(一)依法宣告破产的企业的职工; (1) Staff and workers of the Enterprises which have legally declared bankruptcy;(二) 生产经营发生严重困难的; (2) serious difficulties in production and/or business operations;(二) 生产经营发生严重困难的; (2) Serious problems in production and business operation occurs;(二)濒临破产的企业在法定整顿期间被精减的职工; (2) Staff and workers of the Enterprises facing bankruptcy laid off during the statutory streamlining period;(三)按照国家有关规定被撤销、解散企业的职工; (3) Staff and workers of the Enterprises closed or dissolved in accordance with relevant regulations of the State;(三) 企业转产、重大技术革新或者经营方式调整,经变更劳动合同后,仍需裁减人员的; (3) staff reduction is still necessary after modification of contract due to changes in the enterprise’s production, technological innovation or adjustment of management operation style; or(四)按照国家有关规定停产整顿企业被精减的职工; (4) Staff and workers laid off in periods during which the Enterprises ceased production in order to be streamlined in accordance with relevant regulations of the State;(五)终止或者解除劳动合同的职工; (5) Staff and workers who have terminated or canceled their labor contracts;(六)企业辞退、除名或者开除的职工; (6) Staff and workers who have been dismissed or fired by the Enterprises; or(七) 社会保险; (7) social insurance;(一)设置或者指定职业卫生管理机构或者组织,配备专职或者兼职的职业卫生专业人员,负责本单位的职业病防治工作; 19.1 Set up or appoint the occupational health management organizations or agencies staffed with full-time or part-time medical professionals for the in-house occupational disease prevention;(二)封存造成职业病危害事故或者可能导致职业病危害事故发生的材料和设备; 57.2 Seal up the material and equipment that lead to or may lead to occupational-disease-inductive accidents;第一节 集体合同 Section 1 Collective Contract第一节 集体合同 Section 1 Collective Contracts第一节 集体合同 Section 1. Collective Contracts第一节 集体合同 Section 1. Collective Contracts第二节 劳务派遣 Section 2 Labor Dispatch第二节 劳务派遣 Section 2 Labor Dispatch第二节 劳务派遣 Section 2. Labor Dispatching Contracts第二节 劳务派遣 Section 2. Labor Dispatching Contracts第三节 非全日制用工 Section 3 Non-full-time Employment第三节 非全日制用工 Section 3 Non-full-time Labor第三节 非全日制用工 Section 3. Non-Full Time Labor Use第三节 非全日制用工 Section 3. Non-Full Time Labor Use同一行业或者性质相近的几个行业,可以根据需要建立全国的或者地方的产业工会。 Several enterprises operating in the same industry or in industries of a similar nature may establish a national or local specific industry trade union, depending on their requirements.语际翻译 版权所有
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