(二)组织调查、评估市场总体竞争状况,发布评估报告; (ii) organize research, assess general competition situations in the market, issue assess report;(二)组织实施公司年度经营计划和投资方案; (ii) organizing the implementation of annual operating plans and investment programs of the company;(二)组织实施公司年度经营计划和投资方案; (ii) organizing the implementation of annual operating plans and investment programs of the company;(二)按照价格管理权限,规定商品和收费的作价原则、作价办法,制定、调整分管的商品价格和收费标准; (ii) outline the guidelines and methods of commodity and service fee pricing in accordance with their jurisdiction on price control, and determine and adjust commodity prices and service fee rates which are subject to division of control;(二)应当有明确的质量标准或者等级规格标准,实行按质定价; (ii) provide explicit quality levels or grade criteria and implement quality pricing;(二)如实上报实行国家定价、国家指导价的商品和收费项目的有关定价资料; (ii) provide factual information on the pricing of commodities and service fee items which are subject to the implementation of State stipulated prices or State guided prices;(二)各种经营性服务的收费标准(以下简称收费标准)。 (ii) rates of fees for various service items (hereinafter referred to as service fee rates).(二)以商品批发为主的公司人民币五十万元; (ii) Renminbi 500,000 Yuan if it primarily engages in commodity wholesale;(二)询问被调查的经营者、利害关系人或者其他有关单位或者个人,要求其说明有关情况; (ii) request the undertaking concerned, interested parties and other relevant organizations or persons being investigated to explain related circumstances;(二)研究拟订价格法规草案; (ii) research and draft laws and regulations on prices;(二)限定向第三人转售商品的最低价格; (ii) restrict the lowest price for resale;(二)保密制度; (II) Secrecy system;(二)没有正当理由,以低于成本的价格销售商品; (ii) sell commoditiews at prices below cost without legitimate reasons;(二)制定实行市场调节价的商品价格和收费标准; (ii) set and implement market adjusted commodity prices and service fee rates;(二)处理与清算有关的合伙企业未了结的事务; (ii) settling unfinished partnership affairs which are related to liquidation;(二)对外地商品规定与本地同类商品不同的技术要求、检验标准,或者对外地商品采取重复检验、重复认证等歧视性技术措施,限制外地商品进入本地市场; (ii) stipulate different technical requisition, test standards to nonlocal an local commodities, or conduct repeat testing, repeat certification and so on, in order to limit nonlocal commodities to enter local market;(二)标的; (ii) subject matter;(二)检查董事会决议的实施情况; (ii) supervising the implementation of resolutions adopted by the board of directors;(二)合伙企业所欠税款; (ii) taxes owed by the partnership;(二)所欠税款; (ii) taxes payable;(二)经营者通过取得股权或者资产的方式取得对其他经营者的控制权; (ii) the acquisition by undertakings, whether by purchase of securities or assets, of control of other undertakings;(二)股东的出资额; (ii) the amount of capital contribution invested by each shareholder;(二)发起人认缴和社会公开募集的股本达到法定资本最低限额; (ii) The amount of capital stocks subscribed for by the sponsors and publicly placed reaches the legally-prescribed minimum capital level;(二)股东出资达到法定资本最低限额; (ii) The amount of shareholders' capital contribution reaches the minimum level prescribed by law;(二)公司股本总额不少于人民币五千万元; (ii) The amount of total share capital of the company is at least Renminbi 50,000,000 Yuan;语际翻译 版权所有
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