(一) 执行国家劳动标准,提供相应的劳动条件和劳动保护; (1) Carrying out state labor standards and providing relevant working conditions and labor protection ;(十)劳动者在存在威胁生命、健康危险的情况下,从危险现场中撤离,而被取消或者减少应当享有的待遇的。 (10) canceling or reducing benefits that should be enjoyed by the workers who evacuated from the sites of hazards in the circumstance under which there exists the danger threatening their life safety or body health.(三) 严重失职,营私舞弊,给用人单位造成重大损害的; (3) commits serious dereliction of duty or practices graft or corruption, causing substantial damage to the Unit’s interests;(三) 劳务派遣单位和用工单位遵守劳务派遣有关规定的情况; (3) compliance with relevant regulations on labor dispatching by dispatching Units and Units to which laborers are dispatched;(四)存在高毒作业的建设项目的防护设施设计未经卫生行政部门审查同意,擅自施工的。 (4) commencing construction without authorization before the design of safeguards for a construction project involving the operations in which high toxic substances are used is examined and approved by the administrative department for public health.(五) 因本法第二十六条第一款第一项规定的情形致使劳动合同无效的; (5) causes the labor contract to be invalid due to reasons specified in the Article 26, Sub-Article 1, Item 1 of this law; or(五)对违反职业病防治法律、法规以及危及生命健康的行为提出批评、检举和控告; 36.5 Criticize, impeach and accuse the practices that violate occupational-disease-prevention laws and regulations and harm human health;(三)临床表现以及辅助检查结果等。 42.3 Clinical symptoms and auxiliary examination results, etc.(三)按照规定核定失业保险待遇,开具失业人员在指定银行领取失业保险金和其他补助金的单证; c.checking and determining unemployment insurance benefits, and issuing documents for the unemployed by which they receive unemployment insurance compensation and or other subsidies from designated banks;(三)对失业保险费的征收和失业保险待遇的支付进行监督检查。 c.conduct supervision and inspection on collection of unemployment insurance premium and payment of unemployment insurance compensation.(三)移居境外的; c.emigration to foreign countries;(三)财政补贴; c.financial subsidies;(三)领取失业保险金期间死亡的失业人员的丧葬补助金和其供养的配偶、直系亲属的抚恤金; c.funeral allowance for the unemployed died during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation and pension for spouse and direct relatives supported by the dead person;(三)已办理失业登记,并有求职要求的。 c.have undergone unemployment registration and have requested new jobs.第一章 总 则 Chapter 1 General第一章 总 则 Chapter 1 General Provisions第一章 总 则 Chapter 1 General Provisions第一章 总则 Chapter 1. General Provisions第一章 总则 CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS第二章 前期预防 Chapter 2 Proactive prevention第二章 劳动合同的订立 Chapter 2. Conclusion of Labor Contracts第二章 劳动合同的订立 CHAPTER 2. CONCLUSION OF LABOR CONTRACTS第三章 劳动过程中的防护与管理 Chapter 3 Prevention and Management of Occupational Diseases in the Work第三章 劳动合同的履行和变更 Chapter 3. Performance and Modification of Labor Contracts第三章 劳动合同的履行和变更 CHAPTER 3. PERFORMANCE AND MODIFICATION OF LABOR CONTRACTS语际翻译 版权所有
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