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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(二)合伙目的和合伙企业的经营范围;    (ii) the purpose and business scope of the partnership;
(二)股东会决议解散;    (ii) the shareholders' committee has adopted a resolution for dissolution;
(二)投资人死亡或者被宣告死亡,无继承人或者继承人决定放弃继承;    (ii) The sole proprietor is deceased or is declared deceased, and there is no heir or the heir has renounced his inheritance;
(二)债务的标的不适于强制履行或者履行费用过高;    (ii) the subject matter of the obligation does not lend itself to enforcement by specific performance or the cost of performance is excessive;
(二)债券总额和债券的票面金额;    (ii) the total value of the bonds and the par value of each bond;
(二)仓储物的品种、数量、质量、包装、件数和标记;    (ii) the type, quantity, quality, and packing method of the goods, and the number of packages thereof and the marks thereon;
(二)经全体合伙人同意退伙;    (ii) The withdrawal is consented by all the partners;
(二)有合法的企业名称;    (ii) There is a lawful enterprise name;
(二)有书面合伙协议;    (ii) There is a written partnership agreement;
(二)具有撤销权的当事人知道撤销事由后明确表示或者以自己的行为放弃撤销权。    (ii) Upon becoming aware of the cause for cancellation, it waives the cancellation right by express statement or by conduct.
(二)违反国家指导价的定价原则,制定、调整商品价格或者收费标准的;    (ii) violating price guidelines for State guided prices when determining or adjusting commodity prices or service fee rates;
(二)要约以非对话方式作出的,承诺应当在合理期限内到达。    (ii) Where the offer is made in a non-oral manner, the acceptance shall reach the offeror within a reasonable time.
(二)标的物不需要运输,出卖人和买受人订立合同时知道标的物在某一地点的,出卖人应当在该地点交付标的物;不知道标的物在某一地点的,应当在出卖人订立合同时的营业地交付标的物。    (ii) Where the subject matter does not need carriage, if at the time of conclusion of the contract, the buyer and the seller knew the subject matter was at a particular place, the seller shall deliver the subject matter at such place; and if they did not know the location of the subject matter, delivery shall take place at the seller's place of business at the time of conclusion of the contract.
(三)发生合伙人难于继续参加合伙企业的事由;    (iii) A cause has occurred which renders the partner's continued participation in the partnership difficult;
(三)集中协议;    (iii) agreement of concentration;
(三)为提高中小经营者经营效率,增强中小经营者竞争力的;    (iii) agreements by small and medium-sized enterprises to improve operational efficiency and to enhance their competitiveness;
(三)全体合伙人决定解散;    (iii) All the partners decide to dissolve the partnership;
(三)分割销售市场或者原材料采购市场;    (iii) allocate the sales markets or the raw material purchasing markets;
(三)国务院反垄断执法机构认定的其他垄断协议。    (iii) another monopoly agreement identified by antimonopoly execution authorities.
(三)有其他违背诚实信用原则的行为。    (iii) any other conduct which violates the principle of good faith.
(三)负责本地区的价格管理和综合平衡工作,会同有关部门拟订本地区价格计划草案,经批准后组织实施;    (iii) be responsible for the control and overall balancing of prices for the local region and consult with the relevant departments concerning the drafting of a price plan for the local region and organize its implementation, subject to its approval;
(三)依照法律规定不得转让。    (iii) by law.
(三)服从物价部门的价格管理,接受价格监督检查,如实提供价格检查所必需的成本、账簿等有关资料;    (iii) comply with price control measures implemented by the commodity price departments, accept price surveillance and make available relevant factual information, such as costs and account books, if required for price surveillance investigations;
(三)具有或者可能具有排除、限制竞争效果的经营者集中。    (iii) concentration of undertakings that eliminates or restricts competition or might be eliminating or restricting competition;
(三)不能退还的非法所得由物价检查机构予以没收;    (iii) confiscate any illicit gains that cannot be returned;
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