尚不够刑事处罚的,依照海关法的有关规定处罚;国务院外经贸主管部门并可以撤销其对外贸易经营许可。 if the activities are not serious enough for assuming criminal liabilities, they shall be punished according to the relevant provisions of the Customs Law, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..尚不够刑事处罚的,依照海关法的有关规定处罚;国务院外经贸主管部门并可以暂停直至撤销其对外贸易经营许可。 if the activities are not serious enough for assuming criminal liabilities, they shall be punished according to the relevant provisions of the Customs Law, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may suspend or even revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..外商投资企业实际经营期不满十年的,应当补缴已免征、减征的企业所得税税款。 If the actual operating period of an enterprise with foreign investment is less than 10 years, it shall make up the enterprise income tax which has been exempted or reduced.前款发行人未按期公告其上市文件或者报送有关报告的,由证券监督管理机构责令改正,对发行人处以五万元以上十万元以下的罚款。 If the aforementioned issuers do not duly announce their marketing documents or submit relevant reports, they are to be ordered by securities regulatory bodies to make corrections and are to pay a fine of more than 50,000 yuan but less than 100,000 yuan.限期届满仍未履行的,审查批准机关应当撤销合作企业的批准证书,工商行政管理机关应当吊销合作企业的营业执照,并予以公告。 if the aforesaid party still fails to fulfill its obligations upon expiration of the time limit, the examination and approval authorities shall withdraw and nullify the venture's approval certificate, and the administrative authorities for industry and commerce shall revoke the business license and make an annunciation.中国反洗钱监测分析中心发现金融机构报送的涉嫌恐怖融资的可疑交易报告有要素不全或者存在错误的,可以向提交报告的金融机构发出补正通知,金融机构应当在接到补正通知的5个工作日内补正。 If the anti-money laundering monitoring and analysis center finds out that the report of transactions suspicious of financing for terrorist purposes submitted by a financial institution is incomplete or erroneous, it may send a notice of supplement or correction to the financial institution, which shall make a supplement or correction within five workdays after accepting the notice.反垄断执法机构决定中止调查的,应当对经营者履行承诺的情况进行监督。经营者履行承诺的,反垄断执法机构可以决定终止调查。 If the antimonopoly execution authorities decide to suspend investigation, shall supervision the circumstances in which undertakings perform their promises. If the undertakings have performed the promises, the antimonopoly execution authorities shall decide to stop the investigation.国务院反垄断执法机构作出不实施进一步审查的决定或者逾期未作出决定的,经营者可以实施集中。 If the antimonopoly execution authorities has taken decision not to precede review or has not decided in case of expiring of the period, the concentration shall be implemented.国务院反垄断执法机构逾期未作出决定的,经营者可以实施集中。 If the antimonopoly execution authorities have not decided in case of expiring of the period, the concentration shall be implemented.申请人、利害关系人在被告知听证权利之日起5日内提出听证申请的,中国保监会或者派出机构应当在20日内组织听证。 If the applicant or interested parties apply for a hearing within 5 days after they are informed of the right to request a hearing, the CIRC or its local offices shall organize a hearing within 20 days.申请人拒绝领取的,受理机构可以邮寄送达。 If the applicant refuses to get the decision certificate, the accepting institution may serve the document by post.投保人、被保险人或者受益人故意制造保险事故的,保险人有权解除保险合同,不承担赔偿或者给付保险金的责任,除本法第六十四条第一款另有规定外,也不退还保险费。 If the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary intentionally causes the occurrence of an insured event, except as under the first paragraph of Article 64 of this Law, the insurer may terminate the insurance contract, bear no obligation for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits and decline to return the premiums paid.保险事故发生后,投保人、被保险人或者受益人以伪造、变造的有关证明、资料或者其他证据,编造虚假的事故原因或者夸大损失程度的,保险人对其虚报的部分不承担赔偿或者给付保险金的责任。 If the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary, following the occurrence of an insured event, provides forged and altered relevant evidence, information or other proofs, falsifies the cause of the occurrence of the insured event or overstates the extent of the loss, then the insurer shall bear no obligation for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits for the portion which is falsified or overstated.符合法定条件的,中国保监会或者派出机构应当依法办理变更手续。 If the application complies with legal conditions, the CIRC or its local offices shall go through the procedures of alteration according to law.申请人申请文件不全、需要补交资料的,期限应当从申请人的补交资料送达中国保监会之日起重新计算。 If the application documents provided by the applicant is incomplete and further delivery is needed, the period shall start from the date when the supplementary materials are delivered to CIRC.裁决被人民法院依法裁定撤销或者不予执行的,当事人就该纠纷可以根据双方重新达成的仲裁协议申请仲裁,也可以向人民法院起诉。 If the arbitration award is canceled or its enforcement has been disallowed by a people's court in accordance with the law, the parties may, in accordance with a new arbitration agreement between them in respect of the dispute, re-apply for arbitration or initiate legal proceedings with the people's court.公司章程规定由其他机构代为兑换外币并付给股东的,可以依照公司章程的规定办理。 If the articles of association provide that the said payments shall be converted into foreign currencies and paid to shareholders by other organizations, the provisions of the articles of association shall apply.行业协会违反本法规定,组织本行业的经营者达成垄断协议的,反垄断执法机构可以处五十万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,社会团体登记管理机关可以依法撤销登记。 If the association of undertakings organise undertakings of the branch to reach monopoly agreement in violation of this law, the antimonopoly execution authorities shall impose a fine below 500,000 Yuan; and if the circumstances are serious, the social organization register administrative department shall dissolve the register.?? 受益人故意造成被保险人死亡或者伤残的,或者故意杀害被保险人未遂的,丧失受益权。 If the beneficiary has intentionally caused the death or disability of the insured, or attempted to cause the death of the insured or the beneficiary shall lose his/her right to claim the insurance benefits.借款方不按合同规定归还贷款的。应当承担违约责任。并加付利息。 If the borrower does not repay the loan in accordance with the provisions of the contract, it shall bear the liability for breach of contract and pay the additional interest.借款方不按合同规定使用政策性贷款,应当加付利息;贷款方有权提前收回一部或全部贷款。 If the borrower does not utilize the loan granted for policy consideration in accordance with the provisions of the contract, it shall pay additional interest; and the lender shall have the right to recall part or all of the loan ahead of schedule.营业执照遗失或者毁坏的,公司应当在公司登记机关指定的报刊上声明作废,申请补领。 If the Business License is lost or damaged, the company shall announce it invalid in the newspaper and periodical designated by the company registration authority, and shall apply for an reassurance.买受人如果就其中一批标的物解除,该批标的物与其他各批标的物相互依存的,可以就已经交付和未交付的各批标的物解除。 If the buyer is to terminate the portion of the contract in respect of a particular installment which is interdependent with all other installments, it may terminate the contract in respect of all delivered and undelivered installments.情节严重的,依法停止其广告业务。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。? If the case is very serious, the business license of the advertising business shall be terminated. If the case is serious enough to constitute a crime, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed.情节严重的,依法停止其广告业务。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。? If the cases is very serious, their advertising business shall be terminated. If the case is serious enough to constitute a crime, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed.