment of compensation, the insurer shall compensate the insured or the beneficiary for any damage incurred thereby.保险人依照保险合同的约定,认为有关的证明和资料不完整的,应当通知投保人、被保险人或者受益人补充提供有关的证明和资料。 If the insurer, based on the provisions of the insurance contract, considers the relevant evidence or information incomplete, then the insurer shall notify the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary with a request to provide the insurer with additional evidence or information.