

(三)公司设立方式;    (iii) the method for its establishment;
(三)合伙人的姓名及其住所;    (iii) the names and domiciles of the partners;
(三)债务相互抵销;    (iii) The obligations were set off against each other;
(三)债权人在合理期限内未要求履行。    (iii) the obligee does not require performance within a reasonable time.
(三)债权人死亡未确定继承人或者丧失民事行为能力未确定监护人;    (iii) The obligee is deceased or incapacitated, and his heir or guardian is not determined;
(三)承诺期限届满,受要约人未作出承诺;    (iii) The offeree fails to dispatch its acceptance at the end of the period for acceptance;
(三)经营估算书;    (iii) the operating forecast report;
(三)当事人一方迟延履行主要债务,经催告后在合理期限内仍未履行;    (iii) the other party delayed performance of its main obligations, and failed to perform within a reasonable time after receiving demand for performance;
(三)以合法形式掩盖非法目的;    (iii) The parties intended to conceal an illegal purpose under the guise of a legitimate transaction;
(三)执行合伙企业事务时有不正当行为;    (iii) The partner engages in improper conduct while conducting partnership affairs;
(三)个人丧失偿债能力;    (iii) The partner is personally insolvent;
(三)公司债券募集办法;    (iii) the plan for company bonds offer;
(三)履行的计划、进度、期限、地点、地域和方式;    (iii) the plan, schedule, period, place, territory and method of performance;
(三)债券的利率;    (iii) the rate of interest on the bonds;
(三)出资证明书编号。    (iii) the serial number of each capital contribution certificate.
(三)各股东所持股票的编号;    (iii) the serial numbers of share certificates held by each shareholder;
(三)股东共同制定公司章程;    (iii) The shareholders jointly prepare the articles of association;
(三)无记名股票的发行总数;    (iii) the total number of bearer share certificates issued;
(三)债券总额,债券的票面金额,债券的利率,债券的还本付息的期限和方式;    (iii) the total value of the bonds, the par value of each bond, the interest thereon, the term thereof and method for payment of principal and interest;
(三)有各合伙人实际缴付的出资;    (iii) There is actual capital contributed by the respective partners;
(三)有投资人申报的出资;    (iii) There is capital contribution declared by the sole proprietor;
(三)企业管理规范,有严格的质量监督制度;    (III) They have standard enterprise management and strict quality supervision system;
(三)转让或者处分合伙企业的知识产权和其他财产权利;    (iii) transfer or disposal of the intellectual property or other proprietary rights of the partnership;
(三)贩运、窝藏假发票;    (III) Transporting and sheltering sham invoices;
(三)履行地点不明确,给付货币的,在接受货币一方所在地履行;交付不动产的,在不动产所在地履行;其他标的,在履行义务一方所在地履行。    (iii) Where the place of performance was not clearly prescribed, if the obligation is payment of money, performance shall be at the place where the payee is located; if the obligation is delivery of immovable property, performance shall be at the place where the immovable property is located; for any other subject matter, performance shall be at the place where the obligor is located;
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