

(三)质量检验制度;    (III) Quality inspection system;
(三)数量;    (iii) quantity;
(三)没有正当理由,拒绝与交易相对人进行交易;    (iii) refuse to trade with counterparty without legitimate reasons;
(三)以商业零售为主的公司人民币三十万元;    (iii) Renminbi 300,000 Yuan if it primarily engages in commodity retail;
(3)当董事和经理的行为损害公司的利益时,要求董事和经理予以纠正。    (iii) requiring the directors or the general manager to make rectification when any act thereof causes harm to company interests;
当董事和经理的行为损害公司的利益时,要求董事和经理予以纠正;    (iii) requiring the directors or the general manager to make rectification when any act thereof harms company interests;
(三)持有公司股份百分之十以上的股东请求时;    (iii) Shareholders holding at least 10 percent of the company's stocks make a request;
(三)签署公司股票、公司债券。    (iii) signing the share certificates and bond certificates of the company.
(三)采取专门针对外地商品的行政许可,限制外地商品进入本地市场;    (iii) specially require administrative permit to counter nonlocal commodities, in order to limit nonlocal commodities to enter local market;
(三)财务状况变动表;    (iii) statement of cash flow;
(三)负责全国的价格管理和综合平衡工作;    (iii) take responsibility for the control and overall balancing of prices throughout the country;
(三)经营者通过合同等方式取得对其他经营者的控制权或者能够对其他经营者施加决定性影响。    (iii) the acquisition by contact or any other means, of control of other undertakings or of possibility of exercising decisive influence on other undertakings.
(三)投资人的出资额和出资方式;    (iii) the amount and form of capital contribution;
(三)公司章程;    (iii) the articles of association;
(三)最近三年平均可分配利润足以支付公司债券一年的利息;    (iii) The average distributable profit for the most recent three years is sufficient to pay one year's interest on the company bonds;
(三)股票种类、票面金额及代表的股份数;    (iii) the class and par value of the shares and the number of shares represented;
(三)新股发行的起止日期;    (iii) the commencing and ending dates of issuance of the new shares;
(三)开业时间在三年以上,最近三年连续盈利;原国有企业依法改建而设立的,或者本法实施后新组建成立,其主要发起人为国有大中型企业的,可连续计算;    (iii) The company has been in operation for at least three years, and has been profitable consecutively for the most recent three years; where the company is reorganized from a former state-owned enterprise in accordance with the law, or newly established after the implementation hereof, with its principal sponsor being a large-scaled or medium-scaled state-owned enterprise, the required period may be counted continuously;
(三)公司有重大违法行为;    (iii) The company has engaged in material illegal act;
(三)公司注册资本;    (iii) the company's registered capital;
(三)中止调查的决定是基于经营者提供的不完整或者不真实的信息作出的。    (iii) the decision to suspend the investigation is based on uncompleted or untruthful information being supplied by the undertakings.
(三)仓储物的损耗标准;    (iii) the depletion standard for the goods;
(三)公司在最近三年内财务会计文件无虚假记载;    (iii) The financial and accounting documents of the company contain no misrepresentation for the most recent three years;
(三)股份发行、筹办事项符合法律规定;    (iii) The issue of its shares and the preparation for its establishment comply with the law;
(三)三个经营者在相关市场的市场份额合计达到四分之三的。    (iii) the joint relevant market share of three undertakings accounts for 3/4 or above.
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