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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(2)选举和更换董事,决定有关董事的报酬事项;    (ii) electing and replacing members of the board of directors, and deciding upon matters relating to their remuneration;
(二)私售、倒买倒卖发票;    (II) Engaging in sales of and illegal trade in invoices without permission;
(二)未经国家税务总局指定的企业私自生产发票防伪专用品、私自印制增值税专用发票;    (II) Enterprises not designated by the State Administration of Taxation but engage in unauthorized production of special products for anti-forged invoices, or print special invoices for VAT;
(二)因故意或者重大过失造成对方财产损失的。    (ii) excluding one party's liability for property loss caused to the other party by its intentional misconduct or gross negligence.
(二)对赠与人有扶养义务而不履行;    (ii) failing to perform support obligations owed to the donor;
(二)因犯有贪污、贿赂、侵占财产、挪用财产罪或者破坏社会经济秩序罪,被判处刑罚,执行期满未逾五年,或者因犯罪被剥夺政治权利,执行期满未逾五年;    (ii) having been sentenced to prison for the following crimes, and completion of the sentence being less than 5 years ago: embezzlement, bribery, conversion of property, misappropriation of property, sabotage of social economic order; or having been deprived of political rights as a result of a criminal conviction, and completion of such sanction being less than 5 years ago;
(二)价款或者报酬不明确的,按照订立合同时履行地的市场价格履行;依法应当执行政府定价或者政府指导价的,按照规定履行。    (ii) If price or remuneration was not clearly prescribed, performance shall be in accordance with the prevailing market price at the place of performance at the time the contract was concluded, and if adoption of a price mandated by the government or based on government issued pricing guidelines is required by law, such requirement applies;
(二)受要约人有理由认为要约是不可撤销的,并已经为履行合同作了准备工作。    (ii) if the offeree has reason to regard the offer as irrevocable, and has undertaken preparation for performance.
(二)执行股东会的决议;    (ii) implementing resolutions adopted by the shareholders' committee;
(二)执行股东大会的决议;    (ii) implementing resolutions adopted by the shareholders' general committee;
(二)公司不能成立时,对认股人已缴纳的股款,负返还股款并加算银行同期存款利息的连带责任;    (ii) in the event of failure to establish the company, being jointly and severally liable for the return of share proceeds paid by the subscribers, together with the interest thereon as if they have been deposited in a bank for a like period.
(二)损益表;    (ii) income statement;
(二)故意隐瞒与订立合同有关的重要事实或者提供虚假情况;    (ii) intentionally concealing a material fact relating to the conclusion of the contract or supplying false information;
(二)转移财产、抽逃资金,以逃避债务;    (ii) It has engaged in transfer of assets or withdrawal of funds for the purpose of evading debts;
(二)表明经受要约人承诺,要约人即受该意思表示约束。    (ii) It indicates that upon acceptance by the offeree, the offeror will be bound thereby.
(二)公司经营范围;    (ii) its business scope;
(二)公司经营范围;    (ii) its business scope;
(二)限制商品的生产数量或者销售数量;    (ii) limit the output or sales of the products;
(二)对董事、经理执行公司职务时违反法律、法规或者公司章程的行为进行监督;    (ii) monitoring the acts of the directors or the general manager to guard against violation of national statutes, administrative regulations or the articles of association in the course of performance of their duties;
对董事、经理执行公司职务时违反法律、法规或者公司章程的行为进行监督;    (ii) monitoring the acts of the directors or the general manager to guard against violation of national statutes, administrative regulations or the articles of association in the course their performance of duties;
(二)投资人的姓名和居所;    (ii) name and residence of the sole proprietor;
(二)通知或者公告债权人;    (ii) notifying creditors through notice or public announcement;
(二)参与集中的每个经营者百分之五十以上有表决权的股份或者资产被同一个未参与集中的经营者拥有的。    (ii) one undertaking which is not a party to the concentration has the power to exercise more than half the voting rights of every undertaking concerned, whether of the equity or the asset;
(二)责令将非法所得退还购买者或者用户;    (ii) order the violator to return the illicit gains to the buyer or user;
(二)组织、监督有关部门实施国家物价部门和国务院业务主管部门制定的商品价格和收费 标准;    (ii) organize and supervise the units concerned to implement commodity prices and service fee rates as stipulated by the State commodity price department and the relevant State Council departments;
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