(一) 用人单位的名称、住所和法定代表人或者主要负责人; (1) The employer's name, residence, legal representative or major principal;(一) 用人单位制定直接涉及劳动者切身利益的规章制度及其执行的情况; (1) The employers' constitution of bylaws and regulations in direct relation to the interests of workers, and the implementation conditions thereof;(一)领取待业救济金期限届满的; (1) The end of the term for them to receive unemployment relief funds has been reached;(一)职业中毒危害控制效果评价报告; (1) the evaluation report on the effect of control over occupational poisoning hazards;(一) 劳动者依照本法第三十八条规定解除劳动合同的; (1) the labor contract is dissolved by the laborer pursuant to Article 38 hereof;(一) 劳动者在该用人单位连续工作满十年的; (1) the laborer has been working in the Unit for a consecutive period of no less than 10 years;(一) 用人单位的名称、住所和法定代表人或者主要负责人; (1) the name, residence and legal representative or senior leadership in charge of the Unit;(一) 劳动合同期满的; (1) the term of any labor contract has expired;(一) 未按照劳动合同约定提供劳动保护或者劳动条件的; (1) the Unit fails to provide labor protections and working conditions in accordance with the labor contract;(一) 劳动者患病或者非因工负伤,在规定的医疗期满后不能从事原工作,也不能从事由用人单位另行安排的工作的; (1) The worker falls ill or is injured for a non-work-related reason, who is not able to bear the original post after the expiration of the medical treatment period as prescribed, nor can he assume any other position as arranged by the employer;(一) 劳动者在该用人单位连续工作满十年的; (1) The worker has worked for an uninterrupted term of ten years for the employer;(一)作业场所与生活场所分开,作业场所不得住人; (1) the workplaces must be separated from the living areas, and no person shall reside in the workplaces;(一) 与本单位订立较长期限的固定期限劳动合同的; (1) Those who have concluded labor contracts with a fixed period for a long term(一)进入用人单位和使用有毒物品作业场所现场,了解情况,调查取证,进行抽样检查、检测、检验,进行实地检查; (1) to enter the employing units and their workplaces where toxic substances are used to collect relevant information, make investigations and collect evidence, carry out sampling inspection, test, and check, and make spot investigations;(一)保持作业场所良好的通风状态,确保作业场所职业中毒危害因素浓度符合国家职业卫生标准; (1) to keep the workplaces in good ventilation conditions, and ensure that the concentration of factors of occupational poisoning hazards in the workplaces meet the national occupational health standards;(一)责令暂停导致职业中毒事故的作业; (1) to order suspension of operations causing occupational poisoning accidents;(一)获得职业卫生教育、培训; (1) to receive occupational health education and training;(二) 用人单位与劳动者订立和解除劳动合同的情况; (2) The conclusion and discharge of labor contracts by employers and workers;(二)有害作业与无害作业分开,高毒作业场所与其他作业场所隔离; (2) the harmful operations must be separated from the harmless operations, and the workplaces where high toxic substances are used shall be isolated from other workplaces;(二) 用人单位依照本法第三十六条规定向劳动者提出解除劳动合同并与劳动者协商一致解除劳动合同的; (2) the labor contract is dissolved by the Unit pursuant to Article 40 hereof;(二) 劳动者开始依法享受基本养老保险待遇的; (2) the laborer has started receiving basic old age insurance pension in accordance with the law;(二) 劳动者不能胜任工作,经过培训或者调整工作岗位,仍不能胜任工作的; (2) the laborer is proved incompetent and remains incompetent after training or adjustment of his position; or(二) 劳动者的姓名、住址和居民身份证或者其他有效身份证件号码; (2) the name, residence and resident identification card number or other valid identification documents of the laborer;(二)待业保险费的利息收入; (2) The proceeds of the interest accrued by the unemployment insurance premiums; and(二) 用人单位与劳动者订立和解除劳动合同的情况; (2) the signing and termination of labor contracts by Units and laborers;语际翻译 版权所有
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