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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(二)公司章程;    (ii) the articles of association of the company;
(二)公司章程;    (ii) the articles of association;
(二)公司不按规定公开其财务状况,或者对财务会计报告作虚假记载;    (ii) The company fails to make public its financial condition as required, or has made misrepresentations in its financial and accounting reports;
(二)公司在最近三年内连续盈利,并可向股东支付股利;    (ii) The company has been profitable consecutively for the most recent three years, and is able to pay dividends to its shareholders;
(二)公司登记成立的日期;    (ii) the company's date of registration and establishment;
(二)公司未弥补的亏损达股本总额三分之一时;    (ii) The company's losses which are not covered have reached one-third of the total amount of the share capital;
(二)在订立合同时显失公平的。    (ii) the contract was grossly unconscionable at the time of its conclusion.
(二)合同解除;    (ii) The contract was terminated;
(二)累计债券总额不超过公司净资产额的百分之四十;    (ii) The cumulative value of company bonds shall not exceed 40 percent of the company's net assets;
(二)公司登记日期;    (ii) the date of registration of the company;
(二)债券持有人取得债券的日期及债券的编号;    (ii) the dates on which the bondholders acquired the bonds and the serial numbers of the bond certificates;
(二)经营者提交的文件、资料不准确,需要进一步核实的;    (ii) the documents or materials submitted are inaccurate and need verification;
(二)集中对相关市场竞争状况影响的说明;    (ii) the effect on competition on the relevant market of the concentration;
(二)作出中止调查决定所依据的事实发生重大变化的;    (ii) the fact being applied to suspend the investigation has significant changed.
(二)对已发行的公司债券或者其债务有违约或者延迟支付本息的事实,且仍处于继续状态的。    (ii) The fact that the company is in default of any of the previously issued company bonds or company debt or is late in payment of principal and interest has occurred, and is currently existing.
(二)新股发行价格;    (ii) the issuing price of the new shares;
(二)两个经营者在相关市场的市场份额合计达到三分之二的;    (ii) the joint relevant market share of two undertakings accounts for 2/3 or above;
(二)创立大会的会议记录;    (ii) the minutes of the establishment meeting;
(二)各股东所持股份数;    (ii) the number of shares held by each shareholder;
(二)债权人下落不明;    (ii) The obligee cannot be located;
(二)要约人依法撤销要约;    (ii) The offeror lawfully revokes the offer;
(二)每股的票面金额和发行价格;    (ii) the par value and issuing price of each share;
(二)恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益;    (ii) The parties colluded in bad faith, thereby harming the interests of the state, the collective or any third party;
(二)因故意或者重大过失给合伙企业造成损失;    (ii) The partner has caused loss to the partnership due to his willful misconduct or gross negligence;
(二)被依法宣告为无民事行为能力人;    (ii) The partner is adjudged to be without capacity for civil act;
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