(三)合伙企业的债务; (iii) debts owed by the partnership;(3)决定公司的经营计划和投资方案; (iii) determining the company's operating plans and investment programs;(3)决定公司的经营计划和投资方案; (iii) determining the company's operational plans and investment programs;(三)因公司合并或者分立需要解散的。 (iii) dissolution is required due to merger or division of the company.拟订公司内部管理机构设置方案; (iii) drafting the plan for the structure of the company's internal management;(三)经营者集中对市场进入、技术进步的影响; (iii) effect on the market entry and technology improvement;(三)选举和更换由股东代表出任的监事,决定有关监事的报酬事项; (iii) electing and replacing supervisors who represent the shareholders, and deciding upon matters relating to the remuneration of supervisors;(三)制定、发布反垄断指南; (iii) enact and issue antimonopoly guidelines;(三)查阅、复制被调查的经营者、利害关系人或者其他有关单位或者个人的有关单证、协议、会计账簿、业务函电、电子数据等文件、资料; (iii) exam, copy related documents and materials of the undertakings, interested parties and other relevant organizations or persons being investigated, such as certificates, agreements, accounting books, letters and telegraphs of business, electronic data and so on.(三)不履行赠与合同约定的义务。 (iii) failing to perform the obligations under the gift contract.(三)该经营者的财力和技术条件; (iii) financial status and technical conditions of the undertaking;(三)对经有关部门鉴定 确认、物价部门批准实行优质加价的产品,在规定的加价幅度内制定商品价格,按照规定权限确定残损废次商品的处理价格; (iii) following confirmation by the relevant department and approval by the commodity price department, set commodity prices in accordance with the stipulated range of price increases and determine within its jurisdiction, discount prices for damaged and substandard products;(三)抬级抬价、压级压价的; (iii) forcing grades or prices up or down;(三)伪造、私刻发票监制章,伪造、私造发票防伪专用品; (III) Forge or carve seals for supervising manufacture of invoices without authorization, forge or produce special products for anti-forged invoices without authorization;(三)处理与清算有关的公司未了结的业务; (iii) handling the company's ongoing businesses which are related to liquidation;(三)在公司设立过程中,由于发起人的过失致使公司利益受到损害的,应当对公司承担赔偿责任。 (iii) if the company's interest is harmed in the course of its establishment due to the negligence of the sponsors, being liable to the company for damages.(三)在减少流通环节、降低流通费用的前提下,实行合理的购销差价、批零差价、地区差价和季节差价。 (iii) implement reasonable purchase and sale price differentials, wholesale and retail price differentials, regional price differentials and seasonal price differentials, on the precondition of a reduction of the number of marketing stages through which goods must pass and a reduction of costs incurred in this circulation of goods.(三)丧失商业信誉; (iii) It has lost its business creditworthiness;(三)被依法吊销营业执照; (iii) Its business license is lawfully revoked;(三)公司注册资本; (iii) its registered capital;(三)清缴所欠税款; (iii) making full payment of taxes owed;(三)挪用企业的资金归个人使用或者借贷给他人; (iii) misappropriating funds of the sole proprietorship enterprise by using them for his own purpose or lending them to a third person.(三)组织、监督本系统、本行业执行规定的商品价格和收费标准; (iii) organize and supervise the implementation of stipulated commodity prices and service fee rates within the system and industries concerned;(三)其他债务。 (iii) other debts.(三)经营者申报后有关情况发生重大变化的。 (iii) other significant events occurred after notification.语际翻译 版权所有
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