1.中低产农田改造 1.Improvement of low and medium yielding field(十一)保险经纪公司:外资比例不超过50%;不迟于2004年12月11日允许外资比例达51%;不迟于2006年12月11日允许外方独资 11.Insurance brokage companies: The proportion of foreign investment shall not exceed 50%. The proportion shall be allowed to reach 51% no later than Dec. 11, 2004. Wholly foreign owned enterprises shall be permitted no later than Dec. 11,2006.(二)影响市政公共设施、交通安全设施、交通标志使用的; 2. If the advertisements affect the proper use of municipal public facilities, traffic safety facilities, and traffic signs;(二)申请事项依法不属于中国保监会或者派出机构职权范围的,应当即时作出不予受理的决定,并告知申请人向有关行政机关申请; 2. In case an application item is not within the limits of authority of the CIRC or its local offices according to law, an accepting institution shall immediately decide not to accept the application and shall inform the applicant to apply to the administrative authority concerned.(二)为保护生态环境; 2. in order to protect the ecological environment;(二)假冒他人专利的; 2. Infringe on and use other's patent rights;二、对现有传销企业进行审查清理。 2. Inspect and rectify already existing pyramid retail enterprises.(二)国际金融组织贷款给中国政府和中国国家银行的利息所得,免征所得税; 2. interest income from loans lent to the Chinese Government and state banks of China by international financial organizations is exempted from the income tax;(二)违反中华人民共和国承担的国际义务的; 2. is contrary to the international obligations undertaken by the People's Republic of China;(二)与本案有利害关系; 2. is related in the case;(二)最近一个会计年度实收资本不少于10亿美元或等值货币或托管资产规模不少于1000亿美元或等值货币; 2. It has at least one billion USD of paid-in capital or the equivalent value in a foreign currency in the latest fiscal year, or its scale of custody assets shall be no less than 100 billion USD or the equivalent value in a foreign currency;(二)出口经营秩序严重混乱,需要限制出口的; 2. It is necessary to restrict the export of goods due to serious disorder of export management;(二)有必要的财产; 2. it must possess the necessary property;(二)对申请材料是否齐全进行初步审查,并可以就是否受理提出建议; 2. It shall conduct a preliminary examination of the completeness of the application materials and make suggestions on whether the application can be accepted or not;二、改进个体、私营经济税收征管方式,强化查帐征收。 2.Improvement in the Mode of Tax Collection Administration of the Self-employed Private Economy and Intensification of Tax Collection on Audit of Accounts.(二)信息、咨询服务业 2.Information, Consultation Service Industries(二)信息、咨询服务业 2.Information. Consultation Service Industries2.同位素、辐射及激光技术 2.Isotope, irradiation and laser technique(三)“个人”是指中国公民和在中华人民共和国境内住满1年的外国人。 3. ""individuals"" refer to Chinese citizens and foreign nationals staying in China for more than one year.(三)妨碍生产或者人民生活,损害市容市貌或者建筑物形象的; 3. If the advertisements interfere with productive activities or the life of the people, or are detrimental to the appearance or the look of the city, or the image of buildings.(三)进口关税及国内税收。 3. import duties and domestic taxes.(三)进口关税及国内税收。 3. import duties and domestic taxes.(三)进口关税及国内税收。 3. import duties and domestic taxes.(三)进口关税及国内税收。 3. import duties and domestic taxes.三、 经济特区和上海浦东新区内新设高新技术企业同时在经济特区和上海浦东新区以外的地区从事生产经营的,应当单独计算其在经济特区和上海浦东新区内取得的所得,并合理分摊企业的期间费用;没有单独计算的,不得享受企业所得税优惠。 3. In case a high-tech enterprise newly set up in a special economic zone or in Pudong New District of Shanghai embarks upon production and operation in other areas aside from the special economic zone or Pudong New District of Shanghai at the same time, it shall separately calculate the incomes it acquires in the special economic zone or Pudong New District of Shanghai and rationally divide the expenses incurred during the corresponding period. In case it cannot calculates independently, it shall not enjoy the preferential treatments regarding enterprise income tax.语际翻译 版权所有
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