

(四)其他合伙人严重违反合伙协议约定的义务。    (iv) Other partners have seriously breached their duties prescribed in the partnership agreement.
(四)按照价格管理权限,规定商品和收费的作价原则、作价办法,制定、调整分管的商品价格和收费标准,重要的商品价格和收费标准的制定、调整,应当会商国务院有关业务主管部门后报国务院批准;    (iv) outline guidelines and methods for commodity and service fee pricing, determine and adjust commodity prices and service fee rates which are subject to a division of control and, in the cases of determining or adjusting key commodity prices or service fee rates, discuss details with relevant State Council departments in charge and subsequently submit the proposal to the State Council for approval;
(四)按照价格管理权限,规定商品和收费的作价原则、作价办法,制定、调整分管的商品价格和收费标准,重要的商品价格和收费标准应当报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,并报国家物价部门和国务院有关业务主管部门备案;    (iv) outline the guidelines and methods of commodity and service fee pricing in accordance with its area of jurisdiction on price control, determine and adjust commodity prices and service fee rates which are subject to division of control and, in the case of key commodity prices or service fee rates, submit details to a provincial, autonomous region or directly administered municipal people's government for approval and filing with the State commodity price department and the relevant State Council departments;
(四)制订公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案;    (iv) preparing annual financial budget plans and final accounting plans of the company;
(四)制订公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案;    (iv) preparing annual financial budget plans and final accounting plans of the company;
(4)拟订公司的基本管理制度;    (iv) preparing the basic management scheme of the company;
(四)提议召开临时股东会;    (iv) proposing for interim meetings of shareholders' committee;
(四)提议召开临时股东大会;    (iv) proposing for interim meetings of shareholders' general committee.
(四)向他人提供发票或者借用他人发票;    (IV) Providing invoices for or borrowing invoices from others;
(四)质量;    (iv) quality;
(四)返还合伙人的出资。    (iv) redemption of the capital contribution by the partners.
(四)科技开发、咨询、服务性公司人民币十万元。    (iv) Renminbi 100,000 Yuan if it engages in scientific and technical development, consulting or service.
(四)没有正当理由,限定交易相对人只能与其进行交易或者只能与其指定的经营者进行交易;    (iv) require its counterparty to trade exclusively with it or trade exclusively with the appointed undertakings without legitimate reasons;
(四)查封、扣押相关证据;    (iv) seal up or detain related proofs;
(四)清理债权、债务;    (iv) sorting out the partnership's creditor's rights, and debtor's liabilities;
(四)资产评估报告和验资报告。    (iv) the assets appraisal report and capital verification report.
(四)董事会认为必要时;    (iv) The board of directors deems necessary;
(四)向原有股东发行新股的种类及数额。    (iv) the classes and number of new shares issued to the existing shareholders.
(四)公司最近三年连续亏损。    (iv) The company has been suffering losses for the most recent three consecutive years.
(四)公司预期利润率可达同期银行存款利率。    (iv) the company's projected profit rate reaches the interest rate of bank deposits for a like period.
(四)损害社会公共利益;    (iv) The contract harms public interests;
(四)债券的发行日期。    (iv) the date of issue of the bonds.
(四)各股东取得其股份的日期。    (iv) the date on which each shareholder acquired his shares.
(四)其他经营者对该经营者在交易上的依赖程度;    (iv) the degree of dependence of other undertakings;
(四)筹办公司的财务审计报告;    (iv) the financial auditing report on pre-establishment activities;
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