(一)使用未经培训考核合格的劳动者从事高毒作业的; (1) employing the workers who have not received the training and passed the examination to engage in the operations in which high toxic substances are used;(三)设置有效的通风装置;可能突然泄漏大量有毒物品或者易造成急性中毒的作业场所,设置自动报警装置和事故通风设施; (3) effective ventilation facilities shall be installed, and automatic alarm facilities and ventilation facilities for accidents shall be installed in the workplaces in case a large quantity of toxic substances may suddenly leak out or acute poisoning may be easily caused; and(三)职业中毒事故应急救援预案。 (3) emergency and first-aid pre-scheme against occupational poisoning accidents.(四)高毒作业场所设置应急撤离通道和必要的泄险区。 (4) emergency exits for evacuation and necessary hazard-eliminating areas shall be set up in the workplaces where high toxic substances are used.(四)残疾用具费:因残疾需要配置辅助器具的,所需费用由工伤保险基金按照普及型辅助器具标准支付; (4) expenses of appliances for the disabled: the expenses for supporting appliances out of the need of the disabled conditions shall be paid from the work injury insurance fund according to the standards for the popular-type appliances;(五)使用童工的。 (5) employing child laborers.(三)建立、健全职业卫生管理制度和操作规程; 19.3 Establish/improve the occupational health management system and operating rules;(四)建立、健全职业卫生档案和劳动者健康监护档案; 19.4 Establish/maintain occupational health archives and laborer health records;(五)建立、健全工作场所职业病危害因素监测及评价制度; 19.5 Establish/improve the system for supervision and assessment of the workplace occupational-disease-inductive factors;(六)建立、健全职业病危害事故应急救援预案。 19.6 Establish/improve contingency plan for occupational-disease-inductive accidents.(一)进入被检查单位和职业病危害现场,了解情况,调查取证; 56.1 Enter into the inspected organizations and occupational-disease-inductive workplace for field investigation and evidence gathering;(五)被判刑收监执行或者被劳动教养的; e.imprisonment and reeducation through labor;(五)为失业人员提供免费咨询服务; e.offering free consultation service to the unemployed;(五)国务院规定或者批准的与失业保险有关的其他费用。 e.other expenses relating to unemployment insurance stipulated or approved by the State Council.用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以订立以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同。 Employers and workers may conclude labor contracts with a period to complete the prescribed work upon unanimity through consultation.本条所称城镇企业,是指国有企业、城镇集体企业、外商投资企业、城镇私营企业以及其他城镇企业。 Enterprises and institutions in cities and towns mentioned in this Article refer to State-owned enterprises, collectively owned enterprise in cities and towns, enterprise with foreign investment, privately owned enterprise in cities and towns as well as other enterprise in cities and towns地方劳动争议仲裁组织应当有同级工会代表参加。 Equivalent level trade union representatives shall participate in district labour dispute arbitration organizations.劳动合同除前款规定的必备条款外,用人单位与劳动者可以约定试用期、培训、保守秘密、补充保险和福利待遇等其他事项。 Except for the essential clauses as specified in the preceding paragraph, the probation period, training, confidentiality, supplementary insurances, welfares and treatments, as well as other items may be stipulated in the labor contract by the employer and the worker.语际翻译 版权所有
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