依照前款规定外国合作者在合作期限内先行回收投资的,中外合作者应当依照有关法律的规定和合作企业合同的约定对合作企业的债务承担责任。 If, according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the foreign party is to recover its investment ahead of time during the period of the venture's operation, the Chinese and foreign parties shall, as stipulated by the relevant laws and agreed in the contractual joint venture contract, be liable for the debts of the venture.中标通知书发出后,招标人改变中标结果的,或者中标人放弃中标项目的,应当依法承担法律责任。 If, after the bid-winning notice is issued, the tenderer alters the bidding result or the winning bidder waives the winning project, the said tenderer or the said winning bidder shall bear legal liabilities according to law.本法施行后,需要变更前三款的免征、减征企业所得税的规定的,由国务院报全国人民代表大会常务委员会决定。 If, after the entry into force of this Law, it is necessary to modify the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs on enterprise income tax exemption or reduction, the State Council shall submit such modifications to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for decisions.保管方验收后,如果发生货物品种、数量、质量不符合同规定,由保管方承担赔偿责任。 If, after the safekeeping party has inspected the goods, a non-conformity between the type, quantity or quality of the goods and the provisions of the contract occurs, the safekeeping party shall be liable for making compensation.按照规定不需要在工商行政管理机关办理注册登记的,应当自有关机关批准或者宣告终止之日起十五日内,持有关证件向原税务登记机关申报办理注销税务登记。 If, in accordance with regulations, the taxpayer is not required to cancel its registration with the administrative authority for industry and commerce, the taxpayer shall, within 15 days of the relevant organ approving or announcing the termination, present the relevant certificate to the original taxation registration authority to apply for cancellation of its taxation registration.中外合作者在合作企业合同中约定合作期满时合作企业的全部固定资产归中国合作者所有的,可以在合作企业合同中约定外国合作者在合作期限内先行回收投资的办法。合作企业合同约定外国合作者在缴纳所得税前回收投资的,必须向财政税务机关提出申请,由财政税务机关依照国家有关税收的规定审查批准。 If, upon the expiration of the period of a venture's operation, all the fixed assets of the contractual joint venture, as agreed upon by the Chinese and foreign parties in the contractual joint venture contract, are to belong to the Chinese party, the Chinese and foreign parties may prescribe in the contractual joint venture contract the ways for the foreign party to recover its investment ahead of time during the period of the venture's operation. If the foreign party, as agreed upon in the contractual joint venture contract, is to recover its investment prior to the payment of income tax, it must apply to the financial and tax authorities, which shall examine and approve the application in accordance with state provisions concerning taxes.二、 明确法律政策界限,依法打击非法证券活动 II. Clarifying legal and policy boundaries and legally cracking down on unlawful securities activities二、认真组织学习培训,广泛开展宣传教育。 II. Conscientiously organizing study and training and unfolding extensive publicity and education.二、采掘业 II. Mining and Quarrying Industries二、采掘业 II. Mining and Quarrying Industries二、限制类 II. Notes for Catalogue of Restricted Industries:???? 2.自来水、暖气、冷气、热水、煤气、石油液化气、天然气、沼气、居民用煤炭制品; ii. Tap water, heating, air conditioning, hot water, coal gas, lipuefied petroleum gas, naturalgas, methane gas, coal/charcoal products for household use;二、制定《办法》的依据和原则 II. The Basis and Principles for Formulating the Method(三)《〈中华人民共和国发票管理办法〉宣传提纲》 II. The Publicity Outline on the Methods of the People’s Republic of China for Invoice Management二、诉讼时效 II. Time Limit for Action???? 3.图书、报纸、杂志; iii. Books, newspapers, magazines;三、 加强协作配合,提高办案效率 III. Enhancing cooperation and assistance and advancing the case-handling efficiency三、建立健全发票管理制度。 III. Establishing and perfecting the invoice management system.三、制造业 III. Manufacturing Industries三、制造业 III. Manufacturing Industry三、《办法》的适用范围 III. The Applicable Scope of the Methods三、合同效力 III. Validity of Contracts中国保险监督管理委员会行政许可实施办法 Implementation Measures for Administrative Licensing Of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission实行配额或者许可证管理的货物、技术,必须依照国务院规定经国务院对外经济贸易主管部门或者由其会同国务院有关部门许可,方可进口或者出口。 Import or export of any goods and technologies subject to quota and/or licensing control will be effected only with the approval of the authorities responsible for foreign trade and economic relations under the State Council or the joint approval of the foregoing authorities and other authorities concerned under the State Council in compliance with the provisions of the State Council.1986年财政部根据《中华人民共和国税收征收管理暂行条例》(以下简称《征管条例》)的规定,制定颁布了《全国发票管理暂行办法》(以下简称《原办法》),各省、自治区、直辖市也据此制定了具体的实施办法,并采取积极措施,加强发票管理。 In 1986, the Ministry of Finance, in line with the stipulation of the Interim Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Tax Collection and Management (hereinafter referred to as Tax Collection and Management Regulations), formulated and promulgated the Interim Methods for National Invoice Management(hereinafter referred to as the Original Methods), on the basis of which, various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities also formulated concrete methods for implementation and adopted active measures for strengthening invoice management.