

第七条 用人单位自用工之日起即与劳动者建立劳动关系。用人单位应当建立职工名册备查。    Article 7 An employer establishes labor relationship with a worker as of the date of start to use the worker. It shall set up a roll of workers for reference.
第七条 禁止使用童工。    Article 7 Child laborers shall be prohibited from being employed.
第七条 国家鼓励研制、开发、推广、应用有利于职业病防治和保护劳动者健康的新技术、新工艺、新材料,加强对职业病的机理和发生规律的基础研究,提高职业病防治科学技术水平;积极采用有效的职业病防治技术、工艺、材料;限制使用或者淘汰职业病危害严重的技术、工艺、材料。    Article 7 Chinese Government encourages the research, development, popularization and application of the new technology, process and material beneficial to the prevention of occupation disease and the health of laborers, encourages the fundamental research on the causes and rules of occupational diseases, supports the advancement of occupational-disease-prevention technologies, advocates effective utilization of technology, process and material facilitating occupational disease prevention, and restricts or prohibits the use of technology, process and material severely impairing occupational health.
第七条 劳动者有权依法参加和组织工会。    Article 7 Labourers shall have the right to participate in and organize trade unions in accordance with the law.
第七条 失业保险基金在直辖市和设区的市实行全市统筹;其他地区的统筹层次由省、自治区人民政府规定。    Article 7 Overall planning for unemployment insurance funds is to be conducted in municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities divided into districts; levels of overall planning in other areas are to be stipulated by people's governments of provinces and autonomous regions.
  第七条 企业应当建立职业培训制度,对职工进行职业培训。对从事技术工种或有特殊技能要求的职工,须经过培训后,持证上岗。培训经费须按照国家有关规定提取和使用。    Article 7 The FFEs should establish certain training programmes for their employees. Those who are required to do technical work or to have special skills must receive training and be certified capable for the job before they assume the posts. A special programme for training must be drawn and used in line with relevant State regulations.
第七条 全民所有制和集体所有制企业事业单位的工会,组织职工依照法律规定参加本单位的民主管理和民主监督。    Article 7 The trade union of an enterprise or public institution owned by the whole people or a collectively owned enterprise or public institution shall organize its workers to participate in the said unit's democratic management and democratic supervision pursuant to the provisions of the law.
第七条 工人退休、退职的时候,本人及其供养的直系亲属前往居住地点途中所需的车船费、旅馆费、行李搬运费和伙食补助费,都按照现行的规定办理。    Article 7 When workers retire or resign, their travelling expenses, hotel accommodation on the way to their new residence, transportation of their personal effects and food subsidies as well as those of their lineal dependents are paid according to regulations in force.
第七条企业可以对富余职工实行待岗和转业培训,培训期间的工资待遇由企业自行确定。?    Article 7. The Enterprises may carry out vocational training and job change training for surplus staff and workers. Their wages during the training periods shall be determined by the Enterprises themselves.
第七条 用人单位自用工之日起即与劳动者建立劳动关系。用人单位应当建立职工名册备查。    Article 7. The labor relationship between the Unit and the laborer is established on the date when the laborer is recruited and/or works in the Unit. The Unit shall establish a worker recruitment register for future reference and review.
第七条 待业保险基金实行市、县统筹,省、自治区可以集中部分待业保险基金调剂使用。直辖市根据需要,可以统筹使用全部或者部分待业保险基金。    Article 7. Unemployment insurance funds shall be organized in an overall manner at the city and county level. The provinces or autonomous regions may focus part of the unemployment insurance fund to be regulated for use while the municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in light of need, use all or part of the unemployment insurance funds in an overall plan.
第七十条 用人单位违反本法规定,已经对劳动者生命健康造成严重损害的,由卫生行政部门责令停止产生职业病危害的作业,或者提请有关人民政府按照国务院规定的权限责令关闭,并处十万元以上三十万元以下的罚款。    Article 70 In the event that the Employer’s practice against the provisions hereunder has resulted in severe harm to the laborer’s health, the competent public health authority may order the Employer to stop the occupational-disease-inductive operation or apply to the competent people’s government to shut up the occupational-disease-inductive operation within the authority granted by the State Council in addition to a fine between RMB 100,000 yuan to RMB 300,000 yuan.
第七十条 非全日制用工双方当事人不得约定试用期。    Article 70 No probation period may be stipulated for non-full-time labor by both parties.
第七十条 国家发展社会保险事业,建立社会保险制度,设立社会保险基金,使劳动者在年老、患病、工伤、失业、生育等情况下获得帮助和补偿。    Article 70 The State shall develop social insurance undertakings, establish a social insurance system, and set up social insurance funds so that labourers may receive assistance and compensations under such circumstances as old age, illness, work-related injury, unemployment and child-bearing.
第七十条 非全日制用工双方当事人不得约定试用期。    Article 70. No probation period may be stipulated for non-full time labor.
第七十一条 非全日制用工双方当事人任何一方都可以随时通知对方终止用工。终止用工,用人单位不向劳动者支付经济补偿。    Article 71 Either of the parties that use non-full-time labor may notify the other party to terminate the labor at any time. When terminating any non-full-time labor, the employer will pay no economic compensation to the worker.
第七十一条 用人单位违反本法规定,造成重大职业病危害事故或者其他严重后果,构成犯罪的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法追究刑事责任。    Article 71 In the event that the Employer has committed crime by giving rise to severe occupational-disease-inductive accidents or other severe damages on account of the violation against this Code, the directly-responsible executives and other directly-responsible personnel should be liable for the criminal liability.
第七十一条 社会保险水平应当与社会经济发展水平和社会承受能力相适应。    Article 71 The level of social insurance shall be in proportion to the level of social and economic development and the social affordability.
第七十一条 本条例自公布之日起施行。(    Article 71 These Regulations shall become effective as of the date of promulgation.
第七十一条 非全日制用工双方当事人任何一方都可以随时通知对方终止用工。终止用工,用人单位不向劳动者支付经济补偿。    Article 71. Either party may terminate the use of the labor by notice to the other party at any time. No economic compensation shall be payable upon termination of the employment.
第七十二条 未取得职业卫生技术服务资质认证擅自从事职业卫生技术服务的,或者医疗卫生机构未经批准擅自从事职业健康检查、职业病诊断的,由卫生行政部门责令立即停止违法行为,没收违法所得;违法所得五千元以上的,并处违法所得二倍以上十倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得或者违法所得不足五千元的,并处五千元以上五万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予降级、撤职或者开除的处分。    Article 72 In the event that the organizations or individuals provide the occupational-health technical services without obtaining the qualification thereof, or any healthcare agencies undertake occupational health examination and occupational-disease diagnosis without statutory approvals, the competent public health authority can order the responsible organizations or individuals to immediately stop the violating practice, and confiscate the illegal income therefrom; any organization or individual gaining an illegal income over RMB 5,000 yuan is also subject to a fine equaling 2 to 10 times of the illegal income; any organization or individual gaining no illegal income or an illegal income less than RMB 5,000 yuan is also subject to a fine between RMB 5,000 and RMB 50,000 yuan; the executives and other personnel directly responsible for the severe illegal practices are subject to such disciplinary actions as post-lowering, deposal or dismissal according to applicable regulations.
第七十二条 社会保险基金按照保险类型确定资金来源,逐步实行社会统筹。用人单位和劳动者必须依法参加社会保险,缴纳社会保险费。    Article 72 The sources of social insurance funds shall be determined according to the categories of insurance, and an overall pooling of insurance funds from the society shall be introduced step by step. The employing unit and labourers must participate in social insurance and pay social insurance premiums in accordance with the law.
第七十二条 非全日制用工小时计酬标准不得低于用人单位所在地人民政府规定的最低小时工资标准。    Article 72 The standards for the remuneration for non-full-time labor on hourly basis shall be no less than the minimum salary rates hourly as prescribed by the people's government of the region where the employer is situated.
第七十二条 非全日制用工小时计酬标准不得低于用人单位所在地人民政府规定的最低小时工资标准。    Article 72. The standard of hourly remuneration for non-full time laborers may not be lower than minimum per hour remuneration standard set by the people’s government where the Unit is located.
第七十三条 从事职业卫生技术服务的机构和承担职业健康检查、职业病诊断的医疗卫生机构违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由卫生行政部门责令立即停止违法行为,给予警告,没收违法所得;    Article 73 In the event that any organization engaged in occupational-health technical service or occupational-health examination and occupational-disease diagnosis is held responsible for any of the following practices, the competent public health authority can order the responsible organization to immediately stop the illegal practice, and confiscate the illegal income therefrom;
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